Sets up the icon at the given position so that GTK+ will start a drag
operation when the user clicks and drags the icon.
To handle the drag operation, you need to connect to the usual
"drag-data-get" (or possibly "drag-data-delete")
signal, and use gtk_entry_get_current_icon_drag_source() in
your signal handler to find out if the drag was started from
an icon.
By default, GTK+ uses the icon as the drag icon. You can use the
"drag-begin" signal to set a different icon. Note that you
have to use g_signal_connect_after() to ensure that your signal handler
gets executed after the default handler.
Since 2.16
Sets up the icon at the given position so that GTK+ will start a drag operation when the user clicks and drags the icon. To handle the drag operation, you need to connect to the usual "drag-data-get" (or possibly "drag-data-delete") signal, and use gtk_entry_get_current_icon_drag_source() in your signal handler to find out if the drag was started from an icon. By default, GTK+ uses the icon as the drag icon. You can use the "drag-begin" signal to set a different icon. Note that you have to use g_signal_connect_after() to ensure that your signal handler gets executed after the default handler. Since 2.16