
A set of ATK utility functions which are used to support event registration of various types, and obtaining the 'root' accessible of a process and information about the current ATK implementation and toolkit version.


Static functions

uint addFocusTracker(AtkEventListener focusTracker)

Warning atk_add_focus_tracker is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. This method is deprecated since ATK version 2.9.4. Focus tracking has been dropped as a feature to be implemented by ATK itself. If you need focus tracking on your implementation, subscribe to the state-changed:focused signal. Adds the specified function to the list of functions to be called when an object receives focus.

uint addGlobalEventListener(GSignalEmissionHook listener, string eventType)

Adds the specified function to the list of functions to be called when an ATK event of type event_type occurs.

uint addKeyEventListener(AtkKeySnoopFunc listener, void* data)

Adds the specified function to the list of functions to be called when a key event occurs. The data element will be passed to the AtkKeySnoopFunc (listener) as the func_data param, on notification.

void focusTrackerInit(AtkEventListenerInit init)

Warning atk_focus_tracker_init is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. This method is deprecated since ATK version 2.9.4. Focus tracking has been dropped as a feature to be implemented by ATK itself. Specifies the function to be called for focus tracker initialization. This function should be called by an implementation of the ATK interface if any specific work needs to be done to enable focus tracking.

void focusTrackerNotify(ObjectAtk object)

Warning atk_focus_tracker_notify is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. This method is deprecated since ATK version 2.9.4. Focus tracking has been dropped as a feature to be implemented by ATK itself. Cause the focus tracker functions which have been specified to be executed for the object.

ObjectAtk getFocusObject()

Gets the currently focused object. Since 1.6

ObjectAtk getRoot()

Gets the root accessible container for the current application.

string getToolkitName()

Gets name string for the GUI toolkit implementing ATK for this application.

string getToolkitVersion()

Gets version string for the GUI toolkit implementing ATK for this application.

string getVersion()

Gets the current version for ATK. Since 1.20

void removeFocusTracker(uint trackerId)

Warning atk_remove_focus_tracker is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. This method is deprecated since ATK version 2.9.4. Focus tracking has been dropped as a feature to be implemented by ATK itself. If you need focus tracking on your implementation, subscribe to the state-changed:focused signal. Removes the specified focus tracker from the list of functions to be called when any object receives focus.

void removeGlobalEventListener(uint listenerId)

listener_id is the value returned by atk_add_global_event_listener when you registered that event listener. Toolkit implementor note: Atk provides a default implementation for this virtual method, and that implementation should be enough for most of the cases. You should have a really good reason to reimplement this method. Removes the specified event listener

void removeKeyEventListener(uint listenerId)

listener_id is the value returned by atk_add_key_event_listener when you registered that event listener. Removes the specified event listener.
