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Public Imports

public import gtkc.cairotypes;
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public import gtkc.glibtypes;
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public import gtkc.gobjecttypes;
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public import gtkc.giotypes;
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public import gtkc.pangotypes;
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public import gtkc.atktypes;
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public import gtkc.gdkpixbuftypes;
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public import gtkc.gdktypes;
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alias AccelFlags = GtkAccelFlags
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alias AnchorType = GtkAnchorType
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alias ArgFlags = GtkArgFlags
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alias ArrowPlacement = GtkArrowPlacement
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alias ArrowType = GtkArrowType
Undocumented in source.
alias AssistantPageType = GtkAssistantPageType
Undocumented in source.
alias AttachOptions = GtkAttachOptions
Undocumented in source.
alias BuilderError = GtkBuilderError
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alias ButtonBoxStyle = GtkButtonBoxStyle
Undocumented in source.
alias ButtonsType = GtkButtonsType
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alias CalendarDisplayOptions = GtkCalendarDisplayOptions
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alias CellRendererAccelMode = GtkCellRendererAccelMode
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alias CellRendererMode = GtkCellRendererMode
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alias CellRendererState = GtkCellRendererState
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alias CornerType = GtkCornerType
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alias CurveType = GtkCurveType
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alias DeleteType = GtkDeleteType
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alias DestDefaults = GtkDestDefaults
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alias DialogFlags = GtkDialogFlags
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alias DirectionType = GtkDirectionType
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alias DragResult = GtkDragResult
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alias EntryIconPosition = GtkEntryIconPosition
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alias ExpanderStyle = GtkExpanderStyle
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alias FileChooserAction = GtkFileChooserAction
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alias FileChooserConfirmation = GtkFileChooserConfirmation
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alias FileChooserError = GtkFileChooserError
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alias FileFilterFlags = GtkFileFilterFlags
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alias GtkAboutDialogActivateLinkFunc = void function(GtkAboutDialog* about, char* link, void* data)
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alias GtkAccelGroupActivate = int function(GtkAccelGroup* accelGroup, GObject* acceleratable, uint keyval, GdkModifierType modifier)
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alias GtkAccelGroupEntry = void
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alias GtkAccelGroupFindFunc = int function(GtkAccelKey* key, GClosure* closure, void* data)
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alias GtkAccelMapForeach = void function(void* data, char* accelPath, uint accelKey, GdkModifierType accelMods, int changed)
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alias GtkAssistantPageFunc = int function(int currentPage, void* data)
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alias GtkBuilderConnectFunc = void function(GtkBuilder* builder, GObject* object, char* signalName, char* handlerName, GObject* connectObject, GConnectFlags flags, void* userData)
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alias GtkCalendarDetailFunc = char* function(GtkCalendar* calendar, uint year, uint month, uint day, void* userData)
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alias GtkCallback = void function(GtkWidget* widget, void* data)
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alias GtkCallbackMarshal = void function(GtkObject* object, void* data, uint nArgs, GtkArg* args)
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alias GtkCellLayoutDataFunc = void function(GtkCellLayout* cellLayout, GtkCellRenderer* cell, GtkTreeModel* treeModel, GtkTreeIter* iter, void* data)
Undocumented in source.
alias GtkClassInitFunc = GBaseInitFunc

typedef GBaseInitFunc GtkClassInitFunc; Warning GtkClassInitFunc is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. Defines a function pointer.

alias GtkClipboardClearFunc = void function(GtkClipboard* clipboard, void* userDataOrOwner)
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alias GtkClipboardGetFunc = void function(GtkClipboard* clipboard, GtkSelectionData* selectionData, uint info, void* userDataOrOwner)
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alias GtkClipboardImageReceivedFunc = void function(GtkClipboard* clipboard, GdkPixbuf* pixbuf, void* data)
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alias GtkClipboardReceivedFunc = void function(GtkClipboard* clipboard, GtkSelectionData* selectionData, void* data)
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alias GtkClipboardRichTextReceivedFunc = void function(GtkClipboard* clipboard, GdkAtom format, guint8* text, gsize length, void* data)
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alias GtkClipboardTargetsReceivedFunc = void function(GtkClipboard* clipboard, GdkAtom* atoms, int nAtoms, void* data)
Undocumented in source.
alias GtkClipboardTextReceivedFunc = void function(GtkClipboard* clipboard, char* text, void* data)
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alias GtkClipboardURIReceivedFunc = void function(GtkClipboard* clipboard, gchar** uris, void* data)
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alias GtkColorSelectionChangePaletteFunc = void function(GdkColor* colors, int nColors)
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alias GtkColorSelectionChangePaletteWithScreenFunc = void function(GdkScreen* screen, GdkColor* colors, int nColors)
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alias GtkContainerClass = void
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alias GtkDestroyNotify = void function(void* data)
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alias GtkEntryCompletionMatchFunc = int function(GtkEntryCompletion* completion, char* key, GtkTreeIter* iter, void* userData)
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alias GtkEnumValue = GEnumValue

typedef GEnumValue GtkEnumValue; Warning GtkEnumValue is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. A structure which contains a single enum value, and its name, and its nickname.

alias GtkFileFilterFunc = int function(GtkFileFilterInfo* filterInfo, void* data)
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alias GtkFlagValue = GFlagsValue

typedef GFlagsValue GtkFlagValue; Warning GtkFlagValue is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

alias GtkFunction = int function(void* data)
Undocumented in source.
alias GtkFundamentalType = GType

typedef GType GtkFundamentalType; Warning GtkFundamentalType is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. GtkFundamentalType is an enumerated type which lists all the possible fundamental types (e.g. char, uchar, int, long, float, etc).

alias GtkIconViewForeachFunc = void function(GtkIconView* iconView, GtkTreePath* path, void* data)
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alias GtkItemFactoryCallback = void function()
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alias GtkItemFactoryCallback1 = void function(void* callbackData, uint callbackAction, GtkWidget* widget)
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alias GtkItemFactoryCallback2 = void function(GtkWidget* widget, void* callbackData, uint callbackAction)
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alias GtkKeySnoopFunc = int function(GtkWidget* grabWidget, GdkEventKey* event, void* funcData)
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alias GtkLinkButtonUriFunc = void function(GtkLinkButton* button, char* link, void* userData)
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alias GtkMenuDetachFunc = void function(GtkWidget* attachWidget, GtkMenu* menu)
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alias GtkMenuPositionFunc = void function(GtkMenu* menu, gint* x, gint* y, gboolean* pushIn, void* userData)
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alias GtkModuleDisplayInitFunc = void function(GdkDisplay* display)
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alias GtkModuleInitFunc = void function(gint* argc, gchar*** argv)
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alias GtkNotebookWindowCreationFunc = GtkNotebook* function(GtkNotebook* source, GtkWidget* page, int x, int y, void* data)
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alias GtkObjectInitFunc = GInstanceInitFunc

typedef GInstanceInitFunc GtkObjectInitFunc; Warning GtkObjectInitFunc is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. Defines a function pointer.

alias GtkPageSetupDoneFunc = void function(GtkPageSetup* pageSetup, void* data)
Undocumented in source.
alias GtkPrintFunc = void function(void* funcData, char* str)
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alias GtkPrintJobCompleteFunc = void function(GtkPrintJob* printJob, void* userData, GError* error)
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alias GtkPrintSettingsFunc = void function(char* key, char* value, void* userData)
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alias GtkPrinterFunc = int function(GtkPrinter* printer, void* data)
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alias GtkRcPropertyParser = int function(GParamSpec* pspec, GString* rcString, GValue* propertyValue)
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alias GtkRecentFilterFunc = int function(GtkRecentFilterInfo* filterInfo, void* userData)
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alias GtkRecentSortFunc = int function(GtkRecentInfo* a, GtkRecentInfo* b, void* userData)
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alias GtkSignalFunc = void function()
Undocumented in source.
alias GtkSignalMarshaller = GSignalCMarshaller

typedef GSignalCMarshaller GtkSignalMarshaller; Warning GtkSignalMarshaller is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. Defines a function pointer.

alias GtkTextBufferDeserializeFunc = int function(GtkTextBuffer* registerBuffer, GtkTextBuffer* contentBuffer, GtkTextIter* iter, guint8* data, gsize length, int createTags, void* userData, GError** error)
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alias GtkTextBufferSerializeFunc = ubyte* function(GtkTextBuffer* registerBuffer, GtkTextBuffer* contentBuffer, GtkTextIter* start, GtkTextIter* end, gsize* length, void* userData)
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alias GtkTextCharPredicate = int function(gunichar ch, void* userData)
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alias GtkTextTagTableForeach = void function(GtkTextTag* tag, void* data)
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alias GtkTranslateFunc = char* function(char* path, void* funcData)
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alias GtkTreeCellDataFunc = void function(GtkTreeViewColumn* treeColumn, GtkCellRenderer* cell, GtkTreeModel* treeModel, GtkTreeIter* iter, void* data)
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alias GtkTreeDestroyCountFunc = void function(GtkTreeView* treeView, GtkTreePath* path, int children, void* userData)
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alias GtkTreeIterCompareFunc = int function(GtkTreeModel* model, GtkTreeIter* a, GtkTreeIter* b, void* userData)
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alias GtkTreeModelFilterModifyFunc = void function(GtkTreeModel* model, GtkTreeIter* iter, GValue* value, int column, void* data)
Undocumented in source.
alias GtkTreeModelFilterVisibleFunc = int function(GtkTreeModel* model, GtkTreeIter* iter, void* data)
Undocumented in source.
alias GtkTreeModelForeachFunc = int function(GtkTreeModel* model, GtkTreePath* path, GtkTreeIter* iter, void* data)
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alias GtkTreeSelectionForeachFunc = void function(GtkTreeModel* model, GtkTreePath* path, GtkTreeIter* iter, void* data)
Undocumented in source.
alias GtkTreeSelectionFunc = int function(GtkTreeSelection* selection, GtkTreeModel* model, GtkTreePath* path, int pathCurrentlySelected, void* data)
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alias GtkTreeViewColumnDropFunc = int function(GtkTreeView* treeView, GtkTreeViewColumn* column, GtkTreeViewColumn* prevColumn, GtkTreeViewColumn* nextColumn, void* data)
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alias GtkTreeViewMappingFunc = void function(GtkTreeView* treeView, GtkTreePath* path, void* userData)
Undocumented in source.
alias GtkTreeViewRowSeparatorFunc = int function(GtkTreeModel* model, GtkTreeIter* iter, void* data)
Undocumented in source.
alias GtkTreeViewSearchEqualFunc = int function(GtkTreeModel* model, int column, char* key, GtkTreeIter* iter, void* searchData)
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alias GtkTreeViewSearchPositionFunc = void function(GtkTreeView* treeView, GtkWidget* searchDialog, void* userData)
Undocumented in source.
alias GtkType = GType

typedef GType GtkType; Warning GtkType is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. GtkType is unique integer identifying the type. The guts of the information about the type is held in a private struct named GtkTypeNode.

alias GtkTypeClass = GTypeClass

typedef GTypeClass GtkTypeClass; Warning GtkTypeClass is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. The base structure for a GTK+ type. Every type inherits this as a base structure.

alias GtkTypeObject = GTypeInstance

typedef GTypeInstance GtkTypeObject; Warning GtkTypeObject is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. A GtkTypeObject defines the minimum structure requirements for type instances. Type instances returned from gtk_type_new() and initialized through a GtkObjectInitFunc need to directly inherit from this structure or at least copy its fields one by one.

alias IMPreeditStyle = GtkIMPreeditStyle
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alias IMStatusStyle = GtkIMStatusStyle
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alias IconLookupFlags = GtkIconLookupFlags
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alias IconSize = GtkIconSize
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alias IconThemeError = GtkIconThemeError
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alias IconViewDropPosition = GtkIconViewDropPosition
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alias ImageType = GtkImageType
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alias Justification = GtkJustification
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alias MatchType = GtkMatchType
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alias MenuDirectionType = GtkMenuDirectionType
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alias MessageType = GtkMessageType
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alias MetricType = GtkMetricType
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alias MovementStep = GtkMovementStep
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alias NumberUpLayout = GtkNumberUpLayout
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alias ObjectFlags = GtkObjectFlags
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alias Orientation = GtkOrientation
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alias PackDirection = GtkPackDirection
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alias PackType = GtkPackType
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alias PageOrientation = GtkPageOrientation
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alias PageSet = GtkPageSet
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alias PathPriorityType = GtkPathPriorityType
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alias PathType = GtkPathType
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alias PolicyType = GtkPolicyType
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alias PositionType = GtkPositionType
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alias PreviewType = GtkPreviewType
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alias PrintCapabilities = GtkPrintCapabilities
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alias PrintDuplex = GtkPrintDuplex
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alias PrintError = GtkPrintError
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alias PrintOperationAction = GtkPrintOperationAction
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alias PrintOperationResult = GtkPrintOperationResult
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alias PrintPages = GtkPrintPages
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alias PrintQuality = GtkPrintQuality
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alias PrintStatus = GtkPrintStatus
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alias ProgressBarOrientation = GtkProgressBarOrientation
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alias ProgressBarStyle = GtkProgressBarStyle
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alias RcFlags = GtkRcFlags
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alias RcTokenType = GtkRcTokenType
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alias RecentChooserError = GtkRecentChooserError
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alias RecentFilterFlags = GtkRecentFilterFlags
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alias RecentManagerError = GtkRecentManagerError
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alias RecentSortType = GtkRecentSortType
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alias ReliefStyle = GtkReliefStyle
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alias ResizeMode = GtkResizeMode
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alias ResponseType = GtkResponseType
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alias ScrollStep = GtkScrollStep
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alias ScrollType = GtkScrollType
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alias SelectionMode = GtkSelectionMode
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alias SensitivityType = GtkSensitivityType
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alias ShadowType = GtkShadowType
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alias SideType = GtkSideType
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alias SignalRunType = GtkSignalRunType
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alias SizeGroupMode = GtkSizeGroupMode
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alias SortType = GtkSortType
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alias SpinButtonUpdatePolicy = GtkSpinButtonUpdatePolicy
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alias SpinType = GtkSpinType
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alias StateType = GtkStateType
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alias SubmenuDirection = GtkSubmenuDirection
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alias SubmenuPlacement = GtkSubmenuPlacement
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alias TargetFlags = GtkTargetFlags
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alias TextBufferTargetInfo = GtkTextBufferTargetInfo
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alias TextDirection = GtkTextDirection
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alias TextSearchFlags = GtkTextSearchFlags
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alias TextWindowType = GtkTextWindowType
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alias ToolPaletteDragTargets = GtkToolPaletteDragTargets
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alias ToolbarChildType = GtkToolbarChildType
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alias ToolbarSpaceStyle = GtkToolbarSpaceStyle
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alias ToolbarStyle = GtkToolbarStyle
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alias TreeModelFlags = GtkTreeModelFlags
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alias TreeViewColumnSizing = GtkTreeViewColumnSizing
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alias TreeViewDropPosition = GtkTreeViewDropPosition
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alias TreeViewGridLines = GtkTreeViewGridLines
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alias UIManagerItemType = GtkUIManagerItemType
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alias Unit = GtkUnit
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alias UpdateType = GtkUpdateType
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alias Visibility = GtkVisibility
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alias WidgetFlags = GtkWidgetFlags
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alias WidgetHelpType = GtkWidgetHelpType
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alias WindowPosition = GtkWindowPosition
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alias WindowType = GtkWindowType
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alias WrapMode = GtkWrapMode
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enum GtkAccelFlags
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enum GtkAnchorType
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enum GtkArgFlags

Warning GtkArgFlags is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. Use corresponding GParamSpec features instead Possible flags indicating how an argument should be treated. GTK_ARG_READABLE the argument is readable. (i.e. can be queried) GTK_ARG_WRITABLE the argument is writable. (i.e. settable) GTK_ARG_CONSTRUCT the argument needs construction. GTK_ARG_CONSTRUCT_ONLY the argument needs construction (and will be set once during object creation), but is otherwise cannot be set. Hence this flag is not allowed with GTK_ARG_WRITABLE, and is redundant with GTK_ARG_CONSTRUCT. GTK_ARG_CHILD_ARG an argument type that applies to (and may be different for) each child. Used by GtkContainer.

enum GtkArrowPlacement

Used to specify the placement of scroll arrows in scrolling menus. GTK_ARROWS_BOTH Place one arrow on each end of the menu. GTK_ARROWS_START Place both arrows at the top of the menu. GTK_ARROWS_END Place both arrows at the bottom of the menu.

enum GtkArrowType

Used to indicate the direction in which a GtkArrow should point. GTK_ARROW_UP Represents an upward pointing arrow. GTK_ARROW_DOWN Represents a downward pointing arrow. GTK_ARROW_LEFT Represents a left pointing arrow. GTK_ARROW_RIGHT Represents a right pointing arrow. GTK_ARROW_NONE No arrow. Since 2.10.

enum GtkAssistantPageType

An enum for determining the page role inside the GtkAssistant. It's used to handle buttons sensitivity and visibility. Note that an assistant needs to end its page flow with a page of type GTK_ASSISTANT_PAGE_CONFIRM, GTK_ASSISTANT_PAGE_SUMMARY or GTK_ASSISTANT_PAGE_PROGRESS to be correct. GTK_ASSISTANT_PAGE_CONTENT The page has regular contents. GTK_ASSISTANT_PAGE_INTRO The page contains an introduction to the assistant task. GTK_ASSISTANT_PAGE_CONFIRM The page lets the user confirm or deny the changes. GTK_ASSISTANT_PAGE_SUMMARY The page informs the user of the changes done. GTK_ASSISTANT_PAGE_PROGRESS Used for tasks that take a long time to complete, blocks the assistant until the page is marked as complete.

enum GtkAttachOptions

Denotes the expansion properties that a widget will have when it (or its parent) is resized. GTK_EXPAND the widget should expand to take up any extra space in its container that has been allocated. GTK_SHRINK the widget should shrink as and when possible. GTK_FILL the widget should fill the space allocated to it.

enum GtkBuilderError

Error codes that identify various errors that can occur while using GtkBuilder. GTK_BUILDER_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE_FUNCTION A type-func attribute didn't name a function that returns a GType. GTK_BUILDER_ERROR_UNHANDLED_TAG The input contained a tag that GtkBuilder can't handle. GTK_BUILDER_ERROR_MISSING_ATTRIBUTE An attribute that is required by GtkBuilder was missing. GTK_BUILDER_ERROR_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE GtkBuilder found an attribute that it doesn't understand. GTK_BUILDER_ERROR_INVALID_TAG GtkBuilder found a tag that it doesn't understand. GTK_BUILDER_ERROR_MISSING_PROPERTY_VALUE A required property value was missing. GTK_BUILDER_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE GtkBuilder couldn't parse some attribute value. GTK_BUILDER_ERROR_VERSION_MISMATCH The input file requires a newer version of GTK+. GTK_BUILDER_ERROR_DUPLICATE_ID An object id occurred twice.

enum GtkButtonBoxStyle

Used to dictate the style that a GtkButtonBox uses to layout the buttons it contains. (See also: GtkVButtonBox and GtkHButtonBox). GTK_BUTTONBOX_DEFAULT_STYLE Default packing. GTK_BUTTONBOX_SPREAD Buttons are evenly spread across the box. GTK_BUTTONBOX_EDGE Buttons are placed at the edges of the box. GTK_BUTTONBOX_START Buttons are grouped towards the start of the box, (on the left for a HBox, or the top for a VBox). GTK_BUTTONBOX_END Buttons are grouped towards the end of the box, (on the right for a HBox, or the bottom for a VBox). GTK_BUTTONBOX_CENTER Buttons are centered in the box. Since 2.12

enum GtkButtonsType

Prebuilt sets of buttons for the dialog. If none of these choices are appropriate, simply use GTK_BUTTONS_NONE then call gtk_dialog_add_buttons(). Note Please note that GTK_BUTTONS_OK, GTK_BUTTONS_YES_NO and GTK_BUTTONS_OK_CANCEL are discouraged by the GNOME HIG. GTK_BUTTONS_NONE no buttons at all GTK_BUTTONS_OK an OK button GTK_BUTTONS_CLOSE a Close button GTK_BUTTONS_CANCEL a Cancel button GTK_BUTTONS_YES_NO Yes and No buttons GTK_BUTTONS_OK_CANCEL OK and Cancel buttons

enum GtkCalendarDisplayOptions

These options can be used to influence the display and behaviour of a GtkCalendar. GTK_CALENDAR_SHOW_HEADING Specifies that the month and year should be displayed. GTK_CALENDAR_SHOW_DAY_NAMES Specifies that three letter day descriptions should be present. GTK_CALENDAR_NO_MONTH_CHANGE Prevents the user from switching months with the calendar. GTK_CALENDAR_SHOW_WEEK_NUMBERS Displays each week numbers of the current year, down the left side of the calendar. GTK_CALENDAR_WEEK_START_MONDAY Since GTK+ 2.4, this option is deprecated and ignored by GTK+. The information on which day the calendar week starts is derived from the locale. GTK_CALENDAR_SHOW_DETAILS Just show an indicator, not the full details text when details are provided. See gtk_calendar_set_detail_func().

enum GtkCellRendererAccelMode
Undocumented in source.
enum GtkCellRendererMode

Identifies how the user can interact with a particular cell. GTK_CELL_RENDERER_MODE_INERT The cell is just for display and cannot be interacted with. Note that this doesn't mean that eg. the row being drawn can't be selected -- just that a particular element of it cannot be individually modified. GTK_CELL_RENDERER_MODE_ACTIVATABLE The cell can be clicked. GTK_CELL_RENDERER_MODE_EDITABLE The cell can be edited or otherwise modified.

enum GtkCellRendererState

Tells how a cell is to be rendererd. GTK_CELL_RENDERER_SELECTED The cell is currently selected, and probably has a selection colored background to render to. GTK_CELL_RENDERER_PRELIT The mouse is hovering over the cell. GTK_CELL_RENDERER_INSENSITIVE The cell is drawn in an insensitive manner GTK_CELL_RENDERER_SORTED The cell is in a sorted row GTK_CELL_RENDERER_FOCUSED The cell is in the focus row.

enum GtkCornerType

Specifies which corner a child widget should be placed in when packed into a GtkScrolledWindow. This is effectively the opposite of where the scroll bars are placed. GTK_CORNER_TOP_LEFT Place the scrollbars on the right and bottom of the widget (default behaviour). GTK_CORNER_BOTTOM_LEFT Place the scrollbars on the top and right of the widget. GTK_CORNER_TOP_RIGHT Place the scrollbars on the left and bottom of the widget. GTK_CORNER_BOTTOM_RIGHT Place the scrollbars on the top and left of the widget.

enum GtkCurveType

Warning GtkCurveType is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

enum GtkDeleteType
Undocumented in source.
enum GtkDestDefaults

The GtkDestDefaults enumeration specifies the various types of action that will be taken on behalf of the user for a drag destination site. GTK_DEST_DEFAULT_MOTION If set for a widget, GTK+, during a drag over this widget will check if the drag matches this widget's list of possible targets and actions. GTK+ will then call gdk_drag_status() as appropriate. GTK_DEST_DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT If set for a widget, GTK+ will draw a highlight on this widget as long as a drag is over this widget and the widget drag format and action are acceptable. GTK_DEST_DEFAULT_DROP If set for a widget, when a drop occurs, GTK+ will will check if the drag matches this widget's list of possible targets and actions. If so, GTK+ will call gtk_drag_get_data() on behalf of the widget. Whether or not the drop is successful, GTK+ will call gtk_drag_finish(). If the action was a move, then if the drag was successful, then TRUE will be passed for the delete parameter to gtk_drag_finish(). GTK_DEST_DEFAULT_ALL If set, specifies that all default actions should be taken.

enum GtkDialogFlags

Flags used to influence dialog construction. GTK_DIALOG_MODAL Make the constructed dialog modal, see gtk_window_set_modal(). GTK_DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT Destroy the dialog when its parent is destroyed, see gtk_window_set_destroy_with_parent(). GTK_DIALOG_NO_SEPARATOR Don't put a separator between the action area and the dialog content. This option has been deprecated in GTK+ 2.22. It will be removed in GTK+ 3

enum GtkDirectionType
Undocumented in source.
enum GtkDragResult

Gives an indication why a drag operation failed. The value can by obtained by connecting to the "drag-failed" signal. GTK_DRAG_RESULT_SUCCESS The drag operation was successful GTK_DRAG_RESULT_NO_TARGET No suitable drag target GTK_DRAG_RESULT_USER_CANCELLED The user cancelled the drag operation GTK_DRAG_RESULT_TIMEOUT_EXPIRED The drag operation timed out GTK_DRAG_RESULT_GRAB_BROKEN The pointer or keyboard grab used for the drag operation was broken GTK_DRAG_RESULT_ERROR The drag operation failed due to some unspecified error

enum GtkEntryIconPosition

Specifies the side of the entry at which an icon is placed. GTK_ENTRY_ICON_PRIMARY At the beginning of the entry (depending on the text direction). GTK_ENTRY_ICON_SECONDARY At the end of the entry (depending on the text direction). Since 2.16

enum GtkExpanderStyle

Used to specify the style of the expanders drawn by a GtkTreeView. GTK_EXPANDER_COLLAPSED The style used for a collapsed subtree. GTK_EXPANDER_SEMI_COLLAPSED Intermediate style used during animation. GTK_EXPANDER_SEMI_EXPANDED Intermediate style used during animation. GTK_EXPANDER_EXPANDED The style used for an expanded subtree.

enum GtkFileChooserAction

Describes whether a GtkFileChooser is being used to open existing files or to save to a possibly new file. GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN Indicates open mode. The file chooser will only let the user pick an existing file. GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE Indicates save mode. The file chooser will let the user pick an existing file, or type in a new filename. GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SELECT_FOLDER Indicates an Open mode for selecting folders. The file chooser will let the user pick an existing folder. GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_CREATE_FOLDER Indicates a mode for creating a new folder. The file chooser will let the user name an existing or new folder.

enum GtkFileChooserConfirmation

Used as a return value of handlers for the "confirm-overwrite" signal of a GtkFileChooser. This value determines whether the file chooser will present the stock confirmation dialog, accept the user's choice of a filename, or let the user choose another filename. GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_CONFIRMATION_CONFIRM The file chooser will present its stock dialog to confirm about overwriting an existing file. GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_CONFIRMATION_ACCEPT_FILENAME The file chooser will terminate and accept the user's choice of a file name. GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_CONFIRMATION_SELECT_AGAIN The file chooser will continue running, so as to let the user select another file name. Since 2.8

enum GtkFileChooserError

These identify the various errors that can occur while calling GtkFileChooser functions. GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ERROR_NONEXISTENT Indicates that a file does not exist. GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ERROR_BAD_FILENAME Indicates a malformed filename. GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS Indicates a duplicate path (e.g. when adding a bookmark). GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ERROR_INCOMPLETE_HOSTNAME

enum GtkFileFilterFlags

These flags indicate what parts of a GtkFileFilterInfo struct are filled or need to be filled. GTK_FILE_FILTER_FILENAME the filename of the file being tested GTK_FILE_FILTER_URI the URI for the file being tested GTK_FILE_FILTER_DISPLAY_NAME the string that will be used to display the file in the file chooser GTK_FILE_FILTER_MIME_TYPE the mime type of the file

enum GtkIMPreeditStyle
Undocumented in source.
enum GtkIMStatusStyle
Undocumented in source.
enum GtkIconLookupFlags

Used to specify options for gtk_icon_theme_lookup_icon() GTK_ICON_LOOKUP_NO_SVG Never return SVG icons, even if gdk-pixbuf supports them. Cannot be used together with GTK_ICON_LOOKUP_FORCE_SVG. GTK_ICON_LOOKUP_FORCE_SVG Return SVG icons, even if gdk-pixbuf doesn't support them. Cannot be used together with GTK_ICON_LOOKUP_NO_SVG. GTK_ICON_LOOKUP_USE_BUILTIN When passed to gtk_icon_theme_lookup_icon() includes builtin icons as well as files. For a builtin icon, gtk_icon_info_get_filename() returns NULL and you need to call gtk_icon_info_get_builtin_pixbuf(). GTK_ICON_LOOKUP_GENERIC_FALLBACK Try to shorten icon name at '-' characters before looking at inherited themes. For more general fallback, see gtk_icon_theme_choose_icon(). Since 2.12. GTK_ICON_LOOKUP_FORCE_SIZE Always return the icon scaled to the requested size. Since 2.14.

enum GtkIconSize
Undocumented in source.
enum GtkIconThemeError

Error codes for GtkIconTheme operations. GTK_ICON_THEME_NOT_FOUND The icon specified does not exist in the theme GTK_ICON_THEME_FAILED An unspecified error occurred.

enum GtkIconViewDropPosition

An enum for determining where a dropped item goes. GTK_ICON_VIEW_NO_DROP no drop possible GTK_ICON_VIEW_DROP_INTO dropped item replaces the item GTK_ICON_VIEW_DROP_LEFT droppped item is inserted to the left GTK_ICON_VIEW_DROP_RIGHT dropped item is inserted to the right GTK_ICON_VIEW_DROP_ABOVE dropped item is inserted above GTK_ICON_VIEW_DROP_BELOW dropped item is inserted below

enum GtkImageType

Describes the image data representation used by a GtkImage. If you want to get the image from the widget, you can only get the currently-stored representation. e.g. if the gtk_image_get_storage_type() returns GTK_IMAGE_PIXBUF, then you can call gtk_image_get_pixbuf() but not gtk_image_get_stock(). For empty images, you can request any storage type (call any of the "get" functions), but they will all return NULL values. GTK_IMAGE_EMPTY there is no image displayed by the widget GTK_IMAGE_PIXMAP the widget contains a GdkPixmap GTK_IMAGE_IMAGE the widget contains a GdkImage GTK_IMAGE_PIXBUF the widget contains a GdkPixbuf GTK_IMAGE_STOCK the widget contains a stock icon name (see Stock Items(3)) GTK_IMAGE_ICON_SET the widget contains a GtkIconSet GTK_IMAGE_ANIMATION the widget contains a GdkPixbufAnimation GTK_IMAGE_ICON_NAME the widget contains a named icon. This image type was added in GTK+ 2.6 GTK_IMAGE_GICON the widget contains a GIcon. This image type was added in GTK+ 2.14

enum GtkJustification

Used for justifying the text inside a GtkLabel widget. (See also GtkAlignment). GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT The text is placed at the left edge of the label. GTK_JUSTIFY_RIGHT The text is placed at the right edge of the label. GTK_JUSTIFY_CENTER The text is placed in the center of the label. GTK_JUSTIFY_FILL The text is placed is distributed across the label.

enum GtkMatchType

Warning GtkMatchType is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

enum GtkMenuDirectionType

An enumeration representing directional movements within a menu. GTK_MENU_DIR_PARENT To the parent menu shell. GTK_MENU_DIR_CHILD To the submenu, if any, associated with the item. GTK_MENU_DIR_NEXT To the next menu item. GTK_MENU_DIR_PREV To the previous menu item. Property Details The "take-focus" property "take-focus" gboolean : Read / Write A boolean that determines whether the menu and its submenus grab the keyboard focus. See gtk_menu_shell_set_take_focus() and gtk_menu_shell_get_take_focus(). Default value: TRUE Since 2.8 Signal Details The "activate-current" signal void user_function (GtkMenuShell *menushell, gboolean arg1, gpointer user_data) : Action An action signal that activates the current menu item within the menu shell. menushell : the object which received the signal. force_hide : if TRUE, hide the menu after activating the menu item. user_data : user data set when the signal handler was connected.

enum GtkMessageType

The type of message being displayed in the dialog. GTK_MESSAGE_INFO Informational message GTK_MESSAGE_WARNING Nonfatal warning message GTK_MESSAGE_QUESTION Question requiring a choice GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR Fatal error message GTK_MESSAGE_OTHER None of the above, doesn't get an icon

enum GtkMetricType

Used to indicate which metric is used by a GtkRuler. GTK_PIXELS Pixels. GTK_INCHES Inches. GTK_CENTIMETERS Centimeters.

enum GtkMovementStep
Undocumented in source.
enum GtkNumberUpLayout


enum GtkObjectFlags

Warning GtkObjectFlags has been deprecated since version 2.22 and should not be used in newly-written code. Do not re-use GtkObject flags but use your own variable to store flags. Tells about the state of the object. GTK_IN_DESTRUCTION the object is currently being destroyed. This is used internally by GTK+ to prevent reinvokations during destruction. GTK_FLOATING GTK_RESERVED_1 GTK_RESERVED_2 reserved for future use

enum GtkOrientation

Represents the orientation of widgets which can be switched between horizontal and vertical orientation on the fly, like GtkToolbar. GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL The widget is in horizontal orientation. GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL The widget is in vertical orientation.

enum GtkPackDirection

Determines how widgets should be packed insided menubars and menuitems contained in menubars. GTK_PACK_DIRECTION_LTR Widgets are packed left-to-right. GTK_PACK_DIRECTION_RTL Widgets are packed right-to-left. GTK_PACK_DIRECTION_TTB Widgets are packed top-to-bottom. GTK_PACK_DIRECTION_BTT Widgets are packed bottom-to-top.

enum GtkPackType

Represents the packing location GtkBox children. (See: GtkVBox, GtkHBox, and GtkButtonBox). GTK_PACK_START The child is packed into the start of the box GTK_PACK_END The child is packed into the end of the box

enum GtkPageOrientation
Undocumented in source.
enum GtkPageSet
Undocumented in source.
enum GtkPathPriorityType
Undocumented in source.
enum GtkPathType
Undocumented in source.
enum GtkPolicyType

Determines when a scroll bar will be visible. GTK_POLICY_ALWAYS The scrollbar is always visible. GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC The scrollbar will appear and disappear as necessary. For example, when all of a GtkCList can not be seen. GTK_POLICY_NEVER The scrollbar will never appear.

enum GtkPositionType

Describes which edge of a widget a certain feature is positioned at, e.g. the tabs of a GtkNotebook, the handle of a GtkHandleBox or the label of a GtkScale. GTK_POS_LEFT The feature is at the left edge. GTK_POS_RIGHT The feature is at the right edge. GTK_POS_TOP The feature is at the top edge. GTK_POS_BOTTOM The feature is at the bottom edge.

enum GtkPreviewType

Warning GtkPreviewType is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. An enumeration which describes whether a preview contains grayscale or red-green-blue data. GTK_PREVIEW_COLOR the preview contains red-green-blue data. GTK_PREVIEW_GRAYSCALE The preview contains grayscale data.

enum GtkPrintCapabilities

An enum for specifying which features the print dialog should offer. If neither GTK_PRINT_CAPABILITY_GENERATE_PDF nor GTK_PRINT_CAPABILITY_GENERATE_PS is specified, GTK+ assumes that all formats are supported. GTK_PRINT_CAPABILITY_PAGE_SET Print dialog will offer printing even/odd pages. GTK_PRINT_CAPABILITY_COPIES Print dialog will allow to print multiple copies. GTK_PRINT_CAPABILITY_COLLATE Print dialog will allow to collate multiple copies. GTK_PRINT_CAPABILITY_REVERSE Print dialog will allow to print pages in reverse order. GTK_PRINT_CAPABILITY_SCALE Print dialog will allow to scale the output. GTK_PRINT_CAPABILITY_GENERATE_PDF The program will send the document to the printer in PDF format GTK_PRINT_CAPABILITY_GENERATE_PS The program will send the document to the printer in Postscript format GTK_PRINT_CAPABILITY_PREVIEW Print dialog will offer a preview GTK_PRINT_CAPABILITY_NUMBER_UP Print dialog will offer printing multiple pages per sheet. Since 2.12 GTK_PRINT_CAPABILITY_NUMBER_UP_LAYOUT Print dialog will allow to rearrange pages when printing multiple pages per sheet. Since 2.14

enum GtkPrintDuplex
Undocumented in source.
enum GtkPrintError

Error codes that identify various errors that can occur while using the GTK+ printing support. GTK_PRINT_ERROR_GENERAL An unspecified error occurred. GTK_PRINT_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR An internal error occurred. GTK_PRINT_ERROR_NOMEM A memory allocation failed. GTK_PRINT_ERROR_INVALID_FILE An error occurred while loading a page setup or paper size from a key file.

enum GtkPrintOperationAction

The action parameter to gtk_print_operation_run() determines what action the print operation should perform. GTK_PRINT_OPERATION_ACTION_PRINT_DIALOG Show the print dialog. GTK_PRINT_OPERATION_ACTION_PRINT Start to print without showing the print dialog, based on the current print settings. GTK_PRINT_OPERATION_ACTION_PREVIEW Show the print preview. GTK_PRINT_OPERATION_ACTION_EXPORT Export to a file. This requires the export-filename property to be set.

enum GtkPrintOperationResult

A value of this type is returned by gtk_print_operation_run(). GTK_PRINT_OPERATION_RESULT_ERROR An error has occured. GTK_PRINT_OPERATION_RESULT_APPLY The print settings should be stored. GTK_PRINT_OPERATION_RESULT_CANCEL The print operation has been canceled, the print settings should not be stored. GTK_PRINT_OPERATION_RESULT_IN_PROGRESS The print operation is not complete yet. This value will only be returned when running asynchronously.

enum GtkPrintPages
Undocumented in source.
enum GtkPrintQuality
Undocumented in source.
enum GtkPrintStatus

The status gives a rough indication of the completion of a running print operation. GTK_PRINT_STATUS_INITIAL The printing has not started yet; this status is set initially, and while the print dialog is shown. GTK_PRINT_STATUS_PREPARING This status is set while the begin-print signal is emitted and during pagination. GTK_PRINT_STATUS_GENERATING_DATA This status is set while the pages are being rendered. GTK_PRINT_STATUS_SENDING_DATA The print job is being sent off to the printer. GTK_PRINT_STATUS_PENDING The print job has been sent to the printer, but is not printed for some reason, e.g. the printer may be stopped. GTK_PRINT_STATUS_PENDING_ISSUE Some problem has occurred during printing, e.g. a paper jam. GTK_PRINT_STATUS_PRINTING The printer is processing the print job. GTK_PRINT_STATUS_FINISHED The printing has been completed successfully. GTK_PRINT_STATUS_FINISHED_ABORTED The printing has been aborted.

enum GtkProgressBarOrientation

An enumeration representing possible orientations and growth directions for the visible progress bar. GTK_PROGRESS_LEFT_TO_RIGHT A horizontal progress bar growing from left to right. GTK_PROGRESS_RIGHT_TO_LEFT A horizontal progress bar growing from right to left. GTK_PROGRESS_BOTTOM_TO_TOP A vertical progress bar growing from bottom to top. GTK_PROGRESS_TOP_TO_BOTTOM A vertical progress bar growing from top to bottom.

enum GtkProgressBarStyle

An enumeration representing the styles for drawing the progress bar. GTK_PROGRESS_CONTINUOUS The progress bar grows in a smooth, continuous manner. GTK_PROGRESS_DISCRETE The progress bar grows in discrete, visible blocks.

enum GtkRcFlags

The GtkRcFlags enumeration is used as a bitmask to specify which fields of a GtkRcStyle have been set for each state. GTK_RC_FG If present, the foreground color has been set for this state. GTK_RC_BG If present, the background color has been set for this state. GTK_RC_TEXT If present, the text color has been set for this state. GTK_RC_BASE If present, the base color has been set for this state.

enum GtkRcTokenType

The GtkRcTokenType enumeration represents the tokens in the RC file. It is exposed so that theme engines can reuse these tokens when parsing the theme-engine specific portions of a RC file.

enum GtkRecentChooserError

These identify the various errors that can occur while calling GtkRecentChooser functions. GTK_RECENT_CHOOSER_ERROR_NOT_FOUND Indicates that a file does not exist GTK_RECENT_CHOOSER_ERROR_INVALID_URI Indicates a malformed URI

enum GtkRecentFilterFlags

These flags indicate what parts of a GtkRecentFilterInfo struct are filled or need to be filled. GTK_RECENT_FILTER_URI the URI of the file being tested GTK_RECENT_FILTER_DISPLAY_NAME the string that will be used to display the file in the recent chooser GTK_RECENT_FILTER_MIME_TYPE the mime type of the file GTK_RECENT_FILTER_APPLICATION the list of applications that have registered the file GTK_RECENT_FILTER_GROUP the groups to which the file belongs to GTK_RECENT_FILTER_AGE the number of days elapsed since the file has been registered

enum GtkRecentManagerError

Error codes for GtkRecentManager operations GTK_RECENT_MANAGER_ERROR_NOT_FOUND the URI specified does not exists in the recently used resources list. GTK_RECENT_MANAGER_ERROR_INVALID_URI the URI specified is not valid. GTK_RECENT_MANAGER_ERROR_INVALID_ENCODING the supplied string is not UTF-8 encoded. GTK_RECENT_MANAGER_ERROR_NOT_REGISTERED no application has registered the specified item. GTK_RECENT_MANAGER_ERROR_READ failure while reading the recently used resources file. GTK_RECENT_MANAGER_ERROR_WRITE failure while writing the recently used resources file. GTK_RECENT_MANAGER_ERROR_UNKNOWN unspecified error.

enum GtkRecentSortType

Used to specify the sorting method to be applyed to the recently used resource list. GTK_RECENT_SORT_NONE Do not sort the returned list of recently used resources. GTK_RECENT_SORT_MRU Sort the returned list with the most recently used items first. GTK_RECENT_SORT_LRU Sort the returned list with the least recently used items first. GTK_RECENT_SORT_CUSTOM Sort the returned list using a custom sorting function passed using gtk_recent_manager_set_sort_func().

enum GtkReliefStyle

Indicated the relief to be drawn around a GtkButton. GTK_RELIEF_NORMAL Draw a normal relief. GTK_RELIEF_HALF A half relief. GTK_RELIEF_NONE No relief.

enum GtkResizeMode


enum GtkResponseType

Predefined values for use as response ids in gtk_dialog_add_button(). All predefined values are negative, GTK+ leaves positive values for application-defined response ids. GTK_RESPONSE_NONE Returned if an action widget has no response id, or if the dialog gets programmatically hidden or destroyed. GTK_RESPONSE_REJECT Generic response id, not used by GTK+ dialogs. GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT Generic response id, not used by GTK+ dialogs. GTK_RESPONSE_DELETE_EVENT Returned if the dialog is deleted. GTK_RESPONSE_OK Returned by OK buttons in GTK+ dialogs. GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL Returned by Cancel buttons in GTK+ dialogs. GTK_RESPONSE_CLOSE Returned by Close buttons in GTK+ dialogs. GTK_RESPONSE_YES Returned by Yes buttons in GTK+ dialogs. GTK_RESPONSE_NO Returned by No buttons in GTK+ dialogs. GTK_RESPONSE_APPLY Returned by Apply buttons in GTK+ dialogs. GTK_RESPONSE_HELP Returned by Help buttons in GTK+ dialogs.

enum GtkScrollStep
Undocumented in source.
enum GtkScrollType
Undocumented in source.
enum GtkSelectionMode

Used to control what selections users are allowed to make. GTK_SELECTION_NONE No selection is possible. GTK_SELECTION_SINGLE Zero or one element may be selected. GTK_SELECTION_BROWSE Exactly one element is selected. In some circumstances, such as initially or during a search operation, it's possible for no element to be selected with GTK_SELECTION_BROWSE. What is really enforced is that the user can't deselect a currently selected element except by selecting another element. GTK_SELECTION_MULTIPLE Any number of elements may be selected. Clicks toggle the state of an item. Any number of elements may be selected. The Ctrl key may be used to enlarge the selection, and Shift key to select between the focus and the child pointed to. Some widgets may also allow Click-drag to select a range of elements. GTK_SELECTION_EXTENDED Deprecated, behaves identical to GTK_SELECTION_MULTIPLE.

enum GtkSensitivityType

Determines how GTK+ handles the sensitivity of stepper arrows at the end of range widgets. GTK_SENSITIVITY_AUTO The arrow is made insensitive if the thumb is at the end GTK_SENSITIVITY_ON The arrow is always sensitive GTK_SENSITIVITY_OFF The arrow is always insensitive

enum GtkShadowType

Used to change the appearance of an outline typically provided by a GtkFrame. GTK_SHADOW_NONE No outline. GTK_SHADOW_IN The outline is bevelled inwards. GTK_SHADOW_OUT The outline is bevelled outwards like a button. GTK_SHADOW_ETCHED_IN The outline has a sunken 3d appearance. GTK_SHADOW_ETCHED_OUT The outline has a raised 3d appearance

enum GtkSideType

Warning GtkSideType is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

enum GtkSignalRunType

Warning GtkSignalRunType is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. These configure the signal's emission. They control whether the signal can be emitted recursively on an object and whether to run the default method before or after the user-defined handlers. GTK_RUN_FIRST Run the default handler before the connected user-defined handlers. GTK_RUN_LAST Run the default handler after the connected user-defined handlers. (Handlers registered as "after" always run after the default handler though) GTK_RUN_BOTH Run the default handler twice, once before the user-defined handlers, and once after. GTK_RUN_NO_RECURSE Whether to prevent a handler or hook from reemitting the signal from within itself. Attempts to emit the signal while it is running will result in the signal emission being restarted once it is done with the current processing. You must be careful to avoid having two handlers endlessly reemitting signals, gtk_signal_n_emissions() can be helpful. GTK_RUN_ACTION The signal is an action you can invoke without any particular setup or cleanup. The signal is treated no differently, but some other code can determine if the signal is appropriate to delegate to user control. For example, key binding sets only allow bindings of ACTION signals to keystrokes. GTK_RUN_NO_HOOKS This prevents the connection of emission hooks to the signal.

enum GtkSizeGroupMode

The mode of the size group determines the directions in which the size group affects the requested sizes of its component widgets. GTK_SIZE_GROUP_NONE group has no effect GTK_SIZE_GROUP_HORIZONTAL group affects horizontal requisition GTK_SIZE_GROUP_VERTICAL group affects vertical requisition GTK_SIZE_GROUP_BOTH group affects both horizontal and vertical requisition

enum GtkSortType

Determines the direction of a sort. GTK_SORT_ASCENDING Sorting is in ascending order. GTK_SORT_DESCENDING Sorting is in descending order.

enum GtkSpinButtonUpdatePolicy

GTK_UPDATE_ALWAYS When refreshing your GtkSpinButton, the value is always displayed. GTK_UPDATE_IF_VALID When refreshing your GtkSpinButton, the value is only displayed if it is valid within the bounds of the spin button's GtkAdjustment.

enum GtkSpinType

GTK_SPIN_STEP_FORWARD, GTK_SPIN_STEP_BACKWARD, GTK_SPIN_PAGE_FORWARD, GTK_SPIN_PAGE_BACKWARD These values spin a GtkSpinButton by the relevant values of the spin button's GtkAdjustment. GTK_SPIN_HOME, GTK_SPIN_END These set the spin button's value to the minimum or maxmimum possible values, (set by its GtkAdjustment), respectively. GTK_SPIN_USER_DEFINED The programmer must specify the exact amount to spin the GtkSpinButton.

enum GtkStateType

This type indicates the current state of a widget; the state determines how the widget is drawn. The GtkStateType enumeration is also used to identify different colors in a GtkStyle for drawing, so states can be used for subparts of a widget as well as entire widgets. GTK_STATE_NORMAL State during normal operation. GTK_STATE_ACTIVE State of a currently active widget, such as a depressed button. GTK_STATE_PRELIGHT State indicating that the mouse pointer is over the widget and the widget will respond to mouse clicks. GTK_STATE_SELECTED State of a selected item, such the selected row in a list. GTK_STATE_INSENSITIVE State indicating that the widget is unresponsive to user actions.

enum GtkSubmenuDirection

Warning GtkSubmenuDirection is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. Indicates the direction a sub-menu will appear. GTK_DIRECTION_LEFT A sub-menu will appear to the left of the current menu. GTK_DIRECTION_RIGHT A sub-menu will appear to the right of the current menu.

enum GtkSubmenuPlacement

Warning GtkSubmenuPlacement is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

enum GtkTargetFlags

The GtkTargetFlags enumeration is used to specify constraints on an entry in a GtkTargetTable. GTK_TARGET_SAME_APP If this is set, the target will only be selected for drags within a single application. GTK_TARGET_SAME_WIDGET If this is set, the target will only be selected for drags within a single widget. GTK_TARGET_OTHER_APP If this is set, the target will not be selected for drags within a single application. Since 2.12 GTK_TARGET_OTHER_WIDGET If this is set, the target will not be selected for drags withing a single widget. Since 2.12

enum GtkTextBufferTargetInfo
Undocumented in source.
enum GtkTextDirection
Undocumented in source.
enum GtkTextSearchFlags
Undocumented in source.
enum GtkTextWindowType
Undocumented in source.
enum GtkToolPaletteDragTargets

Flags used to specify the supported drag targets. GTK_TOOL_PALETTE_DRAG_ITEMS Support drag of items. GTK_TOOL_PALETTE_DRAG_GROUPS Support drag of groups.

enum GtkToolbarChildType

Warning GtkToolbarChildType is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. GtkToolbarChildType is used to set the type of new elements that are added to a GtkToolbar. GTK_TOOLBAR_CHILD_SPACE a space in the style of the toolbar's GtkToolbarSpaceStyle. GTK_TOOLBAR_CHILD_BUTTON a GtkButton. GTK_TOOLBAR_CHILD_TOGGLEBUTTON a GtkToggleButton. GTK_TOOLBAR_CHILD_RADIOBUTTON a GtkRadioButton. GTK_TOOLBAR_CHILD_WIDGET a standard GtkWidget.

enum GtkToolbarSpaceStyle
Undocumented in source.
enum GtkToolbarStyle

Used to customize the appearance of a GtkToolbar. Note that setting the toolbar style overrides the user's preferences for the default toolbar style. Note that if the button has only a label set and GTK_TOOLBAR_ICONS is used, the label will be visible, and vice versa. GTK_TOOLBAR_ICONS Buttons display only icons in the toolbar. GTK_TOOLBAR_TEXT Buttons display only text labels in the toolbar. GTK_TOOLBAR_BOTH Buttons display text and icons in the toolbar. GTK_TOOLBAR_BOTH_HORIZ Buttons display icons and text alongside each other, rather than vertically stacked

enum GtkTreeModelFlags

These flags indicate various properties of a GtkTreeModel. They are returned by gtk_tree_model_get_flags(), and must be static for the lifetime of the object. A more complete description of GTK_TREE_MODEL_ITERS_PERSIST can be found in the overview of this section. GTK_TREE_MODEL_ITERS_PERSIST Iterators survive all signals emitted by the tree. GTK_TREE_MODEL_LIST_ONLY The model is a list only, and never has children

enum GtkTreeViewColumnSizing

The sizing method the column uses to determine its width. Please note that GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_AUTOSIZE are inefficient for large views, and can make columns appear choppy. GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_GROW_ONLY Columns only get bigger in reaction to changes in the model GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_AUTOSIZE Columns resize to be the optimal size everytime the model changes. GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_FIXED Columns are a fixed numbers of pixels wide.

enum GtkTreeViewDropPosition

An enum for determining where a dropped row goes. GTK_TREE_VIEW_DROP_BEFORE dropped row is inserted before GTK_TREE_VIEW_DROP_AFTER dropped row is inserted after GTK_TREE_VIEW_DROP_INTO_OR_BEFORE dropped row becomes a child or is inserted before GTK_TREE_VIEW_DROP_INTO_OR_AFTER dropped row becomes a child or is inserted after

enum GtkTreeViewGridLines

Used to indicate which grid lines to draw in a tree view. GTK_TREE_VIEW_GRID_LINES_NONE No grid lines. GTK_TREE_VIEW_GRID_LINES_HORIZONTAL Horizontal grid lines. GTK_TREE_VIEW_GRID_LINES_VERTICAL Vertical grid lines. GTK_TREE_VIEW_GRID_LINES_BOTH Horizontal and vertical grid lines.

enum GtkUIManagerItemType

These enumeration values are used by gtk_ui_manager_add_ui() to determine what UI element to create. GTK_UI_MANAGER_AUTO Pick the type of the UI element according to context. GTK_UI_MANAGER_MENUBAR Create a menubar. GTK_UI_MANAGER_MENU Create a menu. GTK_UI_MANAGER_TOOLBAR Create a toolbar. GTK_UI_MANAGER_PLACEHOLDER Insert a placeholder. GTK_UI_MANAGER_POPUP Create a popup menu. GTK_UI_MANAGER_MENUITEM Create a menuitem. GTK_UI_MANAGER_TOOLITEM Create a toolitem. GTK_UI_MANAGER_SEPARATOR Create a separator. GTK_UI_MANAGER_ACCELERATOR Install an accelerator. GTK_UI_MANAGER_POPUP_WITH_ACCELS Same as GTK_UI_MANAGER_POPUP, but the actions' accelerators are shown.

enum GtkUnit
Undocumented in source.
enum GtkUpdateType

Used by GtkRange to control the policy for notifying value changes. GTK_UPDATE_CONTINUOUS Notify updates whenever the value changed GTK_UPDATE_DISCONTINUOUS Notify updates when the mouse button has been released GTK_UPDATE_DELAYED Space out updates with a small timeout

enum GtkVisibility

Used by GtkCList and GtkCTree to indicate whether a row is visible. GTK_VISIBILITY_NONE The row is not visible. GTK_VISIBILITY_PARTIAL The row is partially visible. GTK_VISIBILITY_FULL The row is fully visible.

enum GtkWidgetFlags

Tells about certain properties of the widget. GTK_TOPLEVEL widgets without a real parent, as there are GtkWindows and GtkMenus have this flag set throughout their lifetime. Toplevel widgets always contain their own GdkWindow. GTK_NO_WINDOW Indicative for a widget that does not provide its own GdkWindow. Visible action (e.g. drawing) is performed on the parent's GdkWindow. GTK_REALIZED Set by gtk_widget_realize(), unset by gtk_widget_unrealize(). A realized widget has an associated GdkWindow. GTK_MAPPED Set by gtk_widget_map(), unset by gtk_widget_unmap(). Only realized widgets can be mapped. It means that gdk_window_show() has been called on the widgets window(s). GTK_VISIBLE Set by gtk_widget_show(), unset by gtk_widget_hide(). Implies that a widget will be mapped as soon as its parent is mapped. GTK_SENSITIVE Set and unset by gtk_widget_set_sensitive(). The sensitivity of a widget determines whether it will receive certain events (e.g. button or key presses). One premise for the widget's sensitivity is to have this flag set. GTK_PARENT_SENSITIVE Set and unset by gtk_widget_set_sensitive() operations on the parents of the widget. This is the second premise for the widget's sensitivity. Once it has GTK_SENSITIVE and GTK_PARENT_SENSITIVE set, its state is effectively sensitive. This is expressed (and can be examined) by the GTK_WIDGET_IS_SENSITIVE macro. GTK_CAN_FOCUS Determines whether a widget is able to handle focus grabs. GTK_HAS_FOCUS Set by gtk_widget_grab_focus() for widgets that also have GTK_CAN_FOCUS set. The flag will be unset once another widget grabs the focus. GTK_CAN_DEFAULT The widget is allowed to receive the default action via gtk_widget_grab_default() and will reserve space to draw the default if possible GTK_HAS_DEFAULT The widget currently is receiving the default action and should be drawn appropriately if possible GTK_HAS_GRAB Set by gtk_grab_add(), unset by gtk_grab_remove(). It means that the widget is in the grab_widgets stack, and will be the preferred one for receiving events other than ones of cosmetic value. GTK_RC_STYLE Indicates that the widget's style has been looked up through the rc mechanism. It does not imply that the widget actually had a style defined through the rc mechanism. GTK_COMPOSITE_CHILD Indicates that the widget is a composite child of its parent; see gtk_widget_push_composite_child(), gtk_widget_pop_composite_child(). GTK_NO_REPARENT Unused since before GTK+ 1.2, will be removed in a future version. GTK_APP_PAINTABLE Set and unset by gtk_widget_set_app_paintable(). Must be set on widgets whose window the application directly draws on, in order to keep GTK+ from overwriting the drawn stuff. See the section called “App-paintable widgets” for a detailed description of this flag. GTK_RECEIVES_DEFAULT The widget when focused will receive the default action and have GTK_HAS_DEFAULT set even if there is a different widget set as default. GTK_DOUBLE_BUFFERED Set and unset by gtk_widget_set_double_buffered(). Indicates that exposes done on the widget should be double-buffered. See the section called “Double buffering” for a detailed discussion of how double-buffering works in GTK+ and why you may want to disable it for special cases. GTK_NO_SHOW_ALL

enum GtkWidgetHelpType
Undocumented in source.
enum GtkWindowPosition

Window placement can be influenced using this enumeration. Note that using GTK_WIN_POS_CENTER_ALWAYS is almost always a bad idea. It won't necessarily work well with all window managers or on all windowing systems. GTK_WIN_POS_NONE No influence is made on placement. GTK_WIN_POS_CENTER Windows should be placed in the center of the screen. GTK_WIN_POS_MOUSE Windows should be placed at the current mouse position. GTK_WIN_POS_CENTER_ALWAYS Keep window centered as it changes size, etc. GTK_WIN_POS_CENTER_ON_PARENT Center the window on its transient parent (see gtk_window_set_transient_for()).

enum GtkWindowType

A GtkWindow can be one of these types. Most things you'd consider a "window" should have type GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL; windows with this type are managed by the window manager and have a frame by default (call gtk_window_set_decorated() to toggle the frame). Windows with type GTK_WINDOW_POPUP are ignored by the window manager; window manager keybindings won't work on them, the window manager won't decorate the window with a frame, many GTK+ features that rely on the window manager will not work (e.g. resize grips and maximization/minimization). GTK_WINDOW_POPUP is used to implement widgets such as GtkMenu or tooltips that you normally don't think of as windows per se. Nearly all windows should be GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL. In particular, do not use GTK_WINDOW_POPUP just to turn off the window borders; use gtk_window_set_decorated() for that. GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL A regular window, such as a dialog. GTK_WINDOW_POPUP A special window such as a tooltip.

enum GtkWrapMode

Describes a type of line wrapping. GTK_WRAP_NONE do not wrap lines; just make the text area wider GTK_WRAP_CHAR wrap text, breaking lines anywhere the cursor can appear (between characters, usually - if you want to be technical, between graphemes, see pango_get_log_attrs()) GTK_WRAP_WORD wrap text, breaking lines in between words GTK_WRAP_WORD_CHAR wrap text, breaking lines in between words, or if that is not enough, also between graphemes.

enum StockID
Undocumented in source.


void* _d_allocclass(ClassInfo ci)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
Object _d_newclass(ClassInfo ci)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
Object _d_newclass(ClassInfo ci)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.


struct GtkAboutDialog

Main Gtk struct. The GtkAboutDialog struct contains only private fields and should not be directly accessed.

struct GtkAccelGroup

Main Gtk struct. An object representing and maintaining a group of accelerators.

struct GtkAccelKey
Undocumented in source.
struct GtkAccelLabel

Main Gtk struct. The GtkAccelLabel struct contains private data only, and should be accessed using the functions below.

struct GtkAccelMap

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkAccessible

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkAction

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkActionEntry

GtkActionEntry structs are used with gtk_action_group_add_actions() to construct actions. const gchar *name; The name of the action. const gchar *stock_id; The stock id for the action, or the name of an icon from the icon theme. const gchar *label; The label for the action. This field should typically be marked for translation, see gtk_action_group_set_translation_domain(). If label is NULL, the label of the stock item with id stock_id is used. const gchar *accelerator; The accelerator for the action, in the format understood by gtk_accelerator_parse(). const gchar *tooltip; The tooltip for the action. This field should typically be marked for translation, see gtk_action_group_set_translation_domain(). GCallback callback; The function to call when the action is activated.

struct GtkActionGroup

Main Gtk struct. The GtkActionGroup struct contains only private members and should not be accessed directly.

struct GtkActivatable

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkActivatableIface

GTypeInterface g_iface; update () Called to update the activatable when its related action's properties change. You must check the "use-action-appearance" property only apply action properties that are meant to effect the appearance accordingly. sync_action_properties () Called to update the activatable completely, this is called internally when "related-action" property is set or unset and by the implementor when "use-action-appearance" changes. Note This method can be called with a NULL action at times Since 2.16

struct GtkAdjustment

Main Gtk struct. The GtkAdjustment struct contains the following fields. gdouble lower; the minimum value. gdouble upper; the maximum value. gdouble value; the current value. gdouble step_increment; the increment to use to make minor changes to the value. In a GtkScrollbar this increment is used when the mouse is clicked on the arrows at the top and bottom of the scrollbar, to scroll by a small amount. gdouble page_increment; the increment to use to make major changes to the value. In a GtkScrollbar this increment is used when the mouse is clicked in the trough, to scroll by a large amount. gdouble page_size; the page size. In a GtkScrollbar this is the size of the area which is currently visible.

struct GtkAlignment

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkAllocation

A GtkAllocation of a widget represents region which has been allocated to the widget by its parent. It is a subregion of its parents allocation. See the section called “Size Allocation” for more information. gint x; the X position of the widget's area relative to its parents allocation. gint y; the Y position of the widget's area relative to its parents allocation. gint width; the width of the widget's allocated area. gint height; the height of the widget's allocated area.

struct GtkArg

Warning GtkArg is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. This is a structure that we use to pass in typed values (and names).

struct GtkArrow

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkAspectFrame

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkAssistant

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkBin

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkBindingArg

A GtkBindingArg holds the data associated with an argument for a key binding signal emission as stored in GtkBindingSignal. GType arg_type; implementation detail

struct GtkBindingEntry

Each key binding element of a binding sets binding list is represented by a GtkBindingEntry. guint keyval; key value to match GdkModifierType modifiers; key modifier to match GtkBindingSet *binding_set; binding set this entry belongs to guint destroyed : 1; implementation detail guint in_emission : 1; implementation detail guint marks_unbound : 1; implementation detail GtkBindingEntry *set_next; linked list of entries maintained by binding set GtkBindingEntry *hash_next; implementation detail GtkBindingSignal *signals; action signals of this entry

struct GtkBindingSet

Main Gtk struct. A binding set maintains a list of activatable key bindings. A single binding set can match multiple types of widgets. Similar to styles, widgets can be mapped by widget name paths, widget class paths or widget class types. When a binding within a set is matched upon activation, an action signal is emitted on the target widget to carry out the actual activation. gchar *set_name; unique binding set name gint priority; unused GSList *widget_path_pspecs; widgets matched by path that this binding set applies to GSList *widget_class_pspecs; widgets matched by class path that this binding set applies to GSList *class_branch_pspecs; widgets matched by class that this binding set applies to GtkBindingEntry *entries; the key binding entries in this binding set GtkBindingEntry *current; implementation detail guint parsed : 1; whether this binding set stems from an RC file and is reset upon theme changes

struct GtkBindingSignal

A GtkBindingSignal stores the necessary information to activate a widget in response to a key press via a signal emission. GtkBindingSignal *next; implementation detail gchar *signal_name; the action signal to be emitted guint n_args; number of arguments specified for the signal GtkBindingArg *args; the arguments specified for the signal

struct GtkBorder

A struct that specifies a border around a rectangular area that can be of different width on each side.

struct GtkBox

Main Gtk struct. The GtkBox describes an instance of GtkBox and contains the following fields. (These fields should be considered read-only. They should never be set by an application.)

struct GtkBoxChild

Warning GtkBoxChild has been deprecated since version 2.22 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use gtk_container_get_children() instead. The GtkBoxChild holds a child widget of GtkBox and describes how the child is to be packed into the GtkBox. All fields of this GtkBoxChild should be considered read-only and they should never be set directly by an application. Use gtk_box_query_child_packing() and gtk_box_set_child_packing() to query and set the GtkBoxChild.padding, GtkBoxChild.expand, GtkBoxChild.fill and GtkBoxChild.pack fields. The GtkBoxChild holds a child widget of GtkBox and describes how the child is to be packed into the GtkBox. Use gtk_box_query_child_packing() and gtk_box_set_child_packing() to query and reset the padding, expand, fill, and pack fields. GtkBoxChild contains the following fields. (These fields should be considered read-only. They should never be directly set by an application.) GtkWidget *widget; the child widget, packed into the GtkBox. guint16 padding; the number of extra pixels to put between this child and its neighbors, set when packed, zero by default. guint expand : 1; flag indicates whether extra space should be given to this child. Any extra space given to the parent GtkBox is divided up among all children with this attribute set to TRUE; set when packed, TRUE by default. guint fill : 1; flag indicates whether any extra space given to this child due to its expand attribute being set is actually allocated to the child, rather than being used as padding around the widget; set when packed, TRUE by default. guint pack : 1; one of GtkPackType indicating whether the child is packed with reference to the start (top/left) or end (bottom/right) of the GtkBox. guint is_secondary : 1; TRUE if the child is secondary

struct GtkBuildable

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkBuildableIface

The GtkBuildableIface interface contains method that are necessary to allow GtkBuilder to construct an object from a GtkBuilder UI definition. GTypeInterface g_iface; the parent class set_name () Stores the name attribute given in the GtkBuilder UI definition. GtkWidget stores the name as object data. Implement this method if your object has some notion of "name" and it makes sense to map the XML name attribute to it. get_name () The getter corresponding to set_name. Implement this if you implement set_name. add_child () Adds a child. The type parameter can be used to differentiate the kind of child. GtkContainer implements this to add add a child widget to the container, GtkNotebook uses the type to distinguish between page labels (of type "page-label") and normal children. set_buildable_property () Sets a property of a buildable object. It is normally not necessary to implement this, g_object_set_property() is used by default. GtkWindow implements this to delay showing itself (i.e. setting the "visible" property) until the whole interface is created. construct_child () Constructs a child of a buildable that has been specified as "constructor" in the UI definition. GtkUIManager implements this to reference to a widget created in a <ui> tag which is outside of the normal GtkBuilder UI definition hierarchy. A reference to the constructed object is returned and becomes owned by the caller. custom_tag_start () Implement this if the buildable needs to parse content below <child>. To handle an element, the implementation must fill in the parser structure and user_data and return TRUE. GtkWidget implements this to parse keyboard accelerators specified in <accelerator> elements. GtkContainer implements it to map properties defined via <packing> elements to child properties. Note that user_data must be freed in custom_tag_end or custom_finished. custom_tag_end () Called for the end tag of each custom element that is handled by the buildable (see custom_tag_start). custom_finished () Called for each custom tag handled by the buildable when the builder finishes parsing (see custom_tag_start) parser_finished () Called when a builder finishes the parsing of a UI definition. It is normally not necessary to implement this, unless you need to perform special cleanup actions. GtkWindow sets the "visible" property here. get_internal_child () Returns an internal child of a buildable. GtkDialog implements this to give access to its vbox, making it possible to add children to the vbox in a UI definition. Implement this if the buildable has internal children that may need to be accessed from a UI definition.

struct GtkBuilder

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkButton

Main Gtk struct. This should not be accessed directly. Use the accessor functions below.

struct GtkButtonBox

Main Gtk struct. This is a read-only struct; no members should be modified directly.

struct GtkCalendar

Main Gtk struct. num_marked_dates is an integer containing the number of days that have a mark over them. marked_date is an array containing the day numbers that currently have a mark over them. month, year, and selected_day contain the currently visible month, year, and selected day respectively. All of these fields should be considered read only, and everything in this struct should only be modified using the functions provided below. Note Note that month is zero-based (i.e it allowed values are 0-11) while selected_day is one-based (i.e. allowed values are 1-31).

struct GtkCellEditable

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkCellEditableIface
Undocumented in source.
struct GtkCellLayout

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkCellLayoutIface
Undocumented in source.
struct GtkCellRenderer

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkCellRendererAccel

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkCellRendererClass
Undocumented in source.
struct GtkCellRendererCombo

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkCellRendererPixbuf

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkCellRendererProgress

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkCellRendererSpin

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkCellRendererSpinner

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkCellRendererText

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkCellRendererToggle

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkCellView

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkCheckButton

Main Gtk struct. toggle_button is a GtkToggleButton representing the actual toggle button that composes the check button.

struct GtkCheckMenuItem

Main Gtk struct. The GtkCheckMenuItem struct contains the following fields. (These fields should be considered read-only. They should never be set by an application.) guint active; TRUE if the check box is active.

struct GtkClipboard

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkColorButton

Main Gtk struct. The GtkColorButton struct has only private fields and should not be used directly.

struct GtkColorSelection

Main Gtk struct. The GtkColorSelection struct contains private data only, and should be accessed using the functions below.

struct GtkColorSelectionDialog

Main Gtk struct. The GtkColorSelectionDialog struct contains the following fields. (These fields should be considered read-only. They should never be set by an application.) GtkWidget *colorsel; The GtkColorSelection widget contained within the dialog. Use this widget and its gtk_color_selection_get_current_color() function to gain access to the selected color. Connect a handler for this widget's color_changed signal to be notified when the color changes. GtkWidget *ok_button; The OK button widget contained within the dialog. Connect a handler for the clicked event. GtkWidget *cancel_button; The cancel button widget contained within the dialog. Connect a handler for the clicked event. GtkWidget *help_button; The help button widget contained within the dialog. Connect a handler for the clicked event.

struct GtkComboBox

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkComboBoxEntry

Main Gtk struct. Warning GtkComboBoxEntry is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

struct GtkContainer

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkCurve

Main Gtk struct. Warning GtkCurve is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. The GtkCurve struct contains private data only, and should be accessed using the functions below.

struct GtkDialog

Main Gtk struct. vbox is a GtkVBox - the main part of the dialog box. action_area is a GtkHButtonBox packed below the dividing GtkHSeparator in the dialog. It is treated exactly the same as any other GtkHButtonBox.

struct GtkDrawingArea

Main Gtk struct. The GtkDrawingArea struct contains private data only, and should be accessed using the functions below.

struct GtkEditable

Main Gtk struct. The GtkEditable structure is an opaque structure whose members cannot be directly accessed.

struct GtkEntry

Main Gtk struct. The GtkEntry struct contains only private data.

struct GtkEntryBuffer

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkEntryCompletion

Main Gtk struct. The GtkEntryCompletion struct contains only private data.

struct GtkEventBox

Main Gtk struct. The GtkEventBox struct contains private data only, and should be accessed using the functions below.

struct GtkExpander

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkFileChooser

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkFileChooserButton

Main Gtk struct. This should not be accessed directly. Use the accessor functions below.

struct GtkFileChooserDialog

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkFileChooserWidget

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkFileFilter

Main Gtk struct. The GtkFileFilter struct contains only private fields and should not be directly accessed.

struct GtkFileFilterInfo

A GtkFileFilterInfo struct is used to pass information about the tested file to gtk_file_filter_filter(). GtkFileFilterFlags contains; Flags indicating which of the following fields need are filled const gchar *filename; the filename of the file being tested const gchar *uri; the URI for the file being tested const gchar *display_name; the string that will be used to display the file in the file chooser const gchar *mime_type; the mime type of the file

struct GtkFileSelection

Main Gtk struct. Warning GtkFileSelection is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. The GtkFileSelection struct contains the following GtkWidget fields: GtkWidget *dir_list; GtkWidget *file_list; GtkWidget *selection_entry; GtkWidget *selection_text; GtkWidget *main_vbox; GtkWidget *ok_button; GtkWidget *cancel_button; the two main buttons that signals should be connected

struct GtkFixed

Main Gtk struct. The GtkFixed struct contains the following fields. (These fields should be considered read-only. They should never be set by an application.) GList *children; a list of GtkFixedChild elements, containing the child widgets and their positions.

struct GtkFontButton

Main Gtk struct. The GtkFontButton struct has only private members and should not be used directly.

struct GtkFontSelection

Main Gtk struct. The GtkFontSelection struct contains private data only, and should only be accessed using the functions below.

struct GtkFontSelectionDialog

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkFrame

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkGammaCurve

Main Gtk struct. Warning GtkGammaCurve is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. The GtkGammaCurve struct contains private data only, and should be accessed using the functions below.

struct GtkHBox

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkHButtonBox

Main Gtk struct. GtkHButtonBox does not contain any public fields.

struct GtkHPaned

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkHRuler

Main Gtk struct. Warning GtkHRuler is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. The GtkHRuler struct contains private data and should be accessed with the functions below.

struct GtkHScale

Main Gtk struct. The GtkHScale struct contains private data only, and should be accessed using the functions below.

struct GtkHScrollbar

Main Gtk struct. The GtkHScrollbar struct contains private data and should be accessed using the functions below.

struct GtkHSeparator

Main Gtk struct. The GtkHSeparator struct contains private data only, and should be accessed using the functions below.

struct GtkHandleBox

Main Gtk struct. The GtkHandleBox struct contains the following fields. (These fields should be considered read-only. They should never be set by an application.) GtkShadowType shadow_type; The shadow type for the entry. (See gtk_handle_box_set_shadow_type()). GtkPositionType handle_position; The position of the handlebox's handle with respect to the child. (See gtk_handle_box_set_handle_position()) gint snap_edge; A value of type GtkPosition type indicating snap edge for the widget. (See gtk_handle_box_set_snap_edge). The value of -1 indicates that this value has not been set. gboolean child_detached; A boolean value indicating whether the handlebox's child is attached or detached.

struct GtkIMContext

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkIMContextClass

preedit_start () Default handler of the "preedit-start" signal. preedit_end () Default handler of the "preedit-end" signal. preedit_changed () Default handler of the "preedit-changed" signal. commit () Default handler of the "commit" signal. retrieve_surrounding () Default handler of the "retrieve-surrounding" signal. delete_surrounding () Default handler of the "delete-surrounding" signal. set_client_window () Called via gtk_im_context_set_client_window() when the input window where the entered text will appear changes. Override this to keep track of the current input window, for instance for the purpose of positioning a status display of your input method. get_preedit_string () Called via gtk_im_context_get_preedit_string() to retrieve the text currently being preedited for display at the cursor position. Any input method which composes complex characters or any other compositions from multiple sequential key presses should override this method to provide feedback. filter_keypress () Called via gtk_im_context_filter_keypress() on every key press or release event. Every non-trivial input method needs to override this in order to implement the mapping from key events to text. A return value of TRUE indicates to the caller that the event was consumed by the input method. In that case, the "commit" signal should be emitted upon completion of a key sequence to pass the resulting text back to the input widget. Alternatively, FALSE may be returned to indicate that the event wasn't handled by the input method. If a builtin mapping exists for the key, it is used to produce a character. focus_in () Called via gtk_im_context_focus_in() when the input widget has gained focus. May be overridden to keep track of the current focus. focus_out () Called via gtk_im_context_focus_in() when the input widget has lost focus. May be overridden to keep track of the current focus. reset () Called via gtk_im_context_reset() to signal a change such as a change in cursor position. An input method that implements preediting should override this method to clear the preedit state on reset. set_cursor_location () Called via gtk_im_context_set_cursor_location() to inform the input method of the current cursor location relative to the client window. May be overridden to implement the display of popup windows at the cursor position. set_use_preedit () Called via gtk_im_context_set_use_preedit() to control the use of the preedit string. Override this to display feedback by some other means if turned off. set_surrounding () Called via gtk_im_context_set_surrounding() in response to signal "retrieve-surrounding" to update the input method's idea of the context around the cursor. It is not necessary to override this method even with input methods which implement context-dependent behavior. The base implementation is sufficient for gtk_im_context_get_surrounding() to work. get_surrounding () Called via gtk_im_context_get_surrounding() to update the context around the cursor location. It is not necessary to override this method even with input methods which implement context-dependent behavior. The base implementation emits "retrieve-surrounding" and records the context received by the subsequent invocation of get_surrounding.

struct GtkIMContextInfo

Bookkeeping information about a loadable input method. const gchar *context_id; The unique identification string of the input method. const gchar *context_name; The human-readable name of the input method. const gchar *domain; Translation domain to be used with dgettext() const gchar *domain_dirname; Name of locale directory for use with bindtextdomain() const gchar *default_locales; A colon-separated list of locales where this input method should be the default. The asterisk "*" sets the default for all locales.

struct GtkIMContextSimple

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkIMMulticontext

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkIconFactory
Undocumented in source.
struct GtkIconInfo

Contains information found when looking up an icon in an icon theme.

struct GtkIconSet
Undocumented in source.
struct GtkIconSource

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkIconTheme

Main Gtk struct. Acts as a database of information about an icon theme. Normally, you retrieve the icon theme for a particular screen using gtk_icon_theme_get_for_screen() and it will contain information about current icon theme for that screen, but you can also create a new GtkIconTheme object and set the icon theme name explicitely using gtk_icon_theme_set_custom_theme().

struct GtkIconView

Main Gtk struct. The GtkIconView struct contains only private fields and should not be directly accessed.

struct GtkImage

Main Gtk struct. This struct contain private data only and should be accessed by the functions below.

struct GtkImageMenuItem

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkInfoBar

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkInputDialog

Main Gtk struct. Warning GtkInputDialog is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

struct GtkInvisible

Main Gtk struct. The GtkInvisible struct contains no public fields.

struct GtkItem

Main Gtk struct. The GtkItem struct contains private data only, and should be accessed using the functions below.

struct GtkItemFactory

Main Gtk struct. Warning GtkItemFactory is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

struct GtkItemFactoryEntry

Warning GtkItemFactoryEntry is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

struct GtkItemFactoryItem

Warning GtkItemFactoryItem is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

struct GtkLabel

Main Gtk struct. This should not be accessed directly. Use the accessor functions as described below.

struct GtkLayout

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkLinkButton

Main Gtk struct. The GtkLinkButton struct contains private data only, and should be manipulated using the functions below.

struct GtkListStore

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkMenu

Main Gtk struct. The GtkMenu struct contains private data only, and should be accessed using the functions below.

struct GtkMenuBar

Main Gtk struct. The GtkMenuBar struct contains the following fields. (These fields should be considered read-only. They should never be set by an application.)

struct GtkMenuItem

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkMenuShell

Main Gtk struct. The GtkMenuShell struct contains the following fields. (These fields should be considered read-only. They should never be set by an application.) GList *children; The list of GtkMenuItem objects contained by this GtkMenuShell.

struct GtkMenuToolButton

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkMessageDialog

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkMisc

Main Gtk struct. The GtkMisc struct contains the following fields. (These fields should be considered read-only. They should never be set by an application.) gfloat xalign; the horizontal alignment, from 0 (left) to 1 (right). gfloat yalign; the vertical alignment, from 0 (top) to 1 (bottom). guint16 xpad; the amount of space to add on the left and right of the widget, in pixels. guint16 ypad; the amount of space to add on the top and bottom of the widget, in pixels.

struct GtkMountOperation

Main Gtk struct. This should not be accessed directly. Use the accessor functions below.

struct GtkNotebook

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkNotebookPage

Warning GtkNotebookPage is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. The GtkNotebookPage is an opaque implementation detail of GtkNotebook.

struct GtkObject

Main Gtk struct. The object itself. You should never use these members directly -

struct GtkObjectClass
Undocumented in source.
struct GtkOffscreenWindow

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkOrientable

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkPageRange
Undocumented in source.
struct GtkPageSetup

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkPageSetupUnixDialog

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkPaned

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkPaperSize

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkPlug

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkPrintBackend
Undocumented in source.
struct GtkPrintContext

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkPrintJob

Main Gtk struct. The GtkPrintJob struct contains only private members and should not be directly accessed.

struct GtkPrintOperation

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkPrintOperationPreview
Undocumented in source.
struct GtkPrintSettings

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkPrintUnixDialog

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkPrinter

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkProgress

Main Gtk struct. The GtkProgress struct contains private data only. and should be accessed using the functions below.

struct GtkProgressBar

Main Gtk struct. The GtkProgressBar struct contains private data only, and should be accessed using the functions below.

struct GtkRadioAction

Main Gtk struct. The GtkRadioAction struct contains only private members and should not be accessed directly.

struct GtkRadioActionEntry

GtkRadioActionEntry structs are used with gtk_action_group_add_radio_actions() to construct groups of radio actions. const gchar *name; The name of the action. const gchar *stock_id; The stock id for the action, or the name of an icon from the icon theme. const gchar *label; The label for the action. This field should typically be marked for translation, see gtk_action_group_set_translation_domain(). const gchar *accelerator; The accelerator for the action, in the format understood by gtk_accelerator_parse(). const gchar *tooltip; The tooltip for the action. This field should typically be marked for translation, see gtk_action_group_set_translation_domain(). gint value; The value to set on the radio action. See gtk_radio_action_get_current_value().

struct GtkRadioButton

Main Gtk struct. Contains only private data that should be read and manipulated using the functions below.

struct GtkRadioMenuItem

Main Gtk struct. The structure contains only private data that must be accessed through the interface functions.

struct GtkRadioToolButton

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkRange

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkRcProperty
Undocumented in source.
struct GtkRcStyle

Main Gtk struct. The GtkRcStyle structure is used to represent a set of information about the appearance of a widget. This can later be composited together with other GtkRcStyle structures to form a GtkStyle.

struct GtkRecentAction

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkRecentChooser

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkRecentChooserDialog

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkRecentChooserIface
Undocumented in source.
struct GtkRecentChooserMenu

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkRecentChooserWidget

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkRecentData

Meta-data to be passed to gtk_recent_manager_add_full() when registering a recently used resource. gchar *display_name; a UTF-8 encoded string, containing the name of the recently used resource to be displayed, or NULL; gchar *description; a UTF-8 encoded string, containing a short description of the resource, or NULL; gchar *mime_type; the MIME type of the resource; gchar *app_name; the name of the application that is registering this recently used resource; gchar *app_exec; command line used to launch this resource; may contain the "%f" and "%u" escape characters which will be expanded to the resource file path and URI respectively when the command line is retrieved; gchar **groups; a vector of strings containing groups names; gboolean is_private; whether this resource should be displayed only by the applications that have registered it or not.

struct GtkRecentFilter

Main Gtk struct. The GtkRecentFilter struct contains only private fields and should not be directly accessed.

struct GtkRecentFilterInfo

A GtkRecentFilterInfo struct is used to pass information about the tested file to gtk_recent_filter_filter(). GtkRecentFilterFlags contains; Flags indicating which of the following fields need are filled const gchar *uri; the URI of the file being tested const gchar *display_name; the string that will be used to display the file in the recent chooser const gchar *mime_type; the mime type of the file const gchar **applications; the list of applications that have registered the file const gchar **groups; the groups to which the file belongs to gint age; the number of days elapsed since the file has been registered

struct GtkRecentInfo

Contains informations found when looking up an entry of the recently used files list.

struct GtkRecentManager

Main Gtk struct. Acts as a database of information about the list of recently used files. Normally, you retrieve the recent manager for a particular screen using gtk_recent_manager_get_for_screen() and it will contain information about current recent manager for that screen.

struct GtkRequisition

A GtkRequisition represents the desired size of a widget. See the section called “Size Requisition” for more information. gint width; the widget's desired width gint height; the widget's desired height

struct GtkRuler

Main Gtk struct. Warning GtkRuler is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. All distances are in 1/72nd's of an inch. (According to Adobe thats a point, but points are really 1/72.27 in.)

struct GtkRulerMetric

Warning GtkRulerMetric has been deprecated since version 2.24 and should not be used in newly-written code. GtkRuler has been removed from GTK 3 for being

struct GtkScale

Main Gtk struct. The fields of the GtkScale struct should only be accessed via the accessor functions.

struct GtkScaleButton

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkScrollbar

Main Gtk struct. The GtkScrollbar struct does not contain any public data. Style Property Details The "fixed-slider-length" style property

struct GtkScrolledWindow

Main Gtk struct. There are no public fields in the GtkScrolledWindow struct; it should only be accessed using the functions below.

struct GtkSelectionData
Undocumented in source.
struct GtkSeparator

Main Gtk struct. The GtkSeparator struct contains private data only.

struct GtkSeparatorMenuItem

Main Gtk struct. The GtkSeparatorMenuItem struct contains private data only, and should be accessed using the functions below.

struct GtkSeparatorToolItem

Main Gtk struct. The GtkSeparatorToolItem struct contains only private data and should only be accessed through the functions described below.

struct GtkSettings

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkSettingsValue
Undocumented in source.
struct GtkSizeGroup

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkSocket

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkSpinButton

Main Gtk struct. entry is the GtkEntry part of the GtkSpinButton widget, and can be used accordingly. All other fields contain private data and should only be modified using the functions below.

struct GtkSpinner

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkStatusIcon

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkStatusbar

Main Gtk struct. Contains private data that should be modified with the functions described below.

struct GtkStockItem

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkStyle

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkTable

Main Gtk struct. The GtkTable structure holds the data for the actual table itself. children is a GList of all the widgets the table contains. rows and columns are pointers to GtkTableRowCol structures, which contain the default spacing and expansion details for the GtkTable's rows and columns, respectively. nrows and ncols are 16bit integers storing the number of rows and columns the table has.

struct GtkTargetEntry

A GtkTargetEntry structure represents a single type of data than can be supplied for by a widget for a selection or for supplied or received during drag-and-drop. It contains a string representing the drag type, a flags field (used only for drag and drop - see GtkTargetFlags), and an application assigned integer ID. The integer ID will later be passed as a signal parameter for signals like "selection_get". It allows the application to identify the target type without extensive string compares.

struct GtkTargetList

Main Gtk struct. A GtkTargetList structure is a reference counted list of GtkTargetPair. It is used to represent the same information as a table of GtkTargetEntry, but in an efficient form. This structure should be treated as opaque.

struct GtkTargetPair

Internally used structure in the drag-and-drop and selection handling code.

struct GtkTearoffMenuItem

Main Gtk struct. The GtkTearoffMenuItem struct contains private data only, and should be accessed using the functions below.

struct GtkTextAppearance
Undocumented in source.
struct GtkTextAttributes

Using GtkTextAttributes directly should rarely be necessary. It's primarily useful with gtk_text_iter_get_attributes(). As with most GTK+ structs, the fields in this struct should only be read, never modified directly. GtkTextAppearance appearance; pointer to sub-struct containing certain attributes GtkJustification justification; GtkTextDirection direction; PangoFontDescription *font; gdouble font_scale; gint left_margin; gint indent; gint right_margin; gint pixels_above_lines; gint pixels_below_lines; gint pixels_inside_wrap; PangoTabArray *tabs; GtkWrapMode wrap_mode; PangoLanguage *language; guint invisible : 1; guint bg_full_height : 1; guint editable : 1; guint realized : 1;

struct GtkTextBuffer

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkTextChildAnchor

A GtkTextChildAnchor is a spot in the buffer where child widgets can be "anchored" (inserted inline, as if they were characters). The anchor can have multiple widgets anchored, to allow for multiple views.

struct GtkTextIter
Undocumented in source.
struct GtkTextMark

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkTextTag

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkTextTagTable

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkTextView

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkToggleAction

Main Gtk struct. The GtkToggleAction struct contains only private members and should not be accessed directly.

struct GtkToggleActionEntry

GtkToggleActionEntry structs are used with gtk_action_group_add_toggle_actions() to construct toggle actions. const gchar *name; The name of the action. const gchar *stock_id; The stock id for the action, or the name of an icon from the icon theme. const gchar *label; The label for the action. This field should typically be marked for translation, see gtk_action_group_set_translation_domain(). const gchar *accelerator; The accelerator for the action, in the format understood by gtk_accelerator_parse(). const gchar *tooltip; The tooltip for the action. This field should typically be marked for translation, see gtk_action_group_set_translation_domain(). GCallback callback; The function to call when the action is activated. gboolean is_active; The initial state of the toggle action.

struct GtkToggleButton

Main Gtk struct. The GtkToggleButton struct contains private data only, and should be manipulated using the functions below.

struct GtkToggleToolButton

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkToolButton

Main Gtk struct. The GtkToolButton struct contains only private. It should only be accessed with the function described below.

struct GtkToolItem

Main Gtk struct. The GtkToolItem struct contains only private data. It should only be accessed through the functions described below.

struct GtkToolItemGroup

Main Gtk struct. This should not be accessed directly. Use the accessor functions below.

struct GtkToolPalette

Main Gtk struct. This should not be accessed directly. Use the accessor functions below.

struct GtkToolShell

Main Gtk struct. Dummy structure for accessing instances of GtkToolShellIface.

struct GtkToolShellIface

Virtual function table for the GtkToolShell interface. get_icon_size () mandatory implementation of gtk_tool_shell_get_icon_size(). get_orientation () mandatory implementation of gtk_tool_shell_get_orientation(). get_style () mandatory implementation of gtk_tool_shell_get_style(). get_relief_style () optional implementation of gtk_tool_shell_get_relief_style(). rebuild_menu () optional implementation of gtk_tool_shell_rebuild_menu(). get_text_orientation () optional implementation of gtk_tool_shell_get_text_orientation(). get_text_alignment () optional implementation of gtk_tool_shell_get_text_alignment(). get_ellipsize_mode () optional implementation of gtk_tool_shell_get_ellipsize_mode(). get_text_size_group () optional implementation of gtk_tool_shell_get_text_size_group().

struct GtkToolbar

Main Gtk struct. The GtkToolbar struct only contains private data and should only be accessed through the function described below.

struct GtkToolbarChild

Warning GtkToolbarChild is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

struct GtkTooltip

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkTooltips

Main Gtk struct. Warning GtkTooltips is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. Holds information about a group of tooltips. Fields should be changed using the functions provided, rather than directly accessing the struct's members.

struct GtkTooltipsData

Warning GtkTooltipsData has been deprecated since version 2.12 and should not be used in newly-written code. tooltips is the GtkTooltips group that this tooltip belongs to. widget is the GtkWidget that this tooltip data is associated with. tip_text is a string containing the tooltip message itself. tip_private is a string that is not shown as the default tooltip. Instead, this message may be more informative and go towards forming a context-sensitive help system for your application. (FIXME: how to actually "switch on" private tips?)

struct GtkTreeDragDest
Undocumented in source.
struct GtkTreeDragDestIface
Undocumented in source.
struct GtkTreeDragSource

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkTreeDragSourceIface
Undocumented in source.
struct GtkTreeIter

The GtkTreeIter is the primary structure for accessing a structure. Models are expected to put a unique integer in the stamp member, and put model-specific data in the three user_data members.

struct GtkTreeModel

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkTreeModelFilter

Main Gtk struct. The GtkTreeModelFilter struct contains only private fields.

struct GtkTreeModelIface
Undocumented in source.
struct GtkTreeModelSort

Main Gtk struct. This should not be accessed directly. Use the accessor functions below.

struct GtkTreePath
Undocumented in source.
struct GtkTreeRowReference
Undocumented in source.
struct GtkTreeSelection

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkTreeSortable

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkTreeSortableIface
Undocumented in source.
struct GtkTreeStore

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkTreeView

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkTreeViewColumn

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkTreeViewPrivate

A private struct for internal use only. The definition of this structure is not publically available.

struct GtkTypeInfo

Warning GtkTypeInfo is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. Holds information about the type. gtk_type_name() returns the name. object_size is somehow set to the number of bytes that an instance of the object will occupy. class_init_func holds the type's initialization function. object_init_func holds the initialization function for an instance of the object. reserved_1 is used for GtkEnumValue to hold the enumerated values.

struct GtkUIManager

Main Gtk struct. The GtkUIManager struct contains only private members and should not be accessed directly.

struct GtkVBox

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkVButtonBox

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkVPaned

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkVRuler

Main Gtk struct. Warning GtkVRuler is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

struct GtkVScale

Main Gtk struct. The GtkVScale struct contains private data only, and should be accessed using the functions below.

struct GtkVScrollbar

Main Gtk struct. The GtkVScrollbar struct contains private data and should be accessed using the functions below.

struct GtkVSeparator

Main Gtk struct. The GtkVSeparator struct contains private data only, and should be accessed using the functions below.

struct GtkViewport

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkVolumeButton

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkWidget

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkWidgetAuxInfo
Undocumented in source.
struct GtkWidgetClass
Undocumented in source.
struct GtkWidgetShapeInfo
Undocumented in source.
struct GtkWindow

Main Gtk struct.

struct GtkWindowGroup

Main Gtk struct.


string[] StockDesc;
Undocumented in source.
