
Obtains the pixel size of a semantic icon size, possibly modified by user preferences for a particular GtkSettings. Normally size would be GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU, GTK_ICON_SIZE_BUTTON, etc. This function isn't normally needed, gtk_widget_render_icon() is the usual way to get an icon for rendering, then just look at the size of the rendered pixbuf. The rendered pixbuf may not even correspond to the width/height returned by gtk_icon_size_lookup(), because themes are free to render the pixbuf however they like, including changing the usual size. Since 2.2

class IconSize


settings Settings

a GtkSettings object, used to determine which set of user preferences to used.

size GtkIconSize

an icon size. [type int]

width int

location to store icon width

height int

location to store icon height

Return Value

Type: int

TRUE if size was a valid size
