
Warning gtk_toolbar_insert_item has been deprecated since version 2.4 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use gtk_toolbar_insert() instead. Inserts a new item into the toolbar. You must specify the position in the toolbar where it will be inserted. callback must be a pointer to a function taking a GtkWidget and a gpointer as arguments. Use G_CALLBACK() to cast the function to GCallback.

class Toolbar


text string

give your toolbar button a label.

tooltipText string

a string that appears when the user holds the mouse over this item.

tooltipPrivateText string

use with GtkTipsQuery.

icon Widget

a GtkWidget that should be used as the button's icon.

callback GCallback

the function to be executed when the button is pressed.

userData void*

a pointer to any data you wish to be passed to the callback.

position int

the number of widgets to insert this item after.

Return Value

Type: Widget

the new toolbar item as a GtkWidget.
