Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class
the main Gtk struct as a void*
This function is meant to be called from the complete_type_info() function of a GTypePlugin implementation, as in the following
Returns the GEnumValue for a value.
Looks up a GEnumValue by name.
Looks up a GEnumValue by nickname.
Registers a new static enumeration type with the name name. It is normally more convenient to let glib-mkenums generate a my_enum_get_type() function from a usual C enumeration definition than to write one yourself using g_enum_register_static().
the main Gtk struct
Description The GLib type system provides fundamental types for enumeration and flags types. (Flags types are like enumerations, but allow their values to be combined by bitwise or). A registered enumeration or flags type associates a name and a nickname with each allowed value, and the methods g_enum_get_value_by_name(), g_enum_get_value_by_nick(), g_flags_get_value_by_name() and g_flags_get_value_by_nick() can look up values by their name or nickname. When an enumeration or flags type is registered with the GLib type system, it can be used as value type for object properties, using g_param_spec_enum() or g_param_spec_flags(). GObject ships with a utility called glib-mkenums that can construct suitable type registration functions from C enumeration definitions.