
Tries to resolve the connectable and make a network connection to it.. Upon a successful connection, a new GSocketConnection is constructed and returned. The caller owns this new object and must drop their reference to it when finished with it. The type of the GSocketConnection object returned depends on the type of the underlying socket that is used. For instance, for a TCP/IP connection it will be a GTcpConnection. The socket created will be the same family as the the address that the connectable resolves to, unless family is set with g_socket_client_set_family() or indirectly via g_socket_client_set_local_address(). The socket type defaults to G_SOCKET_TYPE_STREAM but can be set with g_socket_client_set_socket_type(). If a local address is specified with g_socket_client_set_local_address() the socket will be bound to this address before connecting. Since 2.22


connectable SocketConnectableIF

a GSocketConnectable specifying the remote address.

cancellable Cancellable

optional GCancellable object, NULL to ignore. [allow-none]

Return Value

a GSocketConnection on success, NULL on error. [transfer full]


GException on failure.
