
Registers callbacks for exported objects at object_path with the D-Bus interface that is described in interface_info. Calls to functions in vtable (and user_data_free_func) will happen in the thread-default main loop of the thread you are calling this method from. Note that all GVariant values passed to functions in vtable will match the signature given in interface_info - if a remote caller passes incorrect values, the org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgs is returned to the remote caller. Additionally, if the remote caller attempts to invoke methods or access properties not mentioned in interface_info the org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod resp. org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgs errors are returned to the caller. It is considered a programming error if the GDBusInterfaceGetPropertyFunc function in vtable returns a GVariant of incorrect type. If an existing callback is already registered at object_path and interface_name, then error is set to G_IO_ERROR_EXISTS. GDBus automatically implements the standard D-Bus interfaces org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties, org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable and org.freedesktop.Peer, so you don't have to implement those for the objects you export. You can implement org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties yourself, e.g. to handle getting and setting of properties asynchronously. Note that the reference count on interface_info will be incremented by 1 (unless allocated statically, e.g. if the reference count is -1, see g_dbus_interface_info_ref()) for as long as the object is exported. Also note that vtable will be copied. A NULL vtable can be used for marker interfaces. See Example 2, “D-Bus server example” for an example of how to use this method. Since 2.26


objectPath string

The object path to register at

interfaceInfo GDBusInterfaceInfo*

Introspection data for the interface

vtable GDBusInterfaceVTable*

A GDBusInterfaceVTable to call into, or NULL. [allow-none]

userData void*

Data to pass to functions in vtable

userDataFreeFunc GDestroyNotify

Function to call when the object path is unregistered

Return Value

Type: uint

0 if error is set, otherwise a registration id (never 0) that can be used with g_dbus_connection_unregister_object() .


GException on failure.
