Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class
the main Gtk struct as a void*
Warning gdk_bitmap_create_from_data has been deprecated since version 2.22 and should not be used in newly-written code. You can create a Cairo image surface using cairo_image_surface_create_for_data() instead. Specify CAIRO_FORMAT_A1 as the format to get a bitmap. Keep in mind that Cairo images must have a rowstride of 4 bytes, so you will need to align your data properly. If you must use a pixmap, use gdk_pixmap_new() with a depth of 1 to create a bitmap and then use gdk_cairo_create(), cairo_set_source_surface() and cairo_paint() to draw the image surface to the bitmap. Creates a new bitmap from data in XBM format.
the main Gtk struct
Description Pixmaps are offscreen drawables. They can be drawn upon with the standard drawing primitives, then copied to another drawable (such as a GdkWindow) with gdk_pixmap_draw(). The depth of a pixmap is the number of bits per pixels. Bitmaps are simply pixmaps with a depth of 1. (That is, they are monochrome bitmaps - each pixel can be either on or off). GTK 3 will remove GdkPixmap and GdkBitmap. You should use cairo surfaces instead. However, because a lot of functions still use these types, they are not deprecated.