- free
void free()
- getDescriptorStruct
GstMpegtsDescriptor* getDescriptorStruct(bool transferOwnership)
- getStruct
void* getStruct()
the main Gtk struct as a void*
- parseCa
bool parseCa(ushort caSystemId, ushort caPid, ubyte[] privateData)
Extracts the Conditional Access information from @descriptor.
- parseCableDeliverySystem
bool parseCableDeliverySystem(GstMpegtsCableDeliverySystemDescriptor res)
Extracts the cable delivery system information from @descriptor.
- parseDvbBouquetName
bool parseDvbBouquetName(string bouquetName)
Extracts the bouquet name from @descriptor.
- parseDvbCaIdentifier
bool parseDvbCaIdentifier(ArrayG list)
Extracts ca id's from @descriptor.
- parseDvbComponent
bool parseDvbComponent(ComponentDescriptor res)
Extracts the DVB component information from @descriptor.
- parseDvbContent
bool parseDvbContent(PtrArray content)
Extracts the DVB content information from @descriptor.
- parseDvbDataBroadcast
bool parseDvbDataBroadcast(DataBroadcastDescriptor res)
Parses out the data broadcast from the @descriptor.
- parseDvbDataBroadcastId
bool parseDvbDataBroadcastId(ushort dataBroadcastId, ubyte[] idSelectorBytes)
Parses out the data broadcast id from the @descriptor.
- parseDvbExtendedEvent
bool parseDvbExtendedEvent(ExtendedEventDescriptor res)
Extracts the DVB extended event information from @descriptor.
- parseDvbFrequencyList
bool parseDvbFrequencyList(bool offset, ArrayG list)
Parses out a list of frequencies from the @descriptor.
- parseDvbLinkage
bool parseDvbLinkage(DVBLinkageDescriptor res)
Extracts the DVB linkage information from @descriptor.
- parseDvbMultilingualBouquetName
bool parseDvbMultilingualBouquetName(PtrArray bouquetNameItems)
Parses out the multilingual bouquet name from the @descriptor.
- parseDvbMultilingualComponent
bool parseDvbMultilingualComponent(ubyte componentTag, PtrArray componentDescriptionItems)
Parses out the multilingual component from the @descriptor.
- parseDvbMultilingualNetworkName
bool parseDvbMultilingualNetworkName(PtrArray networkNameItems)
Parses out the multilingual network name from the @descriptor.
- parseDvbMultilingualServiceName
bool parseDvbMultilingualServiceName(PtrArray serviceNameItems)
Parses out the multilingual service name from the @descriptor.
- parseDvbNetworkName
bool parseDvbNetworkName(string name)
Parses out the dvb network name from the @descriptor:
- parseDvbParentalRating
bool parseDvbParentalRating(PtrArray rating)
Extracts the DVB parental rating information from @descriptor.
- parseDvbPrivateDataSpecifier
bool parseDvbPrivateDataSpecifier(uint privateDataSpecifier, ubyte[] privateData)
Parses out the private data specifier from the @descriptor.
- parseDvbScrambling
bool parseDvbScrambling(GstMpegtsDVBScramblingModeType scramblingMode)
Parses out the scrambling mode from the @descriptor.
- parseDvbService
bool parseDvbService(GstMpegtsDVBServiceType serviceType, string serviceName, string providerName)
Extracts the dvb service information from @descriptor.
- parseDvbServiceList
bool parseDvbServiceList(PtrArray list)
Parses out a list of services from the @descriptor:
- parseDvbShortEvent
bool parseDvbShortEvent(string languageCode, string eventName, string text)
Extracts the DVB short event information from @descriptor.
- parseDvbStreamIdentifier
bool parseDvbStreamIdentifier(ubyte componentTag)
Extracts the component tag from @descriptor.
- parseDvbStuffing
bool parseDvbStuffing(ubyte[] stuffingBytes)
Parses out the stuffing bytes from the @descriptor.
- parseDvbSubtitlingIdx
bool parseDvbSubtitlingIdx(uint idx, string lang, ubyte type, ushort compositionPageId, ushort ancillaryPageId)
Extracts the DVB subtitling informatio from specific table id in @descriptor.
- parseDvbSubtitlingNb
uint parseDvbSubtitlingNb()
- parseDvbT2DeliverySystem
bool parseDvbT2DeliverySystem(T2DeliverySystemDescriptor res)
Parses out the DVB-T2 delivery system from the @descriptor.
- parseDvbTeletextIdx
bool parseDvbTeletextIdx(uint idx, string languageCode, GstMpegtsDVBTeletextType teletextType, ubyte magazineNumber, ubyte pageNumber)
Parses teletext number @idx in the @descriptor. The language is in ISO639 format.
- parseDvbTeletextNb
uint parseDvbTeletextNb()
Find the number of teletext entries in @descriptor
- parseIso639Language
bool parseIso639Language(ISO639LanguageDescriptor res)
Extracts the iso 639-2 language information from @descriptor.
- parseIso639LanguageIdx
bool parseIso639LanguageIdx(uint idx, string lang, GstMpegtsIso639AudioType audioType)
Extracts the iso 639-2 language information from specific table id in @descriptor.
- parseIso639LanguageNb
uint parseIso639LanguageNb()
- parseLogicalChannel
bool parseLogicalChannel(GstMpegtsLogicalChannelDescriptor res)
Extracts the logical channels from @descriptor.
- parseSatelliteDeliverySystem
bool parseSatelliteDeliverySystem(GstMpegtsSatelliteDeliverySystemDescriptor res)
Extracts the satellite delivery system information from @descriptor.
- parseTerrestrialDeliverySystem
bool parseTerrestrialDeliverySystem(GstMpegtsTerrestrialDeliverySystemDescriptor res)
Parses out the terrestrial delivery system from the @descriptor.
- findDescriptor
Descriptor findDescriptor(PtrArray descriptors, ubyte tag)
Finds the first descriptor of type @tag in the array.
- fromCustom
Descriptor fromCustom(ubyte tag, ubyte[] data)
Creates a #GstMpegtsDescriptor with custom @tag and @data
- fromCustomWithExtension
Descriptor fromCustomWithExtension(ubyte tag, ubyte tagExtension, ubyte[] data)
Creates a #GstMpegtsDescriptor with custom @tag, @tag_extension and @data
- fromDvbNetworkName
Descriptor fromDvbNetworkName(string name)
Creates a #GstMpegtsDescriptor to be a %GST_MTS_DESC_DVB_NETWORK_NAME,
with the network name @name. The data field of the #GstMpegtsDescriptor
will be allocated, and transferred to the caller.
- fromDvbService
Descriptor fromDvbService(GstMpegtsDVBServiceType serviceType, string serviceName, string serviceProvider)
Fills a #GstMpegtsDescriptor to be a %GST_MTS_DESC_DVB_SERVICE.
The data field of the #GstMpegtsDescriptor will be allocated,
and transferred to the caller.
- fromDvbSubtitling
Descriptor fromDvbSubtitling(string lang, ubyte type, ushort composition, ushort ancillary)
- fromIso639Language
Descriptor fromIso639Language(string language)
Creates a %GST_MTS_DESC_ISO_639_LANGUAGE #GstMpegtsDescriptor with
a single language
- fromRegistration
Descriptor fromRegistration(string formatIdentifier, ubyte[] additionalInfo)
Creates a %GST_MTS_DESC_REGISTRATION #GstMpegtsDescriptor
- getType
GType getType()
- parseDescriptors
PtrArray parseDescriptors(ubyte* buffer, size_t bufLen)
Parses the descriptors present in @buffer and returns them as an
These are the base descriptor types and methods.
For more details, refer to the ITU H.222.0 or ISO/IEC 13818-1 specifications and other specifications mentionned in the documentation.