
struct Util {}


Static functions

void atexit(GVoidFunc func)

Specifies a function to be called at normal program termination.

string basename(string fileName)

Gets the name of the file without any leading directory components. It returns a pointer into the given file name string.

int bitNthLsf(gulong mask, int nthBit)

Find the position of the first bit set in @mask, searching from (but not including) @nth_bit upwards. Bits are numbered from 0 (least significant) to sizeof(#gulong) * 8 - 1 (31 or 63, usually). To start searching from the 0th bit, set @nth_bit to -1.

int bitNthMsf(gulong mask, int nthBit)

Find the position of the first bit set in @mask, searching from (but not including) @nth_bit downwards. Bits are numbered from 0 (least significant) to sizeof(#gulong) * 8 - 1 (31 or 63, usually). To start searching from the last bit, set @nth_bit to -1 or GLIB_SIZEOF_LONG * 8.

uint bitStorage(gulong number)

Gets the number of bits used to hold @number, e.g. if @number is 4, 3 bits are needed.

string buildFilename(string[] firstElement)

Behaves exactly like g_build_filename(), but takes the path elements as a string array, instead of varargs. This function is mainly meant for language bindings.

string buildPath(string separator, string[] firstElement)

Behaves exactly like g_build_path(), but takes the path elements as a string array, instead of varargs. This function is mainly meant for language bindings.

string environGetenv(string[] envp, string variable)

Returns the value of the environment variable @variable in the provided list @envp.

string[] environSetenv(string[] envp, string variable, string value, bool overwrite)

Sets the environment variable @variable in the provided list @envp to @value.

string[] environUnsetenv(string[] envp, string variable)

Removes the environment variable @variable from the provided environment @envp.

string findProgramInPath(string program)

Locates the first executable named @program in the user's path, in the same way that execvp() would locate it. Returns an allocated string with the absolute path name, or %NULL if the program is not found in the path. If @program is already an absolute path, returns a copy of @program if @program exists and is executable, and %NULL otherwise.

string formatSize(ulong size)

Formats a size (for example the size of a file) into a human readable string. Sizes are rounded to the nearest size prefix (kB, MB, GB) and are displayed rounded to the nearest tenth. E.g. the file size 3292528 bytes will be converted into the string "3.2 MB".

string formatSizeForDisplay(long size)

Formats a size (for example the size of a file) into a human readable string. Sizes are rounded to the nearest size prefix (KB, MB, GB) and are displayed rounded to the nearest tenth. E.g. the file size 3292528 bytes will be converted into the string "3.1 MB".

string formatSizeFull(ulong size, GFormatSizeFlags flags)

Formats a size.

string getApplicationName()

Gets a human-readable name for the application, as set by g_set_application_name(). This name should be localized if possible, and is intended for display to the user. Contrast with g_get_prgname(), which gets a non-localized name. If g_set_application_name() has not been called, returns the result of g_get_prgname() (which may be %NULL if g_set_prgname() has also not been called).

string getCurrentDir()

Gets the current directory.

string[] getEnviron()

Gets the list of environment variables for the current process.

string getHomeDir()

Gets the current user's home directory.

string getHostName()

Return a name for the machine.

string getPrgname()

Gets the name of the program. This name should not be localized, in contrast to g_get_application_name().

string getRealName()

Gets the real name of the user. This usually comes from the user's entry in the passwd file. The encoding of the returned string is system-defined. (On Windows, it is, however, always UTF-8.) If the real user name cannot be determined, the string "Unknown" is returned.

string[] getSystemConfigDirs()

Returns an ordered list of base directories in which to access system-wide configuration information.

string[] getSystemDataDirs()

Returns an ordered list of base directories in which to access system-wide application data.

string getTmpDir()

Gets the directory to use for temporary files.

string getUserCacheDir()

Returns a base directory in which to store non-essential, cached data specific to particular user.

string getUserConfigDir()

Returns a base directory in which to store user-specific application configuration information such as user preferences and settings.

string getUserDataDir()

Returns a base directory in which to access application data such as icons that is customized for a particular user.

string getUserName()

Gets the user name of the current user. The encoding of the returned string is system-defined. On UNIX, it might be the preferred file name encoding, or something else, and there is no guarantee that it is even consistent on a machine. On Windows, it is always UTF-8.

string getUserRuntimeDir()

Returns a directory that is unique to the current user on the local system.

string getUserSpecialDir(GUserDirectory directory)

Returns the full path of a special directory using its logical id.

string getenv(string variable)

Returns the value of an environment variable.

string[] listenv()

Gets the names of all variables set in the environment.

void nullifyPointer(void** nullifyLocation)

Set the pointer at the specified location to %NULL.

uint parseDebugString(string str, GDebugKey[] keys)

Parses a string containing debugging options into a %guint containing bit flags. This is used within GDK and GTK+ to parse the debug options passed on the command line or through environment variables.

string pathGetBasename(string fileName)

Gets the last component of the filename.

string pathGetDirname(string fileName)

Gets the directory components of a file name.

bool pathIsAbsolute(string fileName)

Returns %TRUE if the given @file_name is an absolute file name. Note that this is a somewhat vague concept on Windows.

string pathSkipRoot(string fileName)

Returns a pointer into @file_name after the root component, i.e. after the "/" in UNIX or "C:\" under Windows. If @file_name is not an absolute path it returns %NULL.

void qsortWithData(void* pbase, int totalElems, size_t size, GCompareDataFunc compareFunc, void* userData)

This is just like the standard C qsort() function, but the comparison routine accepts a user data argument.

void reloadUserSpecialDirsCache()

Resets the cache used for g_get_user_special_dir(), so that the latest on-disk version is used. Call this only if you just changed the data on disk yourself.

void setApplicationName(string applicationName)

Sets a human-readable name for the application. This name should be localized if possible, and is intended for display to the user. Contrast with g_set_prgname(), which sets a non-localized name. g_set_prgname() will be called automatically by gtk_init(), but g_set_application_name() will not.

void setPrgname(string prgname)

Sets the name of the program. This name should not be localized, in contrast to g_set_application_name().

bool setenv(string variable, string value, bool overwrite)

Sets an environment variable. On UNIX, both the variable's name and value can be arbitrary byte strings, except that the variable's name cannot contain '='. On Windows, they should be in UTF-8.

uint spacedPrimesClosest(uint num)

Gets the smallest prime number from a built-in array of primes which is larger than @num. This is used within GLib to calculate the optimum size of a #GHashTable.

void unsetenv(string variable)

Removes an environment variable from the environment.
