
Gets the list of children on @settings.

The list is exactly the list of strings for which it is not an error to call g_settings_get_child().

For GSettings objects that are lists, this value can change at any time and you should connect to the "children-changed" signal to watch for those changes. Note that there is a race condition here: you may request a child after listing it only for it to have been destroyed in the meantime. For this reason, g_settings_get_child() may return %NULL even for a child that was listed by this function.

For GSettings objects that are not lists, you should probably not be calling this function from "normal" code (since you should already know what children are in your schema). This function may still be useful there for introspection reasons, however.

You should free the return value with g_strfreev() when you are done with it.

class Settings

Return Value

Type: string[]

a list of the children on @settings
