
Parses a string containing debugging options into a %guint containing bit flags. This is used within GDK and GTK+ to parse the debug options passed on the command line or through environment variables.

If @string is equal to "all", all flags are set. Any flags specified along with "all" in @string are inverted; thus, "all,foo,bar" or "foo,bar,all" sets all flags except those corresponding to "foo" and "bar".

If @string is equal to "help", all the available keys in @keys are printed out to standard error.

struct Util
string str


str string

a list of debug options separated by colons, spaces, or commas, or %NULL.

keys GDebugKey[]

pointer to an array of #GDebugKey which associate strings with bit flags.

Return Value

Type: uint

the combined set of bit flags.
