
Get the #GtkTextIter at which the completion for @proposal starts. When implemented, this information is used to position the completion window accordingly when a proposal is selected in the completion window. The @proposal text inside the completion window is aligned on @iter.

If this function is not implemented, the word boundary is taken to position the completion window. See gtk_source_completion_provider_activate_proposal() for an explanation on the word boundaries.

When the @proposal is activated, the default handler uses @iter as the start of the word to replace. See gtk_source_completion_provider_activate_proposal() for more information.

template SourceCompletionProviderT(TStruct)
SourceCompletionContext context
out TextIter iter


context SourceCompletionContext

a #GtkSourceCompletionContext.

proposal SourceCompletionProposalIF

a #GtkSourceCompletionProposal.

iter TextIter

a #GtkTextIter.

Return: %TRUE if @iter was set for @proposal, %FALSE otherwise.
