
Waits until @thread finishes, i.e. the function @func, as given to g_thread_new(), returns or g_thread_exit() is called. If @thread has already terminated, then g_thread_join() returns immediately.

Any thread can wait for any other thread by calling g_thread_join(), not just its 'creator'. Calling g_thread_join() from multiple threads for the same @thread leads to undefined behaviour.

The value returned by @func or given to g_thread_exit() is returned by this function.

g_thread_join() consumes the reference to the passed-in @thread. This will usually cause the #GThread struct and associated resources to be freed. Use g_thread_ref() to obtain an extra reference if you want to keep the GThread alive beyond the g_thread_join() call.

Return: the return value of the thread

class Thread
