
Using the standard algorithm for regular expression matching only the longest match in the string is retrieved. This function uses a different algorithm so it can retrieve all the possible matches. For more documentation see g_regex_match_all_full().

A #GMatchInfo structure, used to get information on the match, is stored in @match_info if not %NULL. Note that if @match_info is not %NULL then it is created even if the function returns %FALSE, i.e. you must free it regardless if regular expression actually matched.

@string is not copied and is used in #GMatchInfo internally. If you use any #GMatchInfo method (except g_match_info_free()) after freeing or modifying @string then the behaviour is undefined.

class Regex


str string

the string to scan for matches

matchOptions GRegexMatchFlags

match options

matchInfo MatchInfo

pointer to location where to store the #GMatchInfo, or %NULL if you do not need it

Return: %TRUE is the string matched, %FALSE otherwise


