
Initiates a drag on the source side. The function only needs to be used when the application is starting drags itself, and is not needed when gtk_drag_source_set() is used.

The @event is used to retrieve the timestamp that will be used internally to grab the pointer. If @event is %NULL, then %GDK_CURRENT_TIME will be used. However, you should try to pass a real event in all cases, since that can be used to get information about the drag.

Generally there are three cases when you want to start a drag by hand by calling this function:

1. During a #GtkWidget::button-press-event handler, if you want to start a drag immediately when the user presses the mouse button. Pass the @event that you have in your #GtkWidget::button-press-event handler.

2. During a #GtkWidget::motion-notify-event handler, if you want to start a drag when the mouse moves past a certain threshold distance after a button-press. Pass the @event that you have in your #GtkWidget::motion-notify-event handler.

3. During a timeout handler, if you want to start a drag after the mouse button is held down for some time. Try to save the last event that you got from the mouse, using gdk_event_copy(), and pass it to this function (remember to free the event with gdk_event_free() when you are done). If you can really not pass a real event, pass #NULL instead.

class Widget


targets TargetList

The targets (data formats) in which the source can provide the data

actions GdkDragAction

A bitmask of the allowed drag actions for this drag

button int

The button the user clicked to start the drag

event Event

The event that triggered the start of the drag

x int

The initial x coordinate to start dragging from, in the coordinate space of @widget. If -1 is passed, the coordinates are retrieved from @event or the current pointer position

y int

The initial y coordinate to start dragging from, in the coordinate space of @widget. If -1 is passed, the coordinates are retrieved from @event or the current pointer position

Return: the context for this drag


