
The type of the @introspect function in #GDBusSubtreeVTable.

Subtrees are flat. @node, if non-%NULL, is always exactly one segment of the object path (ie: it never contains a slash).

This function should return %NULL to indicate that there is no object at this node.

If this function returns non-%NULL, the return value is expected to be a %NULL-terminated array of pointers to #GDBusInterfaceInfo structures describing the interfaces implemented by @node. This array will have g_dbus_interface_info_unref() called on each item before being freed with g_free().

The difference between returning %NULL and an array containing zero items is that the standard DBus interfaces will returned to the remote introspector in the empty array case, but not in the %NULL case.

alias GDBusSubtreeIntrospectFunc = GDBusInterfaceInfo** function(GDBusConnection* connection, const(char)* sender, const(char)* objectPath, const(char)* node, void* userData)


