
Activate @proposal at @iter. When this functions returns %FALSE, the default activation of @proposal will take place which replaces the word at @iter with the text of @proposal (see gtk_source_completion_proposal_get_text()).

Here is how the default activation selects the boundaries of the word to replace. The end of the word is @iter. For the start of the word, it depends on whether a start iter is defined for @proposal (see gtk_source_completion_provider_get_start_iter()). If a start iter is defined, the start of the word is the start iter. Else, the word (as long as possible) will contain only alphanumerical and the "_" characters.

interface SourceCompletionProviderIF


proposal SourceCompletionProposalIF

a #GtkSourceCompletionProposal.

iter TextIter

a #GtkTextIter.

Return: %TRUE to indicate that the proposal activation has been handled, %FALSE otherwise.
