
Allows the application to replace the standard method that GDK uses to protect its data structures. Normally, GDK creates a single #GMutex that is locked by gdk_threads_enter(), and released by gdk_threads_leave(); using this function an application provides, instead, a function @enter_fn that is called by gdk_threads_enter() and a function @leave_fn that is called by gdk_threads_leave().

The functions must provide at least same locking functionality as the default implementation, but can also do extra application specific processing.

As an example, consider an application that has its own recursive lock that when held, holds the GTK+ lock as well. When GTK+ unlocks the GTK+ lock when entering a recursive main loop, the application must temporarily release its lock as well.

Most threaded GTK+ apps won’t need to use this method.

This method must be called before gdk_threads_init(), and cannot be called multiple times.



enterFn GCallback

function called to guard GDK

leaveFn GCallback

function called to release the guard

Detailed Description

Deprecated: All GDK and GTK+ calls should be made from the main thread
