
A GstElement is linked to other elements via "pads", which are extremely light-weight generic link points.

Pads have a GstPadDirection, source pads produce data, sink pads consume data.

Pads are typically created from a GstPadTemplate with gst_pad_new_from_template() and are then added to a GstElement. This usually happens when the element is created but it can also happen dynamically based on the data that the element is processing or based on the pads that the application requests.

Pads without pad templates can be created with gst_pad_new(), which takes a direction and a name as an argument. If the name is NULL, then a guaranteed unique name will be assigned to it.

A GstElement creating a pad will typically use the various gst_pad_set_*_function() calls to register callbacks for events, queries or dataflow on the pads.

gst_pad_get_parent() will retrieve the GstElement that owns the pad.

After two pads are retrieved from an element with gst_element_get_pad(), the pads can be linked with gst_pad_link(). (For quick links, you can also use gst_element_link(), which will make the obvious link for you if it's straightforward.). Pads can be unlinked again with gst_pad_unlink(). gst_pad_get_peer() can be used to check what the pad is linked to.

Before dataflow is possible on the pads, they need to be activated with gst_pad_set_active().

gst_pad_query() and gst_pad_peer_query() can be used to query various properties of the pad and the stream.

To send a GstEvent on a pad, use gst_pad_send_event() and gst_pad_push_event(). Some events will be sticky on the pad, meaning that after they pass on the pad they can be queried later with gst_pad_get_sticky_event() and gst_pad_sticky_events_foreach(). gst_pad_get_current_caps() and gst_pad_has_current_caps() are convenience functions to query the current sticky CAPS event on a pad.

GstElements will use gst_pad_push() and gst_pad_pull_range() to push out or pull in a buffer.

The dataflow, events and queries that happen on a pad can be monitored with probes that can be installed with gst_pad_add_probe(). gst_pad_is_blocked() can be used to check if a block probe is installed on the pad. gst_pad_is_blocking() checks if the blocking probe is currently blocking the pad. gst_pad_remove_probe() is used to remove a previously installed probe and unblock blocking probes if any.

Pad have an offset that can be retrieved with gst_pad_get_offset(). This offset will be applied to the running_time of all data passing over the pad. gst_pad_set_offset() can be used to change the offset.

Convenience functions exist to start, pause and stop the task on a pad with gst_pad_start_task(), gst_pad_pause_task() and gst_pad_stop_task() respectively.

Last reviewed on 2012-03-29 (0.11.3)

class Pad : ObjectGst {}


this(GstPad* gstPad)

Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class

this(GObject* gstPad)

Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class. This one is additional to make gstreamer.Element addOnPadAdded() working without changes.

this(string name, GstPadDirection direction)

Creates a new pad with the given name in the given direction. If name is NULL, a guaranteed unique name (across all pads) will be assigned. This function makes a copy of the name so you can safely free the name.

this(PadTemplate templ, string name)

Creates a new pad with the given name from the given template. If name is NULL, a guaranteed unique name (across all pads) will be assigned. This function makes a copy of the name so you can safely free the name.

this(GstStaticPadTemplate* templ, string name)

Creates a new pad with the given name from the given static template. If name is NULL, a guaranteed unique name (across all pads) will be assigned. This function makes a copy of the name so you can safely free the name.



int activateMode(GstPadMode mode, int active)

Activates or deactivates the given pad in mode via dispatching to the pad's activatemodefunc. For use from within pad activation functions only. If you don't know what this is, you probably don't want to call it.

void addOnLinked(void delegate(Pad, Pad) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

Signals that a pad has been linked to the peer pad.

void addOnUnlinked(void delegate(Pad, Pad) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

Signals that a pad has been unlinked from the peer pad. See Also GstPadTemplate, GstElement, GstEvent, GstQuery, GstBuffer

gulong addProbe(GstPadProbeType mask, GstPadProbeCallback callback, void* userData, GDestroyNotify destroyData)

Be notified of different states of pads. The provided callback is called for every state that matches mask.

int canLink(Pad sinkpad)

Checks if the source pad and the sink pad are compatible so they can be linked.

GstFlowReturn chain(Buffer buffer)

Chain a buffer to pad. The function returns GST_FLOW_FLUSHING if the pad was flushing. If the buffer type is not acceptable for pad (as negotiated with a preceeding GST_EVENT_CAPS event), this function returns GST_FLOW_NOT_NEGOTIATED. The function proceeds calling the chain function installed on pad (see gst_pad_set_chain_function()) and the return value of that function is returned to the caller. GST_FLOW_NOT_SUPPORTED is returned if pad has no chain function. In all cases, success or failure, the caller loses its reference to buffer after calling this function.

GstFlowReturn chainList(BufferList list)

Chain a bufferlist to pad. The function returns GST_FLOW_FLUSHING if the pad was flushing. If pad was not negotiated properly with a CAPS event, this function returns GST_FLOW_NOT_NEGOTIATED. The function proceeds calling the chainlist function installed on pad (see gst_pad_set_chain_list_function()) and the return value of that function is returned to the caller. GST_FLOW_NOT_SUPPORTED is returned if pad has no chainlist function. In all cases, success or failure, the caller loses its reference to list after calling this function. MT safe.

int checkReconfigure()

Check and clear the GST_PAD_FLAG_NEED_RECONFIGURE flag on pad and return TRUE if the flag was set.

string createStreamId(Element parent, string streamId)

Creates a stream-id for the source GstPad pad by combining the upstream information with the optional stream_id of the stream of pad. pad must have a parent GstElement and which must have zero or one sinkpad. stream_id can only be NULL if the parent element of pad has only a single source pad. This function generates an unique stream-id by getting the upstream stream-start event stream ID and appending stream_id to it. If the element has no sinkpad it will generate an upstream stream-id by doing an URI query on the element and in the worst case just uses a random number. Source elements that don't implement the URI handler interface should ideally generate a unique, deterministic stream-id manually instead. Since stream IDs are sorted alphabetically, any numbers in the stream ID should be printed with a fixed number of characters, preceded by 0's, such as by using the format %03u instead of %u.

string createStreamIdPrintfValist(Element parent, string streamId, void* varArgs)

Creates a stream-id for the source GstPad pad by combining the upstream information with the optional stream_id of the stream of pad. pad must have a parent GstElement and which must have zero or one sinkpad. stream_id can only be NULL if the parent element of pad has only a single source pad. This function generates an unique stream-id by getting the upstream stream-start event stream ID and appending stream_id to it. If the element has no sinkpad it will generate an upstream stream-id by doing an URI query on the element and in the worst case just uses a random number. Source elements that don't implement the URI handler interface should ideally generate a unique, deterministic stream-id manually instead.

int eventDefault(ObjectGst parent, Event event)

Invokes the default event handler for the given pad. The EOS event will pause the task associated with pad before it is forwarded to all internally linked pads, The the event is sent to all pads internally linked to pad. This function takes ownership of event.

int forward(GstPadForwardFunction forward, void* userData)

Calls forward for all internally linked pads of pad. This function deals with dynamically changing internal pads and will make sure that the forward function is only called once for each pad. When forward returns TRUE, no further pads will be processed.

Caps getAllowedCaps()

Gets the capabilities of the allowed media types that can flow through pad and its peer. The allowed capabilities is calculated as the intersection of the results of calling gst_pad_query_caps() on pad and its peer. The caller owns a reference on the resulting caps.

Caps getCurrentCaps()

Gets the capabilities currently configured on pad with the last GST_EVENT_CAPS event.

GstPadDirection getDirection()

Gets the direction of the pad. The direction of the pad is decided at construction time so this function does not take the LOCK.

void* getElementPrivate()

Gets the private data of a pad. No locking is performed in this function.

long getOffset()

Get the offset applied to the running time of pad. pad has to be a source pad.

GstPad* getPadStruct()

Get the main Gtk struct

PadTemplate getPadTemplate()

Gets the template for pad.

Caps getPadTemplateCaps()

Gets the capabilities for pad's template.

Element getParentElement()

Gets the parent of pad, cast to a GstElement. If a pad has no parent or its parent is not an element, return NULL.

Pad getPeer()

Gets the peer of pad. This function refs the peer pad so you need to unref it after use.

GstFlowReturn getRange(ulong offset, uint size, Buffer buffer)

returns GST_FLOW_ERROR if NULL. When pad is flushing this function returns GST_FLOW_FLUSHING immediately and buffer is NULL. Calls the getrange function of pad, see GstPadGetRangeFunction for a description of a getrange function. If pad has no getrange function installed (see gst_pad_set_getrange_function()) this function returns GST_FLOW_NOT_SUPPORTED. If buffer points to a variable holding NULL, a valid new GstBuffer will be placed in buffer when this function returns GST_FLOW_OK. The new buffer must be freed with gst_buffer_unref() after usage. When buffer points to a variable that points to a valid GstBuffer, the buffer will be filled with the result data when this function returns GST_FLOW_OK. If the provided buffer is larger than size, only size bytes will be filled in the result buffer and its size will be updated accordingly. Note that less than size bytes can be returned in buffer when, for example, an EOS condition is near or when buffer is not large enough to hold size bytes. The caller should check the result buffer size to get the result size. When this function returns any other result value than GST_FLOW_OK, buffer will be unchanged. This is a lowlevel function. Usualy gst_pad_pull_range() is used.

Event getStickyEvent(GstEventType eventType, uint idx)

Returns a new reference of the sticky event of type event_type from the event.

string getStreamId()

Returns the current stream-id for the pad, or NULL if none has been set yet, i.e. the pad has not received a stream-start event yet. This is a convenience wrapper around gst_pad_get_sticky_event() and gst_event_parse_stream_start(). The returned stream-id string should be treated as an opaque string, its contents should not be interpreted. Since 1.2

void* getStruct()

the main Gtk struct as a void*

int hasCurrentCaps()

Check if pad has caps set on it with a GST_EVENT_CAPS event.

int isActive()

Query if a pad is active

int isBlocked()

Checks if the pad is blocked or not. This function returns the last requested state of the pad. It is not certain that the pad is actually blocking at this point (see gst_pad_is_blocking()).

int isBlocking()

Checks if the pad is blocking or not. This is a guaranteed state of whether the pad is actually blocking on a GstBuffer or a GstEvent.

int isLinked()

Checks if a pad is linked to another pad or not.

Iterator iterateInternalLinks()

Gets an iterator for the pads to which the given pad is linked to inside of the parent element. Each GstPad element yielded by the iterator will have its refcount increased, so unref after use. Free-function: gst_iterator_free

Iterator iterateInternalLinksDefault(ObjectGst parent)

Iterate the list of pads to which the given pad is linked to inside of the parent element. This is the default handler, and thus returns an iterator of all of the pads inside the parent element with opposite direction. The caller must free this iterator after use with gst_iterator_free().

GstPadLinkReturn link(Pad sinkpad)

Links the source pad and the sink pad.

GstPadLinkReturn linkFull(Pad sinkpad, GstPadLinkCheck flags)

Links the source pad and the sink pad. This variant of gst_pad_link provides a more granular control on the checks being done when linking. While providing some considerable speedups the caller of this method must be aware that wrong usage of those flags can cause severe issues. Refer to the documentation of GstPadLinkCheck for more information. MT Safe.

void markReconfigure()

Mark a pad for needing reconfiguration. The next call to gst_pad_check_reconfigure() will return TRUE after this call.

int needsReconfigure()

Check the GST_PAD_FLAG_NEED_RECONFIGURE flag on pad and return TRUE if the flag was set.

int pauseTask()

Pause the task of pad. This function will also wait until the function executed by the task is finished if this function is not called from the task function.

int peerQuery(Query query)

Performs gst_pad_query() on the peer of pad. The caller is responsible for both the allocation and deallocation of the query structure.

int peerQueryAcceptCaps(Caps caps)

Check if the peer of pad accepts caps. If pad has no peer, this function returns TRUE.

Caps peerQueryCaps(Caps filter)

Gets the capabilities of the peer connected to this pad. Similar to gst_pad_query_caps(). When called on srcpads filter contains the caps that upstream could produce in the order preferred by upstream. When called on sinkpads filter contains the caps accepted by downstream in the preffered order. filter might be NULL but if it is not NULL the returned caps will be a subset of filter.

int peerQueryConvert(GstFormat srcFormat, long srcVal, GstFormat destFormat, long destVal)

Queries the peer pad of a given sink pad to convert src_val in src_format to dest_format.

int peerQueryDuration(GstFormat format, long duration)

Queries the peer pad of a given sink pad for the total stream duration.

int peerQueryPosition(GstFormat format, long cur)

Queries the peer of a given sink pad for the stream position.

int proxyQueryAcceptCaps(Query query)

Calls gst_pad_accept_caps() for all internally linked pads of pad and returns the intersection of the results. This function is useful as a default accept caps query function for an element that can handle any stream format, but requires caps that are acceptable for all oposite pads.

int proxyQueryCaps(Query query)

Calls gst_pad_query_caps() for all internally linked pads fof pad and returns the intersection of the results. This function is useful as a default caps query function for an element that can handle any stream format, but requires all its pads to have the same caps. Two such elements are tee and adder.

GstFlowReturn pullRange(ulong offset, uint size, Buffer buffer)

Pulls a buffer from the peer pad or fills up a provided buffer. This function will first trigger the pad block signal if it was installed. When pad is not linked GST_FLOW_NOT_LINKED is returned else this function returns the result of gst_pad_get_range() on the peer pad. See gst_pad_get_range() for a list of return values and for the semantics of the arguments of this function. If buffer points to a variable holding NULL, a valid new GstBuffer will be placed in buffer when this function returns GST_FLOW_OK. The new buffer must be freed with gst_buffer_unref() after usage. When this function returns any other result value, buffer will still point to NULL. When buffer points to a variable that points to a valid GstBuffer, the buffer will be filled with the result data when this function returns GST_FLOW_OK. When this function returns any other result value, buffer will be unchanged. If the provided buffer is larger than size, only size bytes will be filled in the result buffer and its size will be updated accordingly. Note that less than size bytes can be returned in buffer when, for example, an EOS condition is near or when buffer is not large enough to hold size bytes. The caller should check the result buffer size to get the result size.

GstFlowReturn push(Buffer buffer)

Pushes a buffer to the peer of pad. This function will call installed block probes before triggering any installed data probes. The function proceeds calling gst_pad_chain() on the peer pad and returns the value from that function. If pad has no peer, GST_FLOW_NOT_LINKED will be returned. In all cases, success or failure, the caller loses its reference to buffer after calling this function.

int pushEvent(Event event)

Sends the event to the peer of the given pad. This function is mainly used by elements to send events to their peer elements. This function takes owership of the provided event so you should gst_event_ref() it if you want to reuse the event after this call.

GstFlowReturn pushList(BufferList list)

Pushes a buffer list to the peer of pad. This function will call installed block probes before triggering any installed data probes. The function proceeds calling the chain function on the peer pad and returns the value from that function. If pad has no peer, GST_FLOW_NOT_LINKED will be returned. If the peer pad does not have any installed chainlist function every group buffer of the list will be merged into a normal GstBuffer and chained via gst_pad_chain(). In all cases, success or failure, the caller loses its reference to list after calling this function.

int query(Query query)

Dispatches a query to a pad. The query should have been allocated by the caller via one of the type-specific allocation functions. The element that the pad belongs to is responsible for filling the query with an appropriate response, which should then be parsed with a type-specific query parsing function. Again, the caller is responsible for both the allocation and deallocation of the query structure. Please also note that some queries might need a running pipeline to work.

int queryAcceptCaps(Caps caps)

Check if the given pad accepts the caps.

Caps queryCaps(Caps filter)

Gets the capabilities this pad can produce or consume. Note that this method doesn't necessarily return the caps set by sending a gst_event_new_caps() - use gst_pad_get_current_caps() for that instead. gst_pad_query_caps returns all possible caps a pad can operate with, using the pad's CAPS query function, If the query fails, this function will return filter, if not NULL, otherwise ANY. When called on sinkpads filter contains the caps that upstream could produce in the order preferred by upstream. When called on srcpads filter contains the caps accepted by downstream in the preffered order. filter might be NULL but if it is not NULL the returned caps will be a subset of filter. Note that this function does not return writable GstCaps, use gst_caps_make_writable() before modifying the caps.

int queryConvert(GstFormat srcFormat, long srcVal, GstFormat destFormat, long destVal)

Queries a pad to convert src_val in src_format to dest_format.

int queryDefault(ObjectGst parent, Query query)

Invokes the default query handler for the given pad. The query is sent to all pads internally linked to pad. Note that if there are many possible sink pads that are internally linked to pad, only one will be sent the query. Multi-sinkpad elements should implement custom query handlers.

long queryDuration()

Queries a pad for the stream duration. This is a convenience function for gstreamerD.

int queryDuration(GstFormat format, long duration)

Queries a pad for the total stream duration.

long queryPosition()

Queries a pad for the stream position. This is a convenience function for gstreamerD.

int queryPosition(GstFormat format, long cur)

Queries a pad for the stream position.

void removeProbe(gulong id)

Remove the probe with id from pad. MT safe.

int sendEvent(Event event)

Sends the event to the pad. This function can be used by applications to send events in the pipeline. If pad is a source pad, event should be an upstream event. If pad is a sink pad, event should be a downstream event. For example, you would not send a GST_EVENT_EOS on a src pad; EOS events only propagate downstream. Furthermore, some downstream events have to be serialized with data flow, like EOS, while some can travel out-of-band, like GST_EVENT_FLUSH_START. If the event needs to be serialized with data flow, this function will take the pad's stream lock while calling its event function. To find out whether an event type is upstream, downstream, or downstream and serialized, see GstEventTypeFlags, gst_event_type_get_flags(), GST_EVENT_IS_UPSTREAM, GST_EVENT_IS_DOWNSTREAM, and GST_EVENT_IS_SERIALIZED. Note that in practice that an application or plugin doesn't need to bother itself with this information; the core handles all necessary locks and checks. This function takes owership of the provided event so you should gst_event_ref() it if you want to reuse the event after this call.

void setActivateFunctionFull(GstPadActivateFunction activate, void* userData, GDestroyNotify notify)

Sets the given activate function for pad. The activate function will dispatch to gst_pad_activate_mode() to perform the actual activation. Only makes sense to set on sink pads. Call this function if your sink pad can start a pull-based task.

void setActivatemodeFunctionFull(GstPadActivateModeFunction activatemode, void* userData, GDestroyNotify notify)

Sets the given activate_mode function for the pad. An activate_mode function prepares the element for data passing.

int setActive(int active)

Activates or deactivates the given pad. Normally called from within core state change functions. If active, makes sure the pad is active. If it is already active, either in push or pull mode, just return. Otherwise dispatches to the pad's activate function to perform the actual activation. If not active, calls gst_pad_activate_mode() with the pad's current mode and a FALSE argument.

void setChainFunctionFull(GstPadChainFunction chain, void* userData, GDestroyNotify notify)

Sets the given chain function for the pad. The chain function is called to process a GstBuffer input buffer. see GstPadChainFunction for more details.

void setChainListFunctionFull(GstPadChainListFunction chainlist, void* userData, GDestroyNotify notify)

Sets the given chain list function for the pad. The chainlist function is called to process a GstBufferList input buffer list. See GstPadChainListFunction for more details.

void setElementPrivate(void* priv)

Set the given private data gpointer on the pad. This function can only be used by the element that owns the pad. No locking is performed in this function.

void setEventFunctionFull(GstPadEventFunction event, void* userData, GDestroyNotify notify)

Sets the given event handler for the pad.

void setGetrangeFunctionFull(GstPadGetRangeFunction get, void* userData, GDestroyNotify notify)

Sets the given getrange function for the pad. The getrange function is called to produce a new GstBuffer to start the processing pipeline. see GstPadGetRangeFunction for a description of the getrange function.

void setIterateInternalLinksFunctionFull(GstPadIterIntLinkFunction iterintlink, void* userData, GDestroyNotify notify)

Sets the given internal link iterator function for the pad.

void setLinkFunctionFull(GstPadLinkFunction link, void* userData, GDestroyNotify notify)

Sets the given link function for the pad. It will be called when the pad is linked with another pad. The return value GST_PAD_LINK_OK should be used when the connection can be made. The return value GST_PAD_LINK_REFUSED should be used when the connection cannot be made for some reason. If link is installed on a source pad, it should call the GstPadLinkFunction of the peer sink pad, if present.

void setOffset(long offset)

Set the offset that will be applied to the running time of pad.

void setQueryFunctionFull(GstPadQueryFunction query, void* userData, GDestroyNotify notify)

Set the given query function for the pad.

void setStruct(GObject* obj)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
void setUnlinkFunctionFull(GstPadUnlinkFunction unlink, void* userData, GDestroyNotify notify)

Sets the given unlink function for the pad. It will be called when the pad is unlinked.

int startTask(GstTaskFunction func, void* userData, GDestroyNotify notify)

Starts a task that repeatedly calls func with user_data. This function is mostly used in pad activation functions to start the dataflow. The GST_PAD_STREAM_LOCK of pad will automatically be acquired before func is called.

void stickyEventsForeach(GstPadStickyEventsForeachFunction foreachFunc, void* userData)

Iterates all sticky events on pad and calls foreach_func for every event. If foreach_func returns FALSE the iteration is immediately stopped.

int stopTask()

Stop the task of pad. This function will also make sure that the function executed by the task will effectively stop if not called from the GstTaskFunction. This function will deadlock if called from the GstTaskFunction of the task. Use gst_task_pause() instead. Regardless of whether the pad has a task, the stream lock is acquired and released so as to ensure that streaming through this pad has finished.

int unlink(Pad sinkpad)

Unlinks the source pad from the sink pad. Will emit the "unlinked" signal on both pads.

void useFixedCaps()

A helper function you can use that sets the FIXED_CAPS flag This way the default CAPS query will always return the negotiated caps or in case the pad is not negotiated, the padtemplate caps. The negotiated caps are the caps of the last CAPS event that passed on the pad. Use this function on a pad that, once it negotiated to a CAPS, cannot be renegotiated to something else.

Static functions

void callBackLinked(GstPad* padStruct, GstPad* peer, Pad _pad)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
void callBackUnlinked(GstPad* padStruct, GstPad* peer, Pad _pad)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
string gstFlowGetName(GstFlowReturn ret)

Gets a string representing the given flow return.

GQuark gstFlowToQuark(GstFlowReturn ret)

Get the unique quark for the given GstFlowReturn.

string modeGetName(GstPadMode mode)

Return the name of a pad mode, for use in debug messages mostly.

Buffer probeInfoGetBuffer(GstPadProbeInfo* info)
BufferList probeInfoGetBufferList(GstPadProbeInfo* info)
Event probeInfoGetEvent(GstPadProbeInfo* info)
Query probeInfoGetQuery(GstPadProbeInfo* info)


int[string] connectedSignals;
GstPad* gstPad;

the main Gtk struct

void delegate(Pad, Pad)[] onLinkedListeners;
Undocumented in source.
void delegate(Pad, Pad)[] onUnlinkedListeners;
Undocumented in source.

Inherited Members

From ObjectGst

GstObject* gstObject;

the main Gtk struct

GstObject* getObjectGstStruct()

Get the main Gtk struct

void* getStruct()

the main Gtk struct as a void*

void setStruct(GObject* obj)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
int[string] connectedSignals;
void delegate(ObjectGst, ParamSpec, ObjectGst)[] onDeepNotifyListeners;
Undocumented in source.
void addOnDeepNotify(void delegate(ObjectGst, ParamSpec, ObjectGst) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

The deep notify signal is used to be notified of property changes. It is typically attached to the toplevel bin to receive notifications from all the elements contained in that bin.

void callBackDeepNotify(GstObject* gstobjectStruct, GstObject* propObject, GParamSpec* prop, ObjectGst _objectGst)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
int setName(string name)

Sets the name of object, or gives object a guaranteed unique name (if name is NULL). This function makes a copy of the provided name, so the caller retains ownership of the name it sent.

string getName()

Returns a copy of the name of object. Caller should g_free() the return value after usage. For a nameless object, this returns NULL, which you can safely g_free() as well. Free-function: g_free

int setParent(ObjectGst parent)

Sets the parent of object to parent. The object's reference count will be incremented, and any floating reference will be removed (see gst_object_ref_sink()).

ObjectGst getParent()

Returns the parent of object. This function increases the refcount of the parent object so you should gst_object_unref() it after usage.

void unparent()

Clear the parent of object, removing the associated reference. This function decreases the refcount of object. MT safe. Grabs and releases object's lock.

void defaultDeepNotify(ObjectG object, ObjectGst orig, ParamSpec pspec, string[] excludedProps)

A default deep_notify signal callback for an object. The user data should contain a pointer to an array of strings that should be excluded from the notify. The default handler will print the new value of the property using g_print. MT safe. This function grabs and releases object's LOCK for getting its path string.

void defaultError(ErrorG error, char dbug)

A default error function that uses g_printerr() to display the error message and the optional debug sting.. The default handler will simply print the error string using g_print.

int checkUniqueness(ListG list, string name)

Checks to see if there is any object named name in list. This function does not do any locking of any kind. You might want to protect the provided list with the lock of the owner of the list. This function will lock each GstObject in the list to compare the name, so be carefull when passing a list with a locked object.

int hasAncestor(ObjectGst ancestor)

Check if object has an ancestor ancestor somewhere up in the hierarchy. One can e.g. check if a GstElement is inside a GstPipeline.

void* doref(void* object)

Increments the reference count on object. This function does not take the lock on object because it relies on atomic refcounting. This object returns the input parameter to ease writing

void unref(void* object)

Decrements the reference count on object. If reference count hits zero, destroy object. This function does not take the lock on object as it relies on atomic refcounting. The unref method should never be called with the LOCK held since this might deadlock the dispose function.

void* refSink(void* object)

Increase the reference count of object, and possibly remove the floating reference, if object has a floating reference. In other words, if the object is floating, then this call "assumes ownership" of the floating reference, converting it to a normal reference by clearing the floating flag while leaving the reference count unchanged. If the object is not floating, then this call adds a new normal reference increasing the reference count by one.

int replace(ObjectGst oldobj, ObjectGst newobj)

Atomically modifies a pointer to point to a new object. The reference count of oldobj is decreased and the reference count of newobj is increased. Either newobj and the value pointed to by oldobj may be NULL.

string getPathString()

Generates a string describing the path of object in the object hierarchy. Only useful (or used) for debugging. Free-function: g_free

GstClockTime suggestNextSync()

Returns a suggestion for timestamps where buffers should be split to get best controller results.

int syncValues(GstClockTime timestamp)

Sets the properties of the object, according to the GstControlSources that (maybe) handle them and for the given timestamp. If this function fails, it is most likely the application developers fault. Most probably the control sources are not setup correctly.

int hasActiveControlBindings()

Check if the object has an active controlled properties.

void setControlBindingsDisabled(int disabled)

This function is used to disable all controlled properties of the object for some time, i.e. gst_object_sync_values() will do nothing.

void setControlBindingDisabled(string propertyName, int disabled)

This function is used to disable the GstController on a property for some time, i.e. gst_controller_sync_values() will do nothing for the property.

int addControlBinding(ControlBinding binding)

Attach the GstControlBinding to the object. If there already was a GstControlBinding for this property it will be replaced. The object will take ownership of the binding.

ControlBinding getControlBinding(string propertyName)

Gets the corresponding GstControlBinding for the property. This should be unreferenced again after use.

int removeControlBinding(ControlBinding binding)

Removes the corresponding GstControlBinding. If it was the last ref of the binding, it will be disposed.

Value getValue(string propertyName, GstClockTime timestamp)

Gets the value for the given controlled property at the requested time.

int getValueArray(string propertyName, GstClockTime timestamp, GstClockTime interval, void[] values)

Gets a number of values for the given controlled property starting at the requested time. The array values need to hold enough space for n_values of the same type as the objects property's type. This function is useful if one wants to e.g. draw a graph of the control curve or apply a control curve sample by sample. The values are unboxed and ready to be used. The similar function gst_object_get_g_value_array() returns the array as GValues and is better suites for bindings.

int getGValueArray(string propertyName, GstClockTime timestamp, GstClockTime interval, uint nValues, Value values)

Gets a number of GValues for the given controlled property starting at the requested time. The array values need to hold enough space for n_values of GValue. This function is useful if one wants to e.g. draw a graph of the control curve or apply a control curve sample by sample.

GstClockTime getControlRate()

Obtain the control-rate for this object. Audio processing GstElement objects will use this rate to sub-divide their processing loop and call gst_object_sync_values() inbetween. The length of the processing segment should be up to control-rate nanoseconds. If the object is not under property control, this will return GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE. This allows the element to avoid the sub-dividing. The control-rate is not expected to change if the element is in GST_STATE_PAUSED or GST_STATE_PLAYING.

void setControlRate(GstClockTime controlRate)

Change the control-rate for this object. Audio processing GstElement objects will use this rate to sub-divide their processing loop and call gst_object_sync_values() inbetween. The length of the processing segment should be up to control-rate nanoseconds. The control-rate should not change if the element is in GST_STATE_PAUSED or GST_STATE_PLAYING.
