
Tries to guess the type of content stored on mount. Returns one or more textual identifiers of well-known content types (typically prefixed with "x-content/"), e.g. x-content/image-dcf for camera memory cards. See the shared-mime-info specification for more on x-content types. This is an asynchronous operation (see g_mount_guess_content_type_sync() for the synchronous version), and is finished by calling g_mount_guess_content_type_finish() with the mount and GAsyncResult data returned in the callback. Since 2.18

template MountT(TStruct)


forceRescan int

Whether to force a rescan of the content. Otherwise a cached result will be used if available

cancellable Cancellable

optional GCancellable object, NULL to ignore. [allow-none]

callback GAsyncReadyCallback

a GAsyncReadyCallback

userData void*

user data passed to callback
