
Warning gtk_icon_set_render_icon has been deprecated since version 3.0 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use gtk_icon_set_render_icon_pixbuf() instead Renders an icon using gtk_style_render_icon(). In most cases, gtk_widget_render_icon() is better, since it automatically provides most of the arguments from the current widget settings. This function never returns NULL; if the icon can't be rendered (perhaps because an image file fails to load), a default "missing image" icon will be returned instead.


style Style

a GtkStyle associated with widget, or NULL. [allow-none]

direction GtkTextDirection

text direction

state GtkStateType

widget state

size GtkIconSize

icon size. A size of (GtkIconSize)-1 means render at the size of the source and don't scale. [type int]

widget Widget

widget that will display the icon, or NULL. The only use that is typically made of this is to determine the appropriate GdkScreen. [allow-none]

detail string

detail to pass to the theme engine, or NULL. Note that passing a detail of anything but NULL will disable caching. [allow-none]

Return Value

Type: Pixbuf

a GdkPixbuf to be displayed. [transfer full]
