
Returns an iterator pointing to the position of the first item found equal to data according to cmp_func and cmp_data. If more than one item is equal, it is not guaranteed that it is the first which is returned. In that case, you can use g_sequence_iter_next() and g_sequence_iter_prev() to get others. cmp_func is called with two items of the seq and user_data. It should return 0 if the items are equal, a negative value if the first item comes before the second, and a positive value if the second item comes before the first. Note This function will fail if the data contained in the sequence is unsorted. Use g_sequence_insert_sorted() or g_sequence_insert_sorted_iter() to add data to your sequence or, if you want to add a large amount of data, call g_sequence_sort() after doing unsorted insertions. Since 2.28

class Sequence


data void*

data to lookup

cmpFunc GCompareDataFunc

the function used to compare items in the sequence

cmpData void*

user data passed to cmp_func.

Return Value

an GSequenceIter pointing to the position of the first item found equal to data according to cmp_func and cmp_data, or NULL if no such item exists.
