
Warning gtk_signal_connect_full is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. Use g_signal_connect_data() instead. Attaches a function pointer and user data to a signal with more control.


object ObjectGtk

the object which emits the signal. For example, a button in the button press signal.

name string

the name of the signal.

func GCallback

function pointer to attach to the signal.

data void*

the user data associated with the function.

destroyFunc GDestroyNotify

function to call when this particular hook is disconnected.

objectSignal int

whether this is an object signal-- basically an "object signal" is one that wants its user_data and object fields switched, which is useful for calling functions which operate on another object primarily.

after int

whether to invoke the user-defined handler after the signal, or to let the signal's default behavior preside (i.e. depending on GTK_RUN_FIRST and GTK_RUN_LAST).

Return Value

Type: gulong

the connection id.
