
This is similar to g_signal_connect_data(), but uses a closure which ensures that the gobject stays alive during the call to c_handler by temporarily adding a reference count to gobject. Note that there is a bug in GObject that makes this function much less useful than it might seem otherwise. Once gobject is disposed, the callback will no longer be called, but, the signal handler is not currently disconnected. If the instance is itself being freed at the same time than this doesn't matter, since the signal will automatically be removed, but if instance persists, then the signal handler will leak. You should not remove the signal yourself because in a future versions of GObject, the handler will automatically be disconnected. It's possible to work around this problem in a way that will continue to work with future versions of GObject by checking

class Signals


detailedSignal string

a string of the form "signal-name::detail".

cHandler GCallback

the GCallback to connect.

gobject void*

the object to pass as data to c_handler.

connectFlags GConnectFlags

a combination of GConnnectFlags.

Return Value

Type: gulong

the handler id.
