
Finishes an asynchronous load of the file's contents. The contents are placed in contents, and length is set to the size of the contents string. The content should be freed with g_free() when no longer needed. If etag_out is present, it will be set to the new entity tag for the file.

class File
out string contents
out string etagOut


res AsyncResultIF

a GAsyncResult.

contents string

a location to place the contents of the file. out[transfer full][element-type guint8][array length=length]

length gsize

a location to place the length of the contents of the file, or NULL if the length is not needed. out[allow-none]

etagOut string

a location to place the current entity tag for the file, or NULL if the entity tag is not needed. out[allow-none]

Return Value

Type: int

TRUE if the load was successful. If FALSE and error is present, it will be set appropriately.


GException on failure.
