
Warning gdk_pixbuf_render_to_drawable has been deprecated since version 2.4 and should not be used in newly-written code. This function is obsolete. Use gdk_draw_pixbuf() instead. Renders a rectangular portion of a pixbuf to a drawable while using the specified GC. This is done using GdkRGB, so the specified drawable must have the GdkRGB visual and colormap. Note that this function will ignore the opacity information for images with an alpha channel; the GC must already have the clipping mask set if you want transparent regions to show through. For an explanation of dither offsets, see the GdkRGB documentation. In brief, the dither offset is important when re-rendering partial regions of an image to a rendered version of the full image, or for when the offsets to a base position change, as in scrolling. The dither matrix has to be shifted for consistent visual results. If you do not have any of these cases, the dither offsets can be both zero.

class Pixbuf


drawable Drawable

Destination drawable.

gc GC

GC used for rendering.

srcX int

Source X coordinate within pixbuf.

srcY int

Source Y coordinate within pixbuf.

destX int

Destination X coordinate within drawable.

destY int

Destination Y coordinate within drawable.

width int

Width of region to render, in pixels, or -1 to use pixbuf width

height int

Height of region to render, in pixels, or -1 to use pixbuf height

dither GdkRgbDither

Dithering mode for GdkRGB.

xDither int

X offset for dither.

yDither int

Y offset for dither.
