
Warning gtk_idle_add_full has been deprecated since version 2.4 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use g_idle_add_full() instead. Like gtk_idle_add() this function allows you to have a function called when the event loop is idle. The difference is that you can give a priority different from GTK_PRIORITY_DEFAULT to the idle function.


priority int

The priority which should not be above G_PRIORITY_HIGH_IDLE. Note that you will interfere with GTK+ if you use a priority above GTK_PRIORITY_RESIZE.

marshal GtkCallbackMarshal

The marshaller to use instead of the function (if non-NULL).

data void*

Data to pass to that function.

destroy GDestroyNotify

Function to call when the timeout is destroyed or NULL.

Return Value

Type: uint

A unique id for the event source.
