
Poll the bus for messages. Will block while waiting for messages to come. You can specify a maximum time to poll with the timeout parameter. If timeout is negative, this function will block indefinitely. All messages not in events will be popped off the bus and will be ignored. Because poll is implemented using the "message" signal enabled by gst_bus_add_signal_watch(), calling gst_bus_poll() will cause the "message" signal to be emitted for every message that poll sees. Thus a "message" signal handler will see the same messages that this function sees -- neither will steal messages from the other. This function will run a main loop from the default main context when polling.


events GstMessageType

a mask of GstMessageType, representing the set of message types to poll for.

timeout GstClockTimeDiff

the poll timeout, as a GstClockTimeDiff, or -1 to poll indefinitely.

Return Value

Type: Message

The message that was received, or NULL if the poll timed out. The message is taken from the bus and needs to be unreffed with gst_message_unref() after usage. Signal Details The "message" signal void user_function (GstBus *bus, GstMessage *message, gpointer user_data) : Run Last / Has Details A message has been posted on the bus. This signal is emitted from a GSource added to the mainloop. this signal will only be emitted when there is a mainloop running.
