
Warning gdk_pixmap_create_from_xpm has been deprecated since version 2.22 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use a GdkPixbuf instead. You can use gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file() to create it. If you must use a pixmap, use gdk_pixmap_new() to create it and Cairo to draw the pixbuf onto it. Create a pixmap from a XPM file.

class Pixmap


drawable Drawable

a GdkDrawable, used to determine default values for the new pixmap.

mask Bitmap

(out) a pointer to a place to store a bitmap representing the transparency mask of the XPM file. Can be NULL, in which case transparency will be ignored.

transparentColor Color

the color to be used for the pixels that are transparent in the input file. Can be NULL, in which case a default color will be used.

filename string

the filename of a file containing XPM data.

Return Value

Type: Pixmap

the GdkPixmap. [transfer none]
