1 /*
2  * This file is part of gtkD.
3  *
4  * gtkD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5  * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
6  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
7  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version, with
8  * some exceptions, please read the COPYING file.
9  *
10  * gtkD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
16  * along with gtkD; if not, write to the Free Software
17  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, USA
18  */
20 // generated automatically - do not change
21 // find conversion definition on APILookup.txt
22 // implement new conversion functionalities on the wrap.utils pakage
24 /*
25  * Conversion parameters:
26  * inFile  = GtkComboBox.html
27  * outPack = gtk
28  * outFile = ComboBox
29  * strct   = GtkComboBox
30  * realStrct=
31  * ctorStrct=
32  * clss    = ComboBox
33  * interf  = 
34  * class Code: Yes
35  * interface Code: No
36  * template for:
37  * extend  = 
38  * implements:
39  * 	- CellLayoutIF
40  * 	- CellEditableIF
41  * prefixes:
42  * 	- gtk_combo_box_
43  * 	- gtk_
44  * omit structs:
45  * omit prefixes:
46  * omit code:
47  * 	- gtk_combo_box_new
48  * 	- gtk_combo_box_new_text
49  * 	- gtk_combo_box_new_with_entry
50  * omit signals:
51  * imports:
52  * 	- atk.ObjectAtk
53  * 	- glib.Str
54  * 	- gtk.TreeModel
55  * 	- gtk.TreeModelIF
56  * 	- gtk.TreeIter
57  * 	- gtk.CellLayoutIF
58  * 	- gtk.CellLayoutT
59  * 	- gtk.CellEditableT
60  * 	- gtk.CellEditableIF
61  * structWrap:
62  * 	- AtkObject* -> ObjectAtk
63  * 	- GtkTreeIter* -> TreeIter
64  * 	- GtkTreeModel* -> TreeModelIF
65  * module aliases:
66  * local aliases:
67  * overrides:
68  */
70 module gtk.ComboBox;
72 public  import gtkc.gtktypes;
74 private import gtkc.gtk;
75 private import glib.ConstructionException;
76 private import gobject.ObjectG;
78 private import gobject.Signals;
79 public  import gtkc.gdktypes;
81 private import atk.ObjectAtk;
82 private import glib.Str;
83 private import gtk.TreeModel;
84 private import gtk.TreeModelIF;
85 private import gtk.TreeIter;
86 private import gtk.CellLayoutIF;
87 private import gtk.CellLayoutT;
88 private import gtk.CellEditableT;
89 private import gtk.CellEditableIF;
93 private import gtk.Bin;
95 /**
96  * Description
97  * A GtkComboBox is a widget that allows the user to choose from a list of
98  * valid choices. The GtkComboBox displays the selected choice. When
99  * activated, the GtkComboBox displays a popup which allows the user to
100  * make a new choice. The style in which the selected value is displayed,
101  * and the style of the popup is determined by the current theme. It may
102  * be similar to a Windows-style combo box.
103  * The GtkComboBox uses the model-view pattern; the list of valid choices
104  * is specified in the form of a tree model, and the display of the choices
105  * can be adapted to the data in the model by using cell renderers, as you
106  * would in a tree view. This is possible since GtkComboBox implements the
107  * GtkCellLayout interface. The tree model holding the valid choices is
108  * not restricted to a flat list, it can be a real tree, and the popup will
109  * reflect the tree structure.
110  * To allow the user to enter values not in the model, the 'has-entry'
111  * property allows the GtkComboBox to contain a GtkEntry. This entry
112  * can be accessed by calling gtk_bin_get_child() on the combo box.
113  * For a simple list of textual choices, the model-view API of GtkComboBox
114  * can be a bit overwhelming. In this case, GtkComboBoxText offers a
115  * simple alternative. Both GtkComboBox and GtkComboBoxText can contain
116  * an entry.
117  * A GtkComboBox is a widget that allows the user to choose from a
118  * list of valid choices. The GtkComboBox displays the selected
119  * choice. When activated, the GtkComboBox displays a popup
120  * which allows the user to make a new choice. The style in which
121  * the selected value is displayed, and the style of the popup is
122  * determined by the current theme. It may be similar to a GtkOptionMenu,
123  * or similar to a Windows-style combo box.
124  * Unlike its predecessors GtkCombo and GtkOptionMenu, the GtkComboBox
125  * uses the model-view pattern; the list of valid choices is specified in the
126  * form of a tree model, and the display of the choices can be adapted to
127  * the data in the model by using cell renderers, as you would in a tree view.
128  * This is possible since GtkComboBox implements the GtkCellLayout interface.
129  * The tree model holding the valid choices is not restricted to a flat list,
130  * it can be a real tree, and the popup will reflect the tree structure.
131  * In addition to the model-view API, GtkComboBox offers a simple API which
132  * is suitable for text-only combo boxes, and hides the complexity of managing
133  * the data in a model. It consists of the functions gtk_combo_box_new_text(),
134  * gtk_combo_box_append_text(), gtk_combo_box_insert_text(),
135  * gtk_combo_box_prepend_text(), gtk_combo_box_remove_text() and
136  * gtk_combo_box_get_active_text().
137  */
138 public class ComboBox : Bin, CellLayoutIF, CellEditableIF
139 {
141 	/** the main Gtk struct */
142 	protected GtkComboBox* gtkComboBox;
145 	public GtkComboBox* getComboBoxStruct()
146 	{
147 		return gtkComboBox;
148 	}
151 	/** the main Gtk struct as a void* */
152 	protected override void* getStruct()
153 	{
154 		return cast(void*)gtkComboBox;
155 	}
157 	/**
158 	 * Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class
159 	 */
160 	public this (GtkComboBox* gtkComboBox)
161 	{
162 		super(cast(GtkBin*)gtkComboBox);
163 		this.gtkComboBox = gtkComboBox;
164 	}
166 	protected override void setStruct(GObject* obj)
167 	{
168 		super.setStruct(obj);
169 		gtkComboBox = cast(GtkComboBox*)obj;
170 	}
172 	private int count = 0;
173 	public int maxCount = 0;
176 	// add the CellLayout capabilities
177 	mixin CellLayoutT!(GtkComboBox);
179 	// add the CellEditable capabilities
180 	mixin CellEditableT!(GtkComboBox);
182 	/**
183 	 * Creates a new empty GtkComboBox.
184 	 * If text is true then
185 	 * constructs a new text combo box, which is a
186 	 * GtkComboBox just displaying strings. If you use this function to create
187 	 * a text combo box, you should only manipulate its data source with the
188 	 * following convenience functions: gtk_combo_box_append_text(),
189 	 * gtk_combo_box_insert_text(), gtk_combo_box_prepend_text() and
190 	 * gtk_combo_box_remove_text().
191 	 * Since 2.4
192 	 * Returns:
193 	 *  A new GtkComboBox.
194 	 * Throws: ConstructionException GTK+ fails to create the object.
195 	 */
196 	public this (bool text=true)
197 	{
198 		GtkComboBox* p;
199 		if ( text )
200 		{
201 			// GtkWidget* gtk_combo_box_new_text (void);
202 			p = cast(GtkComboBox*)gtk_combo_box_new_text();
203 		}
204 		else
205 		{
206 			// GtkWidget* gtk_combo_box_new (void);
207 			p = cast(GtkComboBox*)gtk_combo_box_new();
208 		}
210 		if(p is null)
211 		{
212 			throw new ConstructionException("null returned by gtk_combo_box_new");
213 		}
215 		this(p);
216 	}
218 	/** */
219 	public void setActiveText(string text, bool insert=false)
220 	{
221 		int active = 0;
222 		setActive(0);
223 		while ( getActive >= 0 ) // returns -1 if end of list if reached
224 		{
225 			if( text == getActiveText() ) return;
226 			++active;
227 			setActive(active);
228 		}
229 		// was not found, the combo has now nothing selected
230 		if ( insert )
231 		{
232 			appendText(text);
233 			setActive(active);
234 		}
235 	}
237 	/** */
238 	int getIndex(string text)
239 	{
240 		TreeIter iter = new TreeIter();
241 		TreeModelIF model = getModel();
242 		iter.setModel(model);
243 		int index = 0;
244 		bool found = false;
245 		bool end = false;
246 		if ( model.getIterFirst(iter) )
247 		{
248 			while ( !end && iter !is  null && !found )
249 			{
250 				found = iter.getValueString(0) == text;
251 				if ( !found )
252 				{
253 					end = !model.iterNext(iter);
254 					++index;
255 				}
256 			}
257 		}
258 		else
259 		{
260 			end = true;
261 		}
262 		return end ? -1 : index;
263 	}
265 	/** */
266 	void prependOrReplaceText(string text)
267 	{
268 		int index = getIndex(text);
269 		if ( index > 0 )
270 		{
271 			removeText(index);
272 			prependText(text);
273 		}
274 		else if ( index == -1 )
275 		{
276 			prependText(text);
277 		}
278 	}
281 	/**
282 	 */
283 	int[string] connectedSignals;
285 	void delegate(ComboBox)[] onChangedListeners;
286 	/**
287 	 * The changed signal is emitted when the active
288 	 * item is changed. The can be due to the user selecting
289 	 * a different item from the list, or due to a
290 	 * call to gtk_combo_box_set_active_iter().
291 	 * It will also be emitted while typing into a GtkComboBoxEntry,
292 	 * as well as when selecting an item from the GtkComboBoxEntry's list.
293 	 * Since 2.4
294 	 */
295 	void addOnChanged(void delegate(ComboBox) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
296 	{
297 		if ( !("changed" in connectedSignals) )
298 		{
299 			Signals.connectData(
300 			getStruct(),
301 			"changed",
302 			cast(GCallback)&callBackChanged,
303 			cast(void*)this,
304 			null,
305 			connectFlags);
306 			connectedSignals["changed"] = 1;
307 		}
308 		onChangedListeners ~= dlg;
309 	}
310 	extern(C) static void callBackChanged(GtkComboBox* widgetStruct, ComboBox _comboBox)
311 	{
312 		foreach ( void delegate(ComboBox) dlg ; _comboBox.onChangedListeners )
313 		{
314 			dlg(_comboBox);
315 		}
316 	}
318 	void delegate(GtkScrollType, ComboBox)[] onMoveActiveListeners;
319 	/**
320 	 * The ::move-active signal is a
321 	 * keybinding signal
322 	 * which gets emitted to move the active selection.
323 	 * Since 2.12
324 	 */
325 	void addOnMoveActive(void delegate(GtkScrollType, ComboBox) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
326 	{
327 		if ( !("move-active" in connectedSignals) )
328 		{
329 			Signals.connectData(
330 			getStruct(),
331 			"move-active",
332 			cast(GCallback)&callBackMoveActive,
333 			cast(void*)this,
334 			null,
335 			connectFlags);
336 			connectedSignals["move-active"] = 1;
337 		}
338 		onMoveActiveListeners ~= dlg;
339 	}
340 	extern(C) static void callBackMoveActive(GtkComboBox* widgetStruct, GtkScrollType scrollType, ComboBox _comboBox)
341 	{
342 		foreach ( void delegate(GtkScrollType, ComboBox) dlg ; _comboBox.onMoveActiveListeners )
343 		{
344 			dlg(scrollType, _comboBox);
345 		}
346 	}
348 	bool delegate(ComboBox)[] onPopdownListeners;
349 	/**
350 	 * The ::popdown signal is a
351 	 * keybinding signal
352 	 * which gets emitted to popdown the combo box list.
353 	 * The default bindings for this signal are Alt+Up and Escape.
354 	 * Since 2.12
355 	 */
356 	void addOnPopdown(bool delegate(ComboBox) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
357 	{
358 		if ( !("popdown" in connectedSignals) )
359 		{
360 			Signals.connectData(
361 			getStruct(),
362 			"popdown",
363 			cast(GCallback)&callBackPopdown,
364 			cast(void*)this,
365 			null,
366 			connectFlags);
367 			connectedSignals["popdown"] = 1;
368 		}
369 		onPopdownListeners ~= dlg;
370 	}
371 	extern(C) static gboolean callBackPopdown(GtkComboBox* buttonStruct, ComboBox _comboBox)
372 	{
373 		foreach ( bool delegate(ComboBox) dlg ; _comboBox.onPopdownListeners )
374 		{
375 			if ( dlg(_comboBox) )
376 			{
377 				return 1;
378 			}
379 		}
381 		return 0;
382 	}
384 	void delegate(ComboBox)[] onPopupListeners;
385 	/**
386 	 * The ::popup signal is a
387 	 * keybinding signal
388 	 * which gets emitted to popup the combo box list.
389 	 * The default binding for this signal is Alt+Down.
390 	 * Since 2.12
391 	 * See Also
392 	 * GtkComboBoxText, GtkTreeModel, GtkCellRenderer
393 	 */
394 	void addOnPopup(void delegate(ComboBox) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
395 	{
396 		if ( !("popup" in connectedSignals) )
397 		{
398 			Signals.connectData(
399 			getStruct(),
400 			"popup",
401 			cast(GCallback)&callBackPopup,
402 			cast(void*)this,
403 			null,
404 			connectFlags);
405 			connectedSignals["popup"] = 1;
406 		}
407 		onPopupListeners ~= dlg;
408 	}
409 	extern(C) static void callBackPopup(GtkComboBox* widgetStruct, ComboBox _comboBox)
410 	{
411 		foreach ( void delegate(ComboBox) dlg ; _comboBox.onPopupListeners )
412 		{
413 			dlg(_comboBox);
414 		}
415 	}
418 	/**
419 	 * Creates a new GtkComboBox with the model initialized to model.
420 	 * Since 2.4
421 	 * Params:
422 	 * model = A GtkTreeModel.
423 	 * Throws: ConstructionException GTK+ fails to create the object.
424 	 */
425 	public this (TreeModelIF model)
426 	{
427 		// GtkWidget * gtk_combo_box_new_with_model (GtkTreeModel *model);
428 		auto p = gtk_combo_box_new_with_model((model is null) ? null : model.getTreeModelTStruct());
429 		if(p is null)
430 		{
431 			throw new ConstructionException("null returned by gtk_combo_box_new_with_model((model is null) ? null : model.getTreeModelTStruct())");
432 		}
433 		this(cast(GtkComboBox*) p);
434 	}
436 	/**
437 	 * Returns the wrap width which is used to determine the number of columns
438 	 * for the popup menu. If the wrap width is larger than 1, the combo box
439 	 * is in table mode.
440 	 * Since 2.6
441 	 * Returns: the wrap width.
442 	 */
443 	public int getWrapWidth()
444 	{
445 		// gint gtk_combo_box_get_wrap_width (GtkComboBox *combo_box);
446 		return gtk_combo_box_get_wrap_width(gtkComboBox);
447 	}
449 	/**
450 	 * Sets the wrap width of combo_box to be width. The wrap width is basically
451 	 * the preferred number of columns when you want the popup to be layed out
452 	 * in a table.
453 	 * Since 2.4
454 	 * Params:
455 	 * width = Preferred number of columns
456 	 */
457 	public void setWrapWidth(int width)
458 	{
459 		// void gtk_combo_box_set_wrap_width (GtkComboBox *combo_box,  gint width);
460 		gtk_combo_box_set_wrap_width(gtkComboBox, width);
461 	}
463 	/**
464 	 * Returns the column with row span information for combo_box.
465 	 * Since 2.6
466 	 * Returns: the row span column.
467 	 */
468 	public int getRowSpanColumn()
469 	{
470 		// gint gtk_combo_box_get_row_span_column (GtkComboBox *combo_box);
471 		return gtk_combo_box_get_row_span_column(gtkComboBox);
472 	}
474 	/**
475 	 * Sets the column with row span information for combo_box to be row_span.
476 	 * The row span column contains integers which indicate how many rows
477 	 * an item should span.
478 	 * Since 2.4
479 	 * Params:
480 	 * rowSpan = A column in the model passed during construction.
481 	 */
482 	public void setRowSpanColumn(int rowSpan)
483 	{
484 		// void gtk_combo_box_set_row_span_column (GtkComboBox *combo_box,  gint row_span);
485 		gtk_combo_box_set_row_span_column(gtkComboBox, rowSpan);
486 	}
488 	/**
489 	 * Returns the column with column span information for combo_box.
490 	 * Since 2.6
491 	 * Returns: the column span column.
492 	 */
493 	public int getColumnSpanColumn()
494 	{
495 		// gint gtk_combo_box_get_column_span_column  (GtkComboBox *combo_box);
496 		return gtk_combo_box_get_column_span_column(gtkComboBox);
497 	}
499 	/**
500 	 * Sets the column with column span information for combo_box to be
501 	 * column_span. The column span column contains integers which indicate
502 	 * how many columns an item should span.
503 	 * Since 2.4
504 	 * Params:
505 	 * columnSpan = A column in the model passed during construction
506 	 */
507 	public void setColumnSpanColumn(int columnSpan)
508 	{
509 		// void gtk_combo_box_set_column_span_column  (GtkComboBox *combo_box,  gint column_span);
510 		gtk_combo_box_set_column_span_column(gtkComboBox, columnSpan);
511 	}
513 	/**
514 	 * Returns the index of the currently active item, or -1 if there's no
515 	 * active item. If the model is a non-flat treemodel, and the active item
516 	 * is not an immediate child of the root of the tree, this function returns
517 	 * gtk_tree_path_get_indices (path)[0], where
518 	 * path is the GtkTreePath of the active item.
519 	 * Since 2.4
520 	 * Returns: An integer which is the index of the currently active item, or -1 if there's no active item.
521 	 */
522 	public int getActive()
523 	{
524 		// gint gtk_combo_box_get_active (GtkComboBox *combo_box);
525 		return gtk_combo_box_get_active(gtkComboBox);
526 	}
528 	/**
529 	 * Sets the active item of combo_box to be the item at index.
530 	 * Since 2.4
531 	 * Params:
532 	 * index = An index in the model passed during construction, or -1 to have
533 	 * no active item
534 	 */
535 	public void setActive(int index)
536 	{
537 		// void gtk_combo_box_set_active (GtkComboBox *combo_box,  gint index_);
538 		gtk_combo_box_set_active(gtkComboBox, index);
539 	}
541 	/**
542 	 * Sets iter to point to the current active item, if it exists.
543 	 * Since 2.4
544 	 * Params:
545 	 * iter = The uninitialized GtkTreeIter. [out]
546 	 * Returns: TRUE, if iter was set
547 	 */
548 	public int getActiveIter(TreeIter iter)
549 	{
550 		// gboolean gtk_combo_box_get_active_iter (GtkComboBox *combo_box,  GtkTreeIter *iter);
551 		return gtk_combo_box_get_active_iter(gtkComboBox, (iter is null) ? null : iter.getTreeIterStruct());
552 	}
554 	/**
555 	 * Sets the current active item to be the one referenced by iter, or
556 	 * unsets the active item if iter is NULL.
557 	 * Since 2.4
558 	 * Params:
559 	 * iter = The GtkTreeIter, or NULL. [allow-none]
560 	 */
561 	public void setActiveIter(TreeIter iter)
562 	{
563 		// void gtk_combo_box_set_active_iter (GtkComboBox *combo_box,  GtkTreeIter *iter);
564 		gtk_combo_box_set_active_iter(gtkComboBox, (iter is null) ? null : iter.getTreeIterStruct());
565 	}
567 	/**
568 	 * Returns the GtkTreeModel which is acting as data source for combo_box.
569 	 * Since 2.4
570 	 * Returns: A GtkTreeModel which was passed during construction. [transfer none]
571 	 */
572 	public TreeModelIF getModel()
573 	{
574 		// GtkTreeModel * gtk_combo_box_get_model (GtkComboBox *combo_box);
575 		auto p = gtk_combo_box_get_model(gtkComboBox);
577 		if(p is null)
578 		{
579 			return null;
580 		}
582 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(TreeModel, TreeModelIF)(cast(GtkTreeModel*) p);
583 	}
585 	/**
586 	 * Sets the model used by combo_box to be model. Will unset a previously set
587 	 * model (if applicable). If model is NULL, then it will unset the model.
588 	 * Note that this function does not clear the cell renderers, you have to
589 	 * call gtk_cell_layout_clear() yourself if you need to set up different
590 	 * cell renderers for the new model.
591 	 * Since 2.4
592 	 * Params:
593 	 * model = A GtkTreeModel. [allow-none]
594 	 */
595 	public void setModel(TreeModelIF model)
596 	{
597 		// void gtk_combo_box_set_model (GtkComboBox *combo_box,  GtkTreeModel *model);
598 		gtk_combo_box_set_model(gtkComboBox, (model is null) ? null : model.getTreeModelTStruct());
599 	}
601 	/**
602 	 * Warning
603 	 * gtk_combo_box_append_text has been deprecated since version 2.24 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use GtkComboBoxText
604 	 * Appends string to the list of strings stored in combo_box. Note that
605 	 * you can only use this function with combo boxes constructed with
606 	 * gtk_combo_box_new_text().
607 	 * Since 2.4
608 	 * Params:
609 	 * text = A string
610 	 */
611 	public void appendText(string text)
612 	{
613 		// void gtk_combo_box_append_text (GtkComboBox *combo_box,  const gchar *text);
614 		gtk_combo_box_append_text(gtkComboBox, Str.toStringz(text));
615 	}
617 	/**
618 	 * Warning
619 	 * gtk_combo_box_insert_text has been deprecated since version 2.24 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use GtkComboBoxText
620 	 * Inserts string at position in the list of strings stored in combo_box.
621 	 * Note that you can only use this function with combo boxes constructed
622 	 * with gtk_combo_box_new_text().
623 	 * Since 2.4
624 	 * Params:
625 	 * position = An index to insert text
626 	 * text = A string
627 	 */
628 	public void insertText(int position, string text)
629 	{
630 		// void gtk_combo_box_insert_text (GtkComboBox *combo_box,  gint position,  const gchar *text);
631 		gtk_combo_box_insert_text(gtkComboBox, position, Str.toStringz(text));
632 	}
634 	/**
635 	 * Warning
636 	 * gtk_combo_box_prepend_text has been deprecated since version 2.24 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use GtkComboBoxText
637 	 * Prepends string to the list of strings stored in combo_box. Note that
638 	 * you can only use this function with combo boxes constructed with
639 	 * gtk_combo_box_new_text().
640 	 * Since 2.4
641 	 * Params:
642 	 * text = A string
643 	 */
644 	public void prependText(string text)
645 	{
646 		// void gtk_combo_box_prepend_text (GtkComboBox *combo_box,  const gchar *text);
647 		gtk_combo_box_prepend_text(gtkComboBox, Str.toStringz(text));
648 	}
650 	/**
651 	 * Warning
652 	 * gtk_combo_box_remove_text has been deprecated since version 2.24 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use GtkComboBoxText
653 	 * Removes the string at position from combo_box. Note that you can only use
654 	 * this function with combo boxes constructed with gtk_combo_box_new_text().
655 	 * Since 2.4
656 	 * Params:
657 	 * position = Index of the item to remove
658 	 */
659 	public void removeText(int position)
660 	{
661 		// void gtk_combo_box_remove_text (GtkComboBox *combo_box,  gint position);
662 		gtk_combo_box_remove_text(gtkComboBox, position);
663 	}
665 	/**
666 	 * Warning
667 	 * gtk_combo_box_get_active_text has been deprecated since version 2.24 and should not be used in newly-written code. If you used this with a GtkComboBox constructed with
668 	 * gtk_combo_box_new_text() then you should now use GtkComboBoxText and
669 	 * gtk_combo_box_text_get_active_text() instead. Or if you used this with a
670 	 * GtkComboBoxEntry then you should now use GtkComboBox with
671 	 * "has-entry" as TRUE and use
672 	 * gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (gtk_bin_get_child (GTK_BIN (combobox))).
673 	 * Returns the currently active string in combo_box or NULL if none
674 	 * is selected. Note that you can only use this function with combo
675 	 * boxes constructed with gtk_combo_box_new_text() and with
676 	 * GtkComboBoxEntrys.
677 	 * Since 2.6
678 	 * Returns: a newly allocated string containing the currently active text. Must be freed with g_free().
679 	 */
680 	public string getActiveText()
681 	{
682 		// gchar * gtk_combo_box_get_active_text (GtkComboBox *combo_box);
683 		return Str.toString(gtk_combo_box_get_active_text(gtkComboBox));
684 	}
686 	/**
687 	 * Pops up the menu or dropdown list of combo_box.
688 	 * This function is mostly intended for use by accessibility technologies;
689 	 * applications should have little use for it.
690 	 * Since 2.4
691 	 */
692 	public void popup()
693 	{
694 		// void gtk_combo_box_popup (GtkComboBox *combo_box);
695 		gtk_combo_box_popup(gtkComboBox);
696 	}
698 	/**
699 	 * Hides the menu or dropdown list of combo_box.
700 	 * This function is mostly intended for use by accessibility technologies;
701 	 * applications should have little use for it.
702 	 * Since 2.4
703 	 */
704 	public void popdown()
705 	{
706 		// void gtk_combo_box_popdown (GtkComboBox *combo_box);
707 		gtk_combo_box_popdown(gtkComboBox);
708 	}
710 	/**
711 	 * Gets the accessible object corresponding to the combo box's popup.
712 	 * This function is mostly intended for use by accessibility technologies;
713 	 * applications should have little use for it.
714 	 * Since 2.6
715 	 * Returns: the accessible object corresponding to the combo box's popup. [transfer none]
716 	 */
717 	public ObjectAtk getPopupAccessible()
718 	{
719 		// AtkObject * gtk_combo_box_get_popup_accessible (GtkComboBox *combo_box);
720 		auto p = gtk_combo_box_get_popup_accessible(gtkComboBox);
722 		if(p is null)
723 		{
724 			return null;
725 		}
727 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(ObjectAtk)(cast(AtkObject*) p);
728 	}
730 	/**
731 	 * Returns the current row separator function.
732 	 * Since 2.6
733 	 * Returns: the current row separator function.
734 	 */
735 	public GtkTreeViewRowSeparatorFunc getRowSeparatorFunc()
736 	{
737 		// GtkTreeViewRowSeparatorFunc gtk_combo_box_get_row_separator_func  (GtkComboBox *combo_box);
738 		return gtk_combo_box_get_row_separator_func(gtkComboBox);
739 	}
741 	/**
742 	 * Sets the row separator function, which is used to determine
743 	 * whether a row should be drawn as a separator. If the row separator
744 	 * function is NULL, no separators are drawn. This is the default value.
745 	 * Since 2.6
746 	 * Params:
747 	 * func = a GtkTreeViewRowSeparatorFunc
748 	 * data = user data to pass to func, or NULL. [allow-none]
749 	 * destroy = destroy notifier for data, or NULL. [allow-none]
750 	 */
751 	public void setRowSeparatorFunc(GtkTreeViewRowSeparatorFunc func, void* data, GDestroyNotify destroy)
752 	{
753 		// void gtk_combo_box_set_row_separator_func  (GtkComboBox *combo_box,  GtkTreeViewRowSeparatorFunc func,  gpointer data,  GDestroyNotify destroy);
754 		gtk_combo_box_set_row_separator_func(gtkComboBox, func, data, destroy);
755 	}
757 	/**
758 	 * Sets whether the popup menu should have a tearoff
759 	 * menu item.
760 	 * Since 2.6
761 	 * Params:
762 	 * addTearoffs = TRUE to add tearoff menu items
763 	 */
764 	public void setAddTearoffs(int addTearoffs)
765 	{
766 		// void gtk_combo_box_set_add_tearoffs (GtkComboBox *combo_box,  gboolean add_tearoffs);
767 		gtk_combo_box_set_add_tearoffs(gtkComboBox, addTearoffs);
768 	}
770 	/**
771 	 * Gets the current value of the :add-tearoffs property.
772 	 * Returns: the current value of the :add-tearoffs property.
773 	 */
774 	public int getAddTearoffs()
775 	{
776 		// gboolean gtk_combo_box_get_add_tearoffs (GtkComboBox *combo_box);
777 		return gtk_combo_box_get_add_tearoffs(gtkComboBox);
778 	}
780 	/**
781 	 * Sets the menu's title in tearoff mode.
782 	 * Since 2.10
783 	 * Params:
784 	 * title = a title for the menu in tearoff mode
785 	 */
786 	public void setTitle(string title)
787 	{
788 		// void gtk_combo_box_set_title (GtkComboBox *combo_box,  const gchar *title);
789 		gtk_combo_box_set_title(gtkComboBox, Str.toStringz(title));
790 	}
792 	/**
793 	 * Gets the current title of the menu in tearoff mode. See
794 	 * gtk_combo_box_set_add_tearoffs().
795 	 * Since 2.10
796 	 * Returns: the menu's title in tearoff mode. This is an internal copy of the string which must not be freed.
797 	 */
798 	public string getTitle()
799 	{
800 		// const gchar * gtk_combo_box_get_title (GtkComboBox *combo_box);
801 		return Str.toString(gtk_combo_box_get_title(gtkComboBox));
802 	}
804 	/**
805 	 * Sets whether the combo box will grab focus when it is clicked with
806 	 * the mouse. Making mouse clicks not grab focus is useful in places
807 	 * like toolbars where you don't want the keyboard focus removed from
808 	 * the main area of the application.
809 	 * Since 2.6
810 	 * Params:
811 	 * focusOnClick = whether the combo box grabs focus when clicked
812 	 * with the mouse
813 	 */
814 	public void setFocusOnClick(int focusOnClick)
815 	{
816 		// void gtk_combo_box_set_focus_on_click (GtkComboBox *combo,  gboolean focus_on_click);
817 		gtk_combo_box_set_focus_on_click(gtkComboBox, focusOnClick);
818 	}
820 	/**
821 	 * Returns whether the combo box grabs focus when it is clicked
822 	 * with the mouse. See gtk_combo_box_set_focus_on_click().
823 	 * Since 2.6
824 	 * Returns: TRUE if the combo box grabs focus when it is clicked with the mouse.
825 	 */
826 	public int getFocusOnClick()
827 	{
828 		// gboolean gtk_combo_box_get_focus_on_click (GtkComboBox *combo);
829 		return gtk_combo_box_get_focus_on_click(gtkComboBox);
830 	}
832 	/**
833 	 * Sets whether the dropdown button of the combo box should be
834 	 * always sensitive (GTK_SENSITIVITY_ON), never sensitive (GTK_SENSITIVITY_OFF)
835 	 * or only if there is at least one item to display (GTK_SENSITIVITY_AUTO).
836 	 * Since 2.14
837 	 * Params:
838 	 * sensitivity = specify the sensitivity of the dropdown button
839 	 */
840 	public void setButtonSensitivity(GtkSensitivityType sensitivity)
841 	{
842 		// void gtk_combo_box_set_button_sensitivity  (GtkComboBox *combo_box,  GtkSensitivityType sensitivity);
843 		gtk_combo_box_set_button_sensitivity(gtkComboBox, sensitivity);
844 	}
846 	/**
847 	 * Returns whether the combo box sets the dropdown button
848 	 * sensitive or not when there are no items in the model.
849 	 * Since 2.14
850 	 * Returns: GTK_SENSITIVITY_ON if the dropdown button is sensitive when the model is empty, GTK_SENSITIVITY_OFF if the button is always insensitive or GTK_SENSITIVITY_AUTO if it is only sensitive as long as the model has one item to be selected.
851 	 */
852 	public GtkSensitivityType getButtonSensitivity()
853 	{
854 		// GtkSensitivityType gtk_combo_box_get_button_sensitivity  (GtkComboBox *combo_box);
855 		return gtk_combo_box_get_button_sensitivity(gtkComboBox);
856 	}
858 	/**
859 	 * Returns whether the combo box has an entry.
860 	 * Since 2.24
861 	 * Returns: whether there is an entry in combo_box.
862 	 */
863 	public int getHasEntry()
864 	{
865 		// gboolean gtk_combo_box_get_has_entry (GtkComboBox *combo_box);
866 		return gtk_combo_box_get_has_entry(gtkComboBox);
867 	}
869 	/**
870 	 * Sets the model column which combo_box should use to get strings from
871 	 * to be text_column. The column text_column in the model of combo_box
872 	 * must be of type G_TYPE_STRING.
873 	 * This is only relevant if combo_box has been created with
874 	 * "has-entry" as TRUE.
875 	 * Since 2.24
876 	 * Params:
877 	 * textColumn = A column in model to get the strings from for
878 	 * the internal entry
879 	 */
880 	public void setEntryTextColumn(int textColumn)
881 	{
882 		// void gtk_combo_box_set_entry_text_column (GtkComboBox *combo_box,  gint text_column);
883 		gtk_combo_box_set_entry_text_column(gtkComboBox, textColumn);
884 	}
886 	/**
887 	 * Returns the column which combo_box is using to get the strings
888 	 * from to display in the internal entry.
889 	 * Since 2.24
890 	 * Returns: A column in the data source model of combo_box.
891 	 */
892 	public int getEntryTextColumn()
893 	{
894 		// gint gtk_combo_box_get_entry_text_column (GtkComboBox *combo_box);
895 		return gtk_combo_box_get_entry_text_column(gtkComboBox);
896 	}
897 }