
Description The selection mechanism provides the basis for different types of communication between processes. In particular, drag and drop and GtkClipboard work via selections. You will very seldom or never need to use most of the functions in this section directly; GtkClipboard provides a nicer interface to the same functionality. Some of the datatypes defined this section are used in the GtkClipboard and drag-and-drop API's as well. The GtkTargetEntry structure and GtkTargetList objects represent lists of data types that are supported when sending or receiving data. The GtkSelectionData object is used to store a chunk of data along with the data type and other associated information.

class Selections {}


Static functions

void addTarget(Widget widget, GdkAtom selection, GdkAtom target, uint info)

Appends a specified target to the list of supported targets for a given widget and selection.

void addTargets(Widget widget, GdkAtom selection, GtkTargetEntry[] targets)

Prepends a table of targets to the list of supported targets for a given widget and selection.

int clear(Widget widget, GdkEventSelection* event)

Warning gtk_selection_clear has been deprecated since version 2.4 and should not be used in newly-written code. Instead of calling this function, chain up from your selection-clear-event handler. Calling this function from any other context is illegal. The default handler for the "selection-clear-event" signal. Since 2.2

void clearTargets(Widget widget, GdkAtom selection)

Remove all targets registered for the given selection for the widget.

int convert(Widget widget, GdkAtom selection, GdkAtom target, uint time)

Requests the contents of a selection. When received, a "selection-received" signal will be generated.

GtkSelectionData* dataCopy(GtkSelectionData* data)

Makes a copy of a GtkSelectionData structure and its data.

void dataFree(GtkSelectionData* data)

Frees a GtkSelectionData structure returned from gtk_selection_data_copy().

char* dataGetData(GtkSelectionData* selectionData)

Retrieves the raw data of the selection. Since 2.14

GdkAtom dataGetDataType(GtkSelectionData* selectionData)

Retrieves the data type of the selection. Since 2.14

Display dataGetDisplay(GtkSelectionData* selectionData)

Retrieves the display of the selection. Since 2.14

int dataGetFormat(GtkSelectionData* selectionData)

Retrieves the format of the selection. Since 2.14

int dataGetLength(GtkSelectionData* selectionData)

Retrieves the length of the raw data of the selection. Since 2.14

Pixbuf dataGetPixbuf(GtkSelectionData* selectionData)

Gets the contents of the selection data as a GdkPixbuf. Since 2.6

GdkAtom dataGetSelection(GtkSelectionData* selectionData)

Retrieves the selection GdkAtom of the selection data. Since 2.16

GdkAtom dataGetTarget(GtkSelectionData* selectionData)

Retrieves the target of the selection. Since 2.14

int dataGetTargets(GtkSelectionData* selectionData, GdkAtom[] targets)

Gets the contents of selection_data as an array of targets. This can be used to interpret the results of getting the standard TARGETS target that is always supplied for any selection.

char* dataGetText(GtkSelectionData* selectionData)

Gets the contents of the selection data as a UTF-8 string.

string[] dataGetUris(GtkSelectionData* selectionData)

Gets the contents of the selection data as array of URIs. Since 2.6

void dataSet(GtkSelectionData* selectionData, GdkAtom type, int format, char[] data)

Stores new data into a GtkSelectionData object. Should only be called from a selection handler callback. Zero-terminates the stored data.

int dataSetPixbuf(GtkSelectionData* selectionData, Pixbuf pixbuf)

Sets the contents of the selection from a GdkPixbuf The pixbuf is converted to the form determined by selection_data->target. Since 2.6

int dataSetText(GtkSelectionData* selectionData, string str, int len)

Sets the contents of the selection from a UTF-8 encoded string. The string is converted to the form determined by selection_data->target.

int dataSetUris(GtkSelectionData* selectionData, string[] uris)

Sets the contents of the selection from a list of URIs. The string is converted to the form determined by selection_data->target. Since 2.6

int dataTargetsIncludeImage(GtkSelectionData* selectionData, int writable)

Given a GtkSelectionData object holding a list of targets, determines if any of the targets in targets can be used to provide a GdkPixbuf. Since 2.6

int dataTargetsIncludeRichText(GtkSelectionData* selectionData, TextBuffer buffer)

Given a GtkSelectionData object holding a list of targets, determines if any of the targets in targets can be used to provide rich text. Since 2.10

int dataTargetsIncludeText(GtkSelectionData* selectionData)

Given a GtkSelectionData object holding a list of targets, determines if any of the targets in targets can be used to provide text.

int dataTargetsIncludeUri(GtkSelectionData* selectionData)

Given a GtkSelectionData object holding a list of targets, determines if any of the targets in targets can be used to provide a list or URIs. Since 2.10

int ownerSet(Widget widget, GdkAtom selection, uint time)

Claims ownership of a given selection for a particular widget, or, if widget is NULL, release ownership of the selection.

int ownerSetForDisplay(Display display, Widget widget, GdkAtom selection, uint time)

Claim ownership of a given selection for a particular widget, or, if widget is NULL, release ownership of the selection. Since 2.2

void removeAll(Widget widget)

Removes all handlers and unsets ownership of all selections for a widget. Called when widget is being destroyed. This function will not generally be called by applications.
