
Description Threads act almost like processes, but unlike processes all threads of one process share the same memory. This is good, as it provides easy communication between the involved threads via this shared memory, and it is bad, because strange things (so called "Heisenbugs") might happen if the program is not carefully designed. In particular, due to the concurrent nature of threads, no assumptions on the order of execution of code running in different threads can be made, unless order is explicitly forced by the programmer through synchronization primitives. The aim of the thread related functions in GLib is to provide a portable means for writing multi-threaded software. There are primitives for mutexes to protect the access to portions of memory (GMutex, GStaticMutex, G_LOCK_DEFINE, GStaticRecMutex and GStaticRWLock). There are primitives for condition variables to allow synchronization of threads (GCond). There are primitives for thread-private data - data that every thread has a private instance of (GPrivate, GStaticPrivate). Last but definitely not least there are primitives to portably create and manage threads (GThread). The threading system is initialized with g_thread_init(), which takes an optional custom thread implementation or NULL for the default implementation. If you want to call g_thread_init() with a non-NULL argument this must be done before executing any other GLib functions (except g_mem_set_vtable()). This is a requirement even if no threads are in fact ever created by the process. Calling g_thread_init() with a NULL argument is somewhat more relaxed. You may call any other glib functions in the main thread before g_thread_init() as long as g_thread_init() is not called from a glib callback, or with any locks held. However, many libraries above glib does not support late initialization of threads, so doing this should be avoided if possible. Please note that since version 2.24 the GObject initialization function g_type_init() initializes threads (with a NULL argument), so most applications, including those using Gtk+ will run with threads enabled. If you want a special thread implementation, make sure you call g_thread_init() before g_type_init() is called. After calling g_thread_init(), GLib is completely thread safe (all global data is automatically locked), but individual data structure instances are not automatically locked for performance reasons. So, for example you must coordinate accesses to the same GHashTable from multiple threads. The two notable exceptions from this rule are GMainLoop and GAsyncQueue, which are threadsafe and need no further application-level locking to be accessed from multiple threads. To help debugging problems in multithreaded applications, GLib supports error-checking mutexes that will give you helpful error messages on common problems. To use error-checking mutexes, define the symbol G_ERRORCHECK_MUTEXES when compiling the application.


this(GThread* gThread)

Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class



void* getStruct()

the main Gtk struct as a void*

GThread* getThreadStruct()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
void* join()

Waits until thread finishes, i.e. the function func, as given to g_thread_create(), returns or g_thread_exit() is called by thread. All resources of thread including the GThread struct are released. thread must have been created with joinable=TRUE in g_thread_create(). The value returned by func or given to g_thread_exit() by thread is returned by this function.

void setPriority(GThreadPriority priority)

Changes the priority of thread to priority. Note It is not guaranteed that threads with different priorities really behave accordingly. On some systems (e.g. Linux) there are no thread priorities. On other systems (e.g. Solaris) there doesn't seem to be different scheduling for different priorities. All in all try to avoid being dependent on priorities.

Static functions

void bitLock(int address, int lockBit)

Sets the indicated lock_bit in address. If the bit is already set, this call will block until g_bit_unlock() unsets the corresponding bit. Attempting to lock on two different bits within the same integer is not supported and will very probably cause deadlocks. The value of the bit that is set is (1u << bit). If bit is not between 0 and 31 then the result is undefined. This function accesses address atomically. All other accesses to address must be atomic in order for this function to work reliably. Since 2.24

int bitTrylock(int address, int lockBit)

Sets the indicated lock_bit in address, returning TRUE if successful. If the bit is already set, returns FALSE immediately. Attempting to lock on two different bits within the same integer is not supported. The value of the bit that is set is (1u << bit). If bit is not between 0 and 31 then the result is undefined. This function accesses address atomically. All other accesses to address must be atomic in order for this function to work reliably. Since 2.24

void bitUnlock(int address, int lockBit)

Clears the indicated lock_bit in address. If another thread is currently blocked in g_bit_lock() on this same bit then it will be woken up. This function accesses address atomically. All other accesses to address must be atomic in order for this function to work reliably. Since 2.24

Thread create(GThreadFunc func, void* data, int joinable)

This function creates a new thread with the default priority. If joinable is TRUE, you can wait for this threads termination calling g_thread_join(). Otherwise the thread will just disappear when it terminates. The new thread executes the function func with the argument data. If the thread was created successfully, it is returned. error can be NULL to ignore errors, or non-NULL to report errors. The error is set, if and only if the function returns NULL.

Thread createFull(GThreadFunc func, void* data, gulong stackSize, int joinable, int bound, GThreadPriority priority)

This function creates a new thread with the priority priority. If the underlying thread implementation supports it, the thread gets a stack size of stack_size or the default value for the current platform, if stack_size is 0. If joinable is TRUE, you can wait for this threads termination calling g_thread_join(). Otherwise the thread will just disappear when it terminates. If bound is TRUE, this thread will be scheduled in the system scope, otherwise the implementation is free to do scheduling in the process scope. The first variant is more expensive resource-wise, but generally faster. On some systems (e.g. Linux) all threads are bound. The new thread executes the function func with the argument data. If the thread was created successfully, it is returned. error can be NULL to ignore errors, or non-NULL to report errors. The error is set, if and only if the function returns NULL. Note It is not guaranteed that threads with different priorities really behave accordingly. On some systems (e.g. Linux) there are no thread priorities. On other systems (e.g. Solaris) there doesn't seem to be different scheduling for different priorities. All in all try to avoid being dependent on priorities. Use G_THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL here as a default. Note Only use g_thread_create_full() if you really can't use g_thread_create() instead. g_thread_create() does not take stack_size, bound, and priority as arguments, as they should only be used in cases in which it is unavoidable.

void exit(void* retval)

Exits the current thread. If another thread is waiting for that thread using g_thread_join() and the current thread is joinable, the waiting thread will be woken up and get retval as the return value of g_thread_join(). If the current thread is not joinable, retval is ignored. Calling is equivalent to returning retval from the function func, as given to g_thread_create(). Note Never call g_thread_exit() from within a thread of a GThreadPool, as that will mess up the bookkeeping and lead to funny and unwanted results.

void foreac(GFunc threadFunc, void* userData)

Call thread_func on all existing GThread structures. Note that threads may decide to exit while thread_func is running, so without intimate knowledge about the lifetime of foreign threads, thread_func shouldn't access the GThread* pointer passed in as first argument. However, thread_func will not be called for threads which are known to have exited already. Due to thread lifetime checks, this function has an execution complexity which is quadratic in the number of existing threads. Since 2.10

int getInitialized()

Indicates if g_thread_init() has been called. Since 2.20

void init(GThreadFunctions* vtable)

If you use GLib from more than one thread, you must initialize the thread system by calling g_thread_init(). Most of the time you will only have to call g_thread_init (NULL). Note Do not call g_thread_init() with a non-NULL parameter unless you really know what you are doing. Note g_thread_init() must not be called directly or indirectly as a callback from GLib. Also no mutexes may be currently locked while calling g_thread_init(). Note g_thread_init() changes the way in which GTimer measures elapsed time. As a consequence, timers that are running while g_thread_init() is called may report unreliable times. Calling g_thread_init() multiple times is allowed (since version 2.24), but nothing happens except for the first call. If the argument is non-NULL on such a call a warning will be printed, but otherwise the argument is ignored. If no thread system is available and vtable is NULL or if not all elements of vtable are non-NULL, then g_thread_init() will abort. Note To use g_thread_init() in your program, you have to link with the libraries that the command pkg-config --libs gthread-2.0 outputs. This is not the case for all the other thread related functions of GLib. Those can be used without having to link with the thread libraries.

int onceInitEnter(gsize valueLocation)

Function to be called when starting a critical initialization section. The argument value_location must point to a static 0-initialized variable that will be set to a value other than 0 at the end of the initialization section. In combination with g_once_init_leave() and the unique address value_location, it can be ensured that an initialization section will be executed only once during a program's life time, and that concurrent threads are blocked until initialization completed. To be used in constructs Since 2.14

void onceInitLeave(gsize valueLocation, gsize initializationValue)

Counterpart to g_once_init_enter(). Expects a location of a static 0-initialized initialization variable, and an initialization value other than 0. Sets the variable to the initialization value, and releases concurrent threads blocking in g_once_init_enter() on this initialization variable. Since 2.14

Thread self()

This functions returns the GThread corresponding to the calling thread.

int supported()

This function returns TRUE if the thread system is initialized, and FALSE if it is not. Note This function is actually a macro. Apart from taking the address of it you can however use it as if it was a function.

void yield()

Gives way to other threads waiting to be scheduled. This function is often used as a method to make busy wait less evil. But in most cases you will encounter, there are better methods to do that. So in general you shouldn't use this function.


GThread* gThread;

the main Gtk struct
