
Description A GRelation is a table of data which can be indexed on any number of fields, rather like simple database tables. A GRelation contains a number of records, called tuples. Each record contains a number of fields. Records are not ordered, so it is not possible to find the record at a particular index. Note that GRelation tables are currently limited to 2 fields. To create a GRelation, use g_relation_new(). To specify which fields should be indexed, use g_relation_index(). Note that this must be called before any tuples are added to the GRelation. To add records to a GRelation use g_relation_insert(). To determine if a given record appears in a GRelation, use g_relation_exists(). Note that fields are compared directly, so pointers must point to the exact same position (i.e. different copies of the same string will not match.) To count the number of records which have a particular value in a given field, use g_relation_count(). To get all the records which have a particular value in a given field, use g_relation_select(). To access fields of the resulting records, use g_tuples_index(). To free the resulting records use g_tuples_destroy(). To delete all records which have a particular value in a given field, use g_relation_delete(). To destroy the GRelation, use g_relation_destroy(). To help debug GRelation objects, use g_relation_print(). GRelation has been marked as deprecated, since this API has never been fully implemented, is not very actively maintained and rarely used.


this(GTuples* gTuples)

Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class



void destroy()

Warning g_tuples_destroy has been deprecated since version 2.26 and should not be used in newly-written code. Rarely used API Frees the records which were returned by g_relation_select(). This should always be called after g_relation_select() when you are finished with the records. The records are not removed from the GRelation.

void* getStruct()

the main Gtk struct as a void*

GTuples* getTuplesStruct()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
void* index(int index, int field)

Warning g_tuples_index has been deprecated since version 2.26 and should not be used in newly-written code. Rarely used API Gets a field from the records returned by g_relation_select(). It returns the given field of the record at the given index. The returned value should not be changed.


GTuples* gTuples;

the main Gtk struct
