
Description The GSequence data structure has the API of a list, but is implemented internally with a balanced binary tree. This means that it is possible to maintain a sorted list of n elements in time O(n log n). The data contained in each element can be either integer values, by using of the Type Conversion Macros, or simply pointers to any type of data. A GSequence is accessed through iterators, represented by a GSequenceIter. An iterator represents a position between two elements of the sequence. For example, the begin iterator represents the gap immediately before the first element of the sequence, and the end iterator represents the gap immediately after the last element. In an empty sequence, the begin and end iterators are the same. Some methods on GSequence operate on ranges of items. For example g_sequence_foreach_range() will call a user-specified function on each element with the given range. The range is delimited by the gaps represented by the passed-in iterators, so if you pass in the begin and end iterators, the range in question is the entire sequence. The function g_sequence_get() is used with an iterator to access the element immediately following the gap that the iterator represents. The iterator is said to point to that element. Iterators are stable across most operations on a GSequence. For example an iterator pointing to some element of a sequence will continue to point to that element even after the sequence is sorted. Even moving an element to another sequence using for example g_sequence_move_range() will not invalidate the iterators pointing to it. The only operation that will invalidate an iterator is when the element it points to is removed from any sequence.


this(GSequenceIter* gSequenceIter)

Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class



int compare(SequenceIter b)

Returns a negative number if a comes before b, 0 if they are equal, and a positive number if a comes after b. The a and b iterators must point into the same sequence. Since 2.14

int getPosition()

Returns the position of iter Since 2.14

Sequence getSequence()

Returns the GSequence that iter points into. Since 2.14

GSequenceIter* getSequenceIterStruct()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
void* getStruct()

the main Gtk struct as a void*

int isBegin()

Returns whether iter is the begin iterator Since 2.14

int isEnd()

Returns whether iter is the end iterator Since 2.14

SequenceIter move(int delta)

Returns the GSequenceIter which is delta positions away from iter. If iter is closer than -delta positions to the beginning of the sequence, the begin iterator is returned. If iter is closer than delta positions to the end of the sequence, the end iterator is returned. Since 2.14

SequenceIter next()

Returns an iterator pointing to the next position after iter. If iter is the end iterator, the end iterator is returned. Since 2.14

SequenceIter prev()

Returns an iterator pointing to the previous position before iter. If iter is the begin iterator, the begin iterator is returned. Since 2.14


GSequenceIter* gSequenceIter;

the main Gtk struct
