
Description GLib doesn't force any particular localization method upon its users. But since GLib itself is localized using the gettext() mechanism, it seems natural to offer the de-facto standard gettext() support macros in an easy-to-use form. In order to use these macros in an application, you must include glib/gi18n.h. For use in a library, must include glib/gi18n-lib.h after defining the GETTEXT_PACKAGE macro suitably for your library: Note that you also have to call setlocale() and textdomain() (as well as bindtextdomain() and bind_textdomain_codeset()) early on in your main() to make gettext() work. The gettext manual covers details of how to set up message extraction with xgettext.


Static functions

string dcgettext(string domain, string msgid, int category)

This is a variant of g_dgettext() that allows specifying a locale category instead of always using LC_MESSAGES. See g_dgettext() for more information about how this functions differs from calling dcgettext() directly. Since 2.26

string dgettext(string domain, string msgid)

This function is a wrapper of dgettext() which does not translate the message if the default domain as set with textdomain() has no translations for the current locale. The advantage of using this function over dgettext() proper is that libraries using this function (like GTK+) will not use translations if the application using the library does not have translations for the current locale. This results in a consistent English-only interface instead of one having partial translations. For this feature to work, the call to textdomain() and setlocale() should precede any g_dgettext() invocations. For GTK+, it means calling textdomain() before gtk_init or its variants. This function disables translations if and only if upon its first Since 2.18

string dngettext(string domain, string msgid, string msgidPlural, gulong n)

This function is a wrapper of dngettext() which does not translate the message if the default domain as set with textdomain() has no translations for the current locale. See g_dgettext() for details of how this differs from dngettext() proper. Since 2.18

string dpgettext(string domain, string msgctxtid, gsize msgidoffset)

This function is a variant of g_dgettext() which supports a disambiguating message context. GNU gettext uses the '\004' character to separate the message context and message id in msgctxtid. If 0 is passed as msgidoffset, this function will fall back to trying to use the deprecated convention of using "|" as a separation character. This uses g_dgettext() internally. See that functions for differences with dgettext() proper. Applications should normally not use this function directly, but use the C_() macro for translations with context. Since 2.16

string dpgettext2(string domain, string context, string msgid)

This function is a variant of g_dgettext() which supports a disambiguating message context. GNU gettext uses the '\004' character to separate the message context and message id in msgctxtid. This uses g_dgettext() internally. See that functions for differences with dgettext() proper. This function differs from C_() in that it is not a macro and thus you may use non-string-literals as context and msgid arguments. Since 2.18

string[] getLanguageNames()

Computes a list of applicable locale names, which can be used to e.g. construct locale-dependent filenames or search paths. The returned list is sorted from most desirable to least desirable and always contains the default locale "C". For example, if LANGUAGE=de:en_US, then the returned list is "de", "en_US", "en", "C". This function consults the environment variables LANGUAGE, LC_ALL, LC_MESSAGES and LANG to find the list of locales specified by the user. Since 2.6

string[] getLocaleVariants(string locale)

Returns a list of derived variants of locale, which can be used to e.g. construct locale-dependent filenames or search paths. The returned list is sorted from most desirable to least desirable. This function handles territory, charset and extra locale modifiers. For example, if locale is "fr_BE", then the returned list is "fr_BE", "fr". If you need the list of variants for the current locale, use g_get_language_names(). Since 2.28

string stripContext(string msgid, string msgval)

An auxiliary function for gettext() support (see Q_()). Since 2.4
