
Creates a GskRenderNode that draws a conic gradient.

The conic gradient starts around @center in the direction of @rotation. A rotation of 0 means that the gradient points up. Color stops are then added clockwise.

  1. this(GskConicGradientNode* gskConicGradientNode, bool ownedRef)
  2. this(Rect bounds, Point center, float rotation, GskColorStop[] colorStops)
    class ConicGradientNode


bounds Rect

the bounds of the node

center Point

the center of the gradient

rotation float

the rotation of the gradient in degrees

colorStops GskColorStop[]

a pointer to an array of GskColorStop defining the gradient. The offsets of all color stops must be increasing. The first stop's offset must be >= 0 and the last stop's offset must be <= 1.

Return Value

A new GskRenderNode


ConstructionException GTK+ fails to create the object.
