
Warning gtk_source_completion_item_new_from_stock has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use gtk_source_completion_item_new() instead. Creates a new GtkSourceCompletionItem from a stock item. If label is NULL, the stock label will be used.

  1. this(GtkSourceCompletionItem* gtkSourceCompletionItem)
  2. this(string label, string text, Pixbuf icon, string info, bool markup)
  3. this(string label, string text, string stock, string info)
    class SourceCompletionItem
    string label
    string text
    string stock
    string info


label string

The item label. [allow-none]

text string

The item text.

stock string

The stock icon.

info string

The item extra information. [allow-none]


ConstructionException GTK+ fails to create the object.
