
Create a new Task that will repeatedly call the provided func with user_data as a parameter. Typically the task will run in a new thread. The function cannot be changed after the task has been created. You must create a new GstTask to change the function. This function will not yet create and start a thread. Use gst_task_start() or gst_task_pause() to create and start the GThread. Before the task can be used, a GRecMutex must be configured using the gst_task_set_lock() function. This lock will always be acquired while func is called.

  1. this(GstTask* gstTask)
  2. this(GstTaskFunction func, void* userData, GDestroyNotify notify)


func GstTaskFunction

The GstTaskFunction to use

userData void*

User data to pass to func

notify GDestroyNotify

the function to call when user_data is no longer needed.


ConstructionException GTK+ fails to create the object.
