
Creates a new GMemoryOutputStream. If data is non-NULL, the stream will use that for its internal storage. If realloc_fn is non-NULL, it will be used for resizing the internal storage when necessary. To construct a fixed-size output stream, pass NULL as realloc_fn.

  1. this(GMemoryOutputStream* gMemoryOutputStream)
  2. this(void* data, gsize size, GReallocFunc reallocFunction, GDestroyNotify destroyFunction)


data void*

pointer to a chunk of memory to use, or NULL

size gsize

the size of data

reallocFunction GReallocFunc

a function with realloc() semantics (like g_realloc()) to be called when data needs to be grown, or NULL

destroyFunction GDestroyNotify

a function to be called on data when the stream is finalized, or NULL


ConstructionException GTK+ fails to create the object.
