- this(GVariant* gVariant, bool ownedRef)
- this(VariantType childType, Variant[] children)
- this(bool value)
- this(char value)
- this(Variant key, Variant value)
- this(double value)
- this(VariantType elementType, void* elements, size_t nElements, size_t elementSize)
- this(VariantType type, Bytes bytes, bool trusted)
- this(VariantType type, ubyte[] data, bool trusted, GDestroyNotify notify, void* userData)
- this(short value)
- this(int value)
- this(long value)
- this(VariantType childType, Variant child)
- this(string format, void** app)
- this(string str)
- this(string[] strv)
- this(Variant[] children)
- this(ushort value)
- this(uint value)
- this(ulong value)
- this(string formatString, string[] endptr, void** app)
- this(Variant value)
glib Variant Variant
constructorsfunctionsstatic functionsvariables
Constructs a new serialised-mode #GVariant instance. This is the inner interface for creation of new serialised values that gets called from various functions in gvariant.c.
A reference is taken on @bytes.