
Creates a #GTlsCertificate from the PEM-encoded data in @data. If @data includes both a certificate and a private key, then the returned certificate will include the private key data as well. (See the #GTlsCertificate:private-key-pem property for information about supported formats.)

The returned certificate will be the first certificate found in @data. As of GLib 2.44, if @data contains more certificates it will try to load a certificate chain. All certificates will be verified in the order found (top-level certificate should be the last one in the file) and the #GTlsCertificate:issuer property of each certificate will be set accordingly if the verification succeeds. If any certificate in the chain cannot be verified, the first certificate in the file will still be returned.

  1. this(GTlsCertificate* gTlsCertificate, bool ownedRef)
  2. this(string file)
  3. this(string certFile, string keyFile)
  4. this(string data, ptrdiff_t length)
    class TlsCertificate
    string data
    ptrdiff_t length


data string

PEM-encoded certificate data

length ptrdiff_t

the length of @data, or -1 if it's 0-terminated.

Return: the new certificate, or %NULL if @data is invalid


GException on failure. ConstructionException GTK+ fails to create the object.


