- this(GstMessage* gstMessage)
- this(ObjectGst src, TagList tagList)
- this(ObjectGst src, int percent)
- this(ObjectGst src, GstState oldstate, GstState newstate, GstState pending)
- this(ObjectGst src, GstFormat format, ulong amount, double rate, int flush, int intermediate, ulong duration, int eos)
- this(ObjectGst src, Clock clock, int ready)
- this(ObjectGst src, Clock clock)
- this(ObjectGst src, Structure structure)
- this(GstMessageType type, ObjectGst src, Structure structure)
- this(ObjectGst src, GstClockTime runningTime)
- this(ObjectGst src, int active, GstFormat format, ulong amount, double rate, int flush, int intermediate)
- this(ObjectGst src, int live, ulong runningTime, ulong streamTime, ulong timestamp, ulong duration)
- this(ObjectGst src, Toc toc, int updated)
- this(ObjectGst src)
- this(ObjectGst src, GstStructureChangeType type, Element owner, int busy)
- this(ObjectGst src, GstState state)
- this(ObjectGst src, GstStreamStatusType type, Element owner)
- this(ObjectGst src, GstProgressType type, string code, string text)
- this(ObjectGst src, string contextType)
- this(ObjectGst src, Context context)
gstreamer Message Message
constructorsfunctionsstatic functionsvariables
Create a new buffering message. This message can be posted by an element that needs to buffer data before it can continue processing. percent should be a value between 0 and 100. A value of 100 means that the buffering completed. When percent is < 100 the application should PAUSE a PLAYING pipeline. When percent is 100, the application can set the pipeline (back) to PLAYING. The application must be prepared to receive BUFFERING messages in the PREROLLING state and may only set the pipeline to PLAYING after receiving a message with percent set to 100, which can happen after the pipeline completed prerolling. MT safe.