
Warning gtk_icon_factory_new has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use GtkIconTheme instead. Creates a new GtkIconFactory. An icon factory manages a collection of GtkIconSets; a GtkIconSet manages a set of variants of a particular icon (i.e. a GtkIconSet contains variants for different sizes and widget states). Icons in an icon factory are named by a stock ID, which is a simple string identifying the icon. Each GtkStyle has a list of GtkIconFactorys derived from the current theme; those icon factories are consulted first when searching for an icon. If the theme doesn't set a particular icon, GTK+ looks for the icon in a list of default icon factories, maintained by gtk_icon_factory_add_default() and gtk_icon_factory_remove_default(). Applications with icons should add a default icon factory with their icons, which will allow themes to override the icons for the application.

  1. this(GtkIconFactory* gtkIconFactory)
  2. this()
    class IconFactory


ConstructionException GTK+ fails to create the object.
