
Maps a file into memory. On UNIX, this is using the mmap() function. If writable is TRUE, the mapped buffer may be modified, otherwise it is an error to modify the mapped buffer. Modifications to the buffer are not visible to other processes mapping the same file, and are not written back to the file. Note that modifications of the underlying file might affect the contents of the GMappedFile. Therefore, mapping should only be used if the file will not be modified, or if all modifications of the file are done atomically (e.g. using g_file_set_contents()). If filename is the name of an empty, regular file, the function will successfully return an empty GMappedFile. In other cases of size 0 (e.g. device files such as /dev/null), error will be set to the GFileError value G_FILE_ERROR_INVAL. Since 2.8

  1. this(GMappedFile* gMappedFile)
  2. this(string filename, int writable)
    class MappedFile
    string filename
  3. this(int fd, int writable)


filename string

The path of the file to load, in the GLib filename encoding

writable int

whether the mapping should be writable


GException on failure. ConstructionException GTK+ fails to create the object.
