
Warning gtk_widget_set_uposition is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. Sets the position of a widget. The funny "u" in the name comes from the "user position" hint specified by the X Window System, and exists for legacy reasons. This function doesn't work if a widget is inside a container; it's only really useful on GtkWindow. Don't use this function to center dialogs over the main application window; most window managers will do the centering on your behalf if you call gtk_window_set_transient_for(), and it's really not possible to get the centering to work correctly in all cases from application code. But if you insist, use gtk_window_set_position() to set GTK_WIN_POS_CENTER_ON_PARENT, don't do the centering manually. Note that although x and y can be individually unset, the position is not honoured unless both x and y are set.

class Widget
int x
int y


x int

x position; -1 to unset x; -2 to leave x unchanged

y int

y position; -1 to unset y; -2 to leave y unchanged
