
Undocumented in source.

Public Imports

public import gtkc.glibtypes;
Undocumented in source.



class KeyFile

Description GKeyFile lets you parse, edit or create files containing groups of key-value pairs, which we call key files for lack of a better name. Several specifications use key files now, e.g the Desktop Entry Specification and the Icon Theme Specification. The syntax of key files is described in detail in the Desktop Entry Specification, here is a quick summary: Key files consists of groups of key-value pairs, interspersed with comments. Lines beginning with a '#' and blank lines are considered comments. Groups are started by a header line containing the group name enclosed in '[' and ']', and ended implicitly by the start of the next group or the end of the file. Each key-value pair must be contained in a group. Key-value pairs generally have the form key=value, with the exception of localized strings, which have the form keylocale=value, with a locale identifier of the form lang_COUNTRYMODIFIER where COUNTRY and MODIFIER are optional. Space before and after the '=' character are ignored. Newline, tab, carriage return and backslash characters in value are escaped as \n, \t, \r, and \\, respectively. To preserve leading spaces in values, these can also be escaped as \s. Key files can store strings (possibly with localized variants), integers, booleans and lists of these. Lists are separated by a separator character, typically ';' or ','. To use the list separator character in a value in a list, it has to be escaped by prefixing it with a backslash. This syntax is obviously inspired by the .ini files commonly met on Windows, but there are some important differences: .ini files use the ';' character to begin comments, key files use the '#' character. Key files do not allow for ungrouped keys meaning only comments can precede the first group. Key files are always encoded in UTF-8. Key and Group names are case-sensitive, for example a group called GROUP is a different group from group. .ini files don't have a strongly typed boolean entry type, they only have GetProfileInt. In GKeyFile only true and false (in lower case) are allowed. Note that in contrast to the Desktop Entry Specification, groups in key files may contain the same key multiple times; the last entry wins. Key files may also contain multiple groups with the same name; they are merged together. Another difference is that keys and group names in key files are not restricted to ASCII characters.
