
Asynchronously creates a new #GDBusObjectManagerClient object.

This is an asynchronous failable constructor. When the result is ready, @callback will be invoked in the [thread-default main context][g-main-context-push-thread-default] of the thread you are calling this method from. You can then call g_dbus_object_manager_client_new_finish() to get the result. See g_dbus_object_manager_client_new_sync() for the synchronous version.


connection DBusConnection

A #GDBusConnection.

flags GDBusObjectManagerClientFlags

Zero or more flags from the #GDBusObjectManagerClientFlags enumeration.

name string

The owner of the control object (unique or well-known name).

objectPath string

The object path of the control object.

getProxyTypeFunc GDBusProxyTypeFunc

A #GDBusProxyTypeFunc function or %NULL to always construct #GDBusProxy proxies.

getProxyTypeUserData void*

User data to pass to @get_proxy_type_func.

getProxyTypeDestroyNotify GDestroyNotify

Free function for @get_proxy_type_user_data or %NULL.

cancellable Cancellable

A #GCancellable or %NULL

callback GAsyncReadyCallback

A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied.

userData void*

The data to pass to @callback.


