
Create a new #PeasExtensionSet for the @exten_type extension type.

If @engine is %NULL, then the default engine will be used.

See peas_extension_set_new() for more information.

  1. this(PeasExtensionSet* peasExtensionSet, bool ownedRef)
  2. this(Engine engine, GType extenType, string firstProperty, void* varArgs)
    class ExtensionSet
  3. this(Engine engine, GType extenType, GParameter[] parameters)


engine Engine

A #PeasEngine, or %NULL.

extenType GType

the extension #GType.

firstProperty string

the name of the first property.

varArgs void*

the value of the first property, followed optionally by more name/value pairs, followed by %NULL.

Return Value

a new instance of #PeasExtensionSet.


ConstructionException GTK+ fails to create the object.
